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Didn't know waking up with a body sore is fine to me if what happened last night will be repeated.

I take shower first and go downstairs.

I got startled when lisa hug me from behind and kiss my neck gently.

"Still sore my wife?" I heard her and I nod.

I heard her chuckle.

"I'm sorry about that my wife, but I made you pancakes."

"That'll do hun." I said giving her my gummy smile.

We start to eat.

When I noticed that Lisa's phone keep ringing.

"You should answer that."

"No it's fine my wife, I don't want to interfere our lovely breakfast." She said makes my butterflies go wild.

"Okay." I said plainly.


"Damn, you look different today wifey." Chaeng said.

"What?" I said suppressing my smile while sitting at my chair.

"Did you finally pop your cherry?!" She yell at me.

I nod and put my hand to my face.

Gosh, this is so embarrassing.

"Omg! Hallelujah!" She said and hugged me.

"Stop it."


"You know.. how can I say this. Uhm.. we argue and then the thing happened." I said shyly.

"Yah! Is she good at bed?! How many fingers did she put in?"

"Woah! Slowly down hubby that's too much. But not only her slender fingers entered." I wiggle my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"She's intersex."

"Holy shit! You lucky one." Chaeng said and laugh.

I laugh at her and we continue our work.


My morning went good and my wife told me that she will meet her friends that's why I'll be eating lunch with hubby.

A knock on my door heard and softly open.

"Hi jen." It's mingyu.

"Oh hey mingyu. What's up?"

"Wanna grab some lunch?"

"No thanks, I'm with chaeng." I said and about to go when he blocked my way.

He hug me quick.

"Please jen, I miss you. You're the only friend I'm comfortable with. Did you not enjoy our dinner last night?"

I'm frozen in our spot, I don't know if I'm right did he just kiss my shoulder before he let go?

He suddenly stumble on the ground leaving me shocked.

"Do that again and I will tear off your fucking face." I heard my wife said in fierce.

Mingyu chuckle wiping the blood on his lips and stand up.

"Wow, what a strong body guard you have here jen." He said making me angry.

"She's my wife mingyu and please get out of my building." I said to him.

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