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Third Person POV

-------- Hanbin's Hide out --------

Lisa carefully walk at the woods wearing a black suit, guns everywhere on her body while her new Katana on her back. There's plenty of guards walking around that's why she went to hide behind a tree for a moment then she grab the man head and twist it. Nobody heard, she move like air went through every man that guarding the mansion.

When a part of the mansion cleared she went to the big glass window to go inside until it shattered because of bullets. Lisa quickly dodge and make way into the house running towards the man who keeps shooting her, she get her pistol and unleashed some bullet that quickly killed the man.

She walk carefully and unknowingly go to the living room a lot of guards holding AK47 all look at her, Lisa pull the trigger first and hide behind the wall exchange bullets to them. She stop firing and throw a bomb caught them off guard.

When she turns around, another large group of five men are surrounding her and pointing their guns. She did a back dive to land her feet at one of the men, causing that to fall. The other man chokes Lisa in the back while the other punches her in the stomach and face. Lisa lets out out in pain but avoids the punch by striking the person behind him, who then releases her. She then pulls out her handgun and targets his head killing him, this time she get her katana to kill.

She took a cautious step back while keeping an eye on them, swinging her weapon at the man who was about to attack her. He used her hand as a shield, which caused the hand to fall on the ground due to the sharp blade. He yelled, and the two that had fled fired a gun at Lisa, but she was so quick that the other man also had his head severed. Lisa runs towards the lone remaining man as he prepares to attack again when Lisa run towards him and just past by she hears a cough. The man falls holding his stomach that has been deeply slashed, and Lisa smirks at him.

As she proceed at the third floor because the second floor already clear, a noise came on a farthest room. Twisting the doorknob she peek at the door when a knife dig to the wall causing her to dodge.

"Welcome back Lalisa Pranpriya Manoban." Hanbin utter sitting at his chair while his guns are lying down at the desk.

Lisa enter the room.

"I was expecting having trouble finding and accessing your realm, Mr. Hanbin. But due to your stupidity, I was able to arrive here quickly and not even wasting a sweat." Lisa smirks.

Hanbin clench his jaw standing up looking at Lisa.

"How dare you called me stupid!" Hanbin slammed his table and get submachine gun and unleashed a bullet for Lisa.

Lisa roll to the floor and left the room to seek safety, but the bullet had scratched her shoulder.

"Stop hiding Lisa, because this time I won't let you live." He laugh while walking, Lisa was waiting for him to come out. When she find the time to attack she uppercut Hanbin's and throw a kick on his stomach, but the man is strong also gave a blow to Lisa's face using the end of the gun he's holding.

Lisa spit blood and use her elbow to hit Hanbin's jaw reason for him to get dizzy and  let go of the weapon. Lisa stab Hanbin's side and twist it, he groan as the pain strongly envelope his body. Hanbin get Lisa's side hair and slam it at the wall so hard three times, Lisa was able to get free when she push Hanbin.

"Fuck!" Hanbin said while getting the knife slowly on his side, when he finally get the knife she throw it to Lisa that she easily avoided.

Hanbin is getting something on his pocket looking sharply at his enemy. He take off the cover using his mouth and dig the needle to his arm as he push the syringe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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