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She's really stubborn and a spoiled brat. Jisoo is really right describing her. I put my motorcycle gloves and helmet going again using my black BMW r nine T bike to the that club where jennie and chaeng went, finding again that man who hurt jennie.

While I was driving my attention go to the dark small alley, a man is aggressively kissing a girl. I stopped my motorbike not taking off my helmet and walk silently on the scene.

I heard the girl trying to call for help and fighting at the man's hold. 4 feet away from them, I get my pistol with suppressor and point at his right foot then pull the trigger, the man cried in pain. I saw the women shocked and dumbfounded but escaping from the man. She didn't saw me because she run to other side of the alley.

I walk going to that pervert man and what surprised me is this is the man who hurt her.

"Lucky you." I said and grab his colar and punch his stomach.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He shout at me. I pull again the trigger aiming his left leg. "FUCK!"

"You're not allowed to ask questions." I said to him and this time I punch his face again and again until he stumble on the ground.

"S-shit.." He curl his body. I shoot his other leg, then his left and right side tummy. My anger is controlling me.

"S-stop." He said begging me about to touch my shoes. But I shoot his hand.

"Don't you fucking touch me. Someone like you doesn't deserve to live, you deserve to die." I said as I point my gun and blow his head with the bullet.

I leave at the small alley unbothered, I rode my motorbike and tell jisoo what I did, and she said she will take care of it.

Going upstairs to get a comfortable clothes, I go to the bathroom and quickly wash up proceeding to our bed.

I slowly lay down facing her, she really like an angel when asleep but a bitchy demon when awake. Even her breathing is elegant.

'I'm sorry if you need to be tied at me. This only lasts a year jennie, I promise when this mission is done you'll be free.'

I saw her move that's why I quickly turn around. I let my eyes shut down and sleep.

Waking up while the sun still asleep I get my running shoes and go outside for a jog.



The sunlight hit my face reason me to wake up. I go downstairs and saw lisa already finished preparing our breakfast of course she's wearing a suit without the jacket, we just eat silently then I go upstairs to take a bath.

I want to stay at home today, The scene lastnight was still fresh. I will find that fucking man and let him know who I am.

A smirked plastered on my lips, I relax here at the living room sofa and opened my laptop. I will finish my other work. Suddenly a message pop up on my screen, it's my dad.

I already found you a secretary. I hope this will be the last time jennie.


'Keep hoping dad.'

"What are you doing?" I got surprised to lisa sitting beside me poker face.

"Yah. You scared me!" I said and continue typing at my laptop.

"You didn't answer me."

"I don't want to answer your question miss manoban." I said in irritation. Argh!

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