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Third Person's POV

It's been weeks since Jennie saw her wife going out at their house, she don't want to confront her wife and afraid that she might be not wrong that lisa is having a mistress.

The latter is now at her office busy to a lot of papers in front of her.

"What's happening to the tailor branch at the L.A? The income is getting low for fuck sake!" Jennie groaned and push the button to call Irene, she's finding the other documents so that she'll study what's happening in that branch.

The door open as Irene walk inside. And bow at her boss.

"Where the fuck the L.A branch Documents? I told you to get all of those here right?!" Jennie yell sharp eyes at Irene.

"It will arrive before lunch ma'am, it's only 9:30 AM." Irene said plainly.

"I don't fucking care! Bring it to me now."

"Ma'am it will arrive later because there's an accident at the road they were, that's why they're stuck at the traffic." The assistant calmly told to her boss.

"Told them that they're fired and so are you." Jennie spit out and get another files.

But Irene still standing at her office reason for jennie to raise one of her brows.

"What the fuck are you doing?! You're fired already so fucking leave my company you useless people."

"I'll told them that they're fired but you can't fire me." Irene said looking at her boss.

"Who are you to command me? You're just an assistant Irene, don't fucking try me." Jennie warn because she's starting to get mad.

"You can't. You're not really my boss."

"What the fuck did you say?" Jennie was confused to what she heard.

"My boss is your father, he told me if you fired me you'll never have the right to do it. So I'll leave now ma'am and proceed to my work, just call me if you need me." Irene seriously said and go out.

Jennie was stunned at her secretary, her vain start to pop up because of madness. She slam her hand at her table and throw all the papers.

"Fuck it! If I can fire my father to my life. I'll do it."

Everything around her are annoying.



Going to my wife's office to fetch her because she's already done with her work then I saw Irene going out the company.

"Irene." I said and we look at each other.

"You're wife is in range, she fired 28 people today because of small mistakes. You might know the reasons." She told at me and tap my shoulder leaving me.

There I saw my wife looking at me with piercing eyes.

I get her bag and we go to my car.

I noticed she's having a hard time to put her seatbelt that's why I'm about to help her when she raised her one hand signal me to stop.

"I can manage, just don't fucking touch me." She said making me confused.

Why she's mad? We've been great this past weeks?

We arrived safely at our house. I cooked for us and wait for her at the dining table. I look at the time and it's been one hour she's still upstairs.

I go look to our bedroom but she's not there so I walk towards at her office and there she is working again.

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