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I received a message from the head quarters after that jisoo give me the address, and face of the man for my next mission. Jennie update me that she's with rosé buying a dress at the mall because of the event we'll be attending.

I'm thankful that she's updating me now because of what happened at the bar. Standing up and face my beautiful guns a smirked plastered on my lips.

"I think I know a way to kill you Mr. Han."

Hour's of waiting to jennie to come down, I heard a heels through the floor. I get up from the sofa and look at her until our eyes met. Light make up, black dress. So attractive and graceful.



"Yeah. Keep drooling manoban." She said teasing me.

"You look gorgeous on that dress Mrs. Manoban." I said and offered my arm that she slowly slip her wrist.

"You also look good on that suit lisa." She said not looking at me. But I saw her face turning red. Is she mad at me?

I drove at the five star hotel exclusive events for some big people at the business field.

Jennie and I enter revealing a rich people talking, their attention went to us, slowly men and women greet my wife and me but jennie is not having a mood to the people talking to her that's why I offer her to get some drink and she agreed.

"Ugh. I want to go home." She groan looking at her drink.

"But we just got here." I said and heard the music change into something romantic. "If you're bored why don't we just dance?" Offering my hand that she gladly took it and smile at me a little.

I put jennie's hand at my nape feeling her warmth and slide my hands to her slim waist then look into her eyes. We start to dance slowly looking at each other until she spoke.

"I.. uh. Hmm."

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Nothing." She said then I quickly kiss her forehead enjoying the moment then again the familiar feelings creeping to my body that I felt when we got married. I really don't understand stand myself when I meet her. I move to look at her, trace was shock on her face but it was gradually replaced by a suppressed smile.

"W.. what's that for lisa?" She said caressing gently my nape.

"To let them know that you're mine." I said and eyes fierce because they keep glancing at jennie.

The music stop when a man came up to the stage holding a mic, our attention goes to him.

Mr. Han

"Thank you for attending tonight. This is so special about me to celebrate my career in the business, there's so much struggle to be successful that's why I don't give up, finally here I am facing all of you with a glass of champagne in my hand because of my hard work, again thank you for tonight and enjoy." He said and lift his glass of champagne then everyone clap except me.

The event was done, driving back home I saw jennie sleeping. I park my car and unlocked the door carefully carry jennie to go upstairs.

"Hey.. jennie. You need to wash up." I said as I slowly putting her at our bed.

She just hum at me. She's still wearing her make up. She's really tired because of work and adding the amount of the drinks a while ago.

I get a wet wipes to remove her make up, slowly and gently, I change again to another clean wipes and take off her red lipstick.

"Still beautiful even bare face." I said getting her pj's.

Done changing her with comfortable clothes, I glance at her one more time before I proceed on my mission.

"Good night my wife." I change my lady suit, wear a mask put my two pistol to my side and the one who will kill Mr. Han.


Tighten the belt on my waist I look at my watch and take a deep breath.

"Now." I said then jump at the top of the five star hotel building and stop at the floor then kick the glass window to where Mr. Han room located.

Mr. Han got shocked to his bed with two women naked, suddenly five men came holding a gun. I don't waste time I quickly snatch the gun holding one of the guy and blow his head, meanwhile the others keep firing me but I use the body of his men as a shield then use my gun to shoot their head. Three more left. I got the chance to got close at the one guy then get my knife on my legs and cut his throat, blood splash on my suit. The big guy hug me behind and throw me at the table, I stand up fast then punch his face but there's no effect.

Let's see, I stab his one foot I heard him groan then I put my gun on his lower chin then shoot. I saw last of his men getting Mr. Han, I go to his back then strike on his nape using my knife, his body crash on Mr. Han, The two girls keep shouting and crying.

"Get out." I said at the two girls. But when I saw one girl getting a gun under the pillow I blow their two heads.

"W-who are you?" Mr. Han said trembling getting off the body of his men. I help him then tied him on a chair.

I punch his face multiple times, before I kill my target I want them to suffer as much as possible if I have time. But tonight I have plenty.

"W-what do you want?" He said weakly looking at me with blood all over his face.

"You don't know me, but I do know you. Mr. Han one of the famous business man in korea but not just that.. you're also famous at sex trafficking business, am I right?" I said clicking my tongue. I get my special katana for mr. Han in my back.

"This is special Mr. Han because you'll feel your flesh ripping apart slowly. Let's not make it quick shall we?" I said, I saw his breathing become fast and teary eyed.

"P-please I-I'm begging you. I can do whatever you want, just please don't kill me." He begged.

"How was the feeling? Lot's of your victims begged for their life, but what did you do? You did nothing." I said. "I will kill you."

I heard him laugh. Makes my anger grow.

"They're trash, they're an instrument for my business growth. Look. I don't care if it's a kid, young, old. As long as their benefits me I'll use the--

He didn't finish his words when I use my katana to cut his head.

"Aish, It should be a slow killing but you make my anger come out quick." I said as I kick his head roll under the bed.

I wipe my sword first before I put it back on it's case.

Walking back on my secret room all lights are turn off when..

"Where have you been?" Jennie asked behind, I turned around and her arms crossed while looking at me.

"Rule number one my wife." I said, thankfully I didn't bring my sword with me, I left it in my car.

I heard her low sigh then walk upstairs.

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