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Going out of my car I open the other door for jennie, she went out elegantly.

"What the?" She said in surprise when I put my suit jacket on her shoulders.

She look at me with anger.

"You might catch cold. Your back is too expose." I said plainly. "And it's red it match with your gray dress."

She just rolled her eyes at me and walk. I saw chaeng waiting at her at the lobby.

She wave her hand at me and I just nod, I look at the building. I know and where chaeyoung's penthouse located and I already study all of the entrance and exit.

They're still talking. I get my phone and dialed her number.

( Who the hell is this? )

"Don't forget our rules my wife." I said looking at her, she look at me and turn off the call.

I wait for them to go to chaeng's penthouse. When I no longer see them. I drive going to my mission.

Minutes later, I position myself and my sniper and wait for my target I'm at the Highest part of the building facing the resto class. I chew some gum looking at the through scope and observe the surrounding.

I look at my watch 1630. I put my index finger at the trigger and slowly breath, using my right eye looking at the scope, there I saw one car infront and two cars behind stop at the Resto Class. 10 men came out.

I relax myself and point on the head of my target.

I released another exhale and pull the trigger targeting not in the man heads. Instead I target the wall beside the door, I saw people panicking because Mr. Lee stumble at the floor lifeless for the reason that a bullet had sunk into his heart. My work is done.

I quickly put my sniper at the guitar case and lowkey go down at the building. Exiting at the parking lot I saw an ambulance and lot's of black in men gather around the resto, the other running finding the culprit.

I walk towards the entrance of the resto to get the special device that seulgi make to bounce the bullet, to deceive his body guard that the bullet came from the other building so they don't be suspicious to the building I was in a while ago. I think the doctor is reviving Mr. Lee now. When the device put it on the wall it'll camouflage to make not people notice.

But a hand grab my shoulder reason me to turn around and face him.

"What are you doing here young lady. Can't you see we have an emergency here." He said looking at me from head to toe.

I lift up my hand for surrending.

"Chill, I didn't know what's going on. I just want to eat. This is my favorite resto. I just got out from my gig." I said make him annoyed.

"We don't care what you did. Get away from this place." He said and push me a little.

"Geez, don't have to push me." I said and wipe my shoulder that he use to touch and I walk away.

A smirked plastered to my lips, when I put the special device in my pocket. It's thin like a paper. Smart ass seulgi.



"How was your hottie wife?" Chaeng asked sitting next to me.

"Annoying." I said shortly.

"What? Why?"

"Everyone is annoying to me hubby, except you." I said and sip the wine I was holding.

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