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Third Person's POV

A woman with long hair wearing a white suit standing straight blending in a crowded people looking to someone going inside of a casino building.

She went to the back and carefully enter the building and find the man she's been looking for. She wait and wait until the man need to use a restroom.

She look left and right then proceed to the male restroom.

"Hey! Girls are not supposed to be here!" The man yelled at the woman zip his pants going to the sink.

The woman quickly grab the back of his head and slam it to the sink. Blood scattered through the floor because of the broken face of the man.

The woman get her gun with suppressor on her side and aim it to the man's face.

"Wait wait. P-please. Who are you?"

"What do you want?." The man begged wiping the blood that keeps dripping on his face.

"I want my parents back."

The woman pull the trigger until there's no longer bullet to her gun.

She exit the restroom like there's nothing happened. It will discover the body until someone's need to use it.

And just like that she went straight to her apartment, getting ready to rest. She wash her face and remove the small blood on her forehead.

 She wash her face and remove the small blood on her forehead

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"What a monster." She said to herself slowly hold her scar.


"Good job Pranpriya." Erebus said at his chair looking at the picture of the dead people who he wants to be assassinate.

"I should go." Lisa plainly said.

"Sure sure, you have no work for tomorrow. I'll just message your next assignment."

Lisa just nod.

'Yeah. Celebrate as long as you want. You'll my next assignment.' Lisa said to her head leaving Erebus.

She plan for five years to get his trust again and it work, they have an agreement to set free her friends then she will continue serve Erebus for the rest of her life. Erebus was not fond on her offer but eventually agreed because Lisa choose to stay away from SK and move to L.A, Erebus keep on eye of every Lisa's move until he stop and let Lisa do her work because Lisa keep get caught the people Erebus was sending to look for her agenda.

Lisa put her full mask, ready to assassinate someone's ass tonight.

The large mansion was full of guards from every angle you looked. Lisa looked at the CCTV in front of the main gate and pushed the small button to cause it to shut down in one minute, giving her time to enter the gate. Due to the blow to his neck from one of the guards chewing a gum, the guard suddenly fell to the ground. He was quickly retrieved by Lisa, who then placed his body behind the plants.

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