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Third Person's POV

A tapping sound on a desk keep continue..

"Sir, someone saw Lisa Manoban."

He clench his fist so hard.

"That bitch! Everything is going well then she's suddenly back? She's not going to take away my family. Especially my jennie! I'll make sure this time she will be dead." He throw his telephone at the wall reason for the secretary to flinch.

"Ready the car. I'm going to buy a ring."

The secretary bow and quickly get out of the room.


"Mother, why do we need to keep seeing Mr.  Hanbin?" Ella asked looking at her food.

"Because you're brother likes him and he's a good man." Jennie explain while putting a snacks on their back pack.

"How about me? You know t-that I don't like him, is my feeling not valid?" Ella suddenly utter.

Jennie feels like a struck of lightning hit with her daughter's words. Jennie began to walk towards Ella, she engulfed her with a tight hug.

"No... No baby. I'm sorry Ella for making you feel that way. Mommy is sorry. Y-you know that I love you right?" Jennie softly said stopping herself from crying.

"Don't cry mommy. I know." Ella wipe the tears that Jennie been holding.

"Uhm? Ella did you make mommy cry?" Leo suddenly pop up out of nowhere.

"Of course not!" Ella yell at his brother.

"Then why are you crying mommy? Tell me, I'm gonna throw her favorite doll." Leo threatened.

"No one's gonna throw anything my love, we were just discussing something and suddenly my eyes itch."

"Come on. Uncle hanbin will be here any minute now." Leo excitedly look on his watch even he's not good reading it.

Jennie wipe her tears and put down Ella.

"About that pumpkin, I think there's been changed of pl--

Before Jennie finish her sentence Ella hold her hand and signal her.

"You ready cry baby?" Ella said smiling at his brother.

The doorbell ring.

"I'm gonna go get it." Leo said.

"Why Ella?" Jennie asked.

"This will be the last mommy. I'll give this to Leo." Ella said she the catch up with his brother.

"She's like an old soul." Jennie silently said.


"I'm getting sad, we only have two days left of our mini vacation." Ryujin said sipping her ice coffee.

"I told you kid, let me do this on my own and do yours. But you keep insisting to come with me." Lisa told as she keep reading the News paper.

"I'm enjoying who I am today."

"Really? Soon to be murderer? A killer? We both know that sooner or later you'll be asking me to teach you kid."

Ryujin just gulped and put her attention on the outside view of the cafe.

"It is a common belief that the first kill will always be traumatic and messy. But for me, every kill will always be crazy, every drop of blood that passed through my hands is evidence of how evil I am, and no matter what I do, I will never be able to wash these things away."

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