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Y/N!!!!!!- oh sorry hehe did I disturbed you I'll go now
Y/N:oh no no..wait I'm comi-
(Before I could escape she ran away I cursed at her and then looked at jimin at said)
Y/N:u-umm I think I should go now she must be waiting
(He looked at me and smiled ahh he's so cute then surprisingly he stepped back aishh why did he let me go I was about to walk to be honest I didn't wanted to go so a brilliant idea popped in my head I turned around and said)
Y/N:umm I forgot to take drinks ko
(He looked at me and smiled even more and nodded I went towards the fridge and took the drinks and again turned around to leave YAH why isn't he stopping me and AGAIN I turned around and said)
Y/N: oh I forgot to take lisa's snack
(I said and took the snack this it was not so high because jimin already took it out I was about to take it that two muscular arms snaked around my waist my breathing hitched)
Y/N:u-umm....j-j-jimin what ar-
JIMIN:shh....just stay like this for a second
(I was froze but slowly melted in his touched he deepened his face in my neck I blushed hard)
JIMIN:you look more cute when you're blushing
(He said still hugging me like there's no tomorrow)
JIMIN:do you know you're the most beautiful girl I have seen
Y/N: I think NO!!.. because I'm the most prettiest
(He giggled and said)
JIMIN:but you're more in my arms
Y/N:then let me be there for forever
(I don't why I said that but it felt right)
(Suddenly he turned me around and our face was just a inch away he was getting closer and closer and.....)
JIMIN:aish..these bastards
(I giggled and he saw me and said)
JIMIN: we'll continue it later...
(He pecked the tip of my nose and left and I was there shook AGAIN?!?!!!...)
Y/N: PARK JIMIN WHY ARE DOING THIS TO ME (I mentally screamed and jumped like a kid and went towards the living room)
Y/N: what's happening here...
LISA: he's taking my chips now
JIMIN:tae....she's a girl just give it to her
Y/N:yea-...wait what do you mean by she's a girl are you trying to say we can't do anything?!?!!!
Y/N:oh really??
Y/N:so what did you meant by SHE'S A GIRL GUVE HER TAE
JIMIN: I mean.......
Y/N:look now you don't have answer it means your really think than girls are weak...but let me tell you girls are not weak
JIMIN: I know girls are not weak but boys are stronger
Y/N:oh....so you think like that...... then let's have a match rosé unnie will see that someone won't cheat the one who will get the packet will win
LISA: let's do it then you really underestimated us
V: let's do this.....bro let them show that we are stronger than them
(Jimin face palmed himself and then said)
JIMIN: is it necessary?
V:yeah bro it's for our reputation
(Jimin just blankly stared at him)
Y/N:yes...it is very necessary and you have to play
JIMIN:for you only..... let's do it but I won't go easy let's do a real game
(I blushed and said)
Y/N: let's just start
(We arranged everything and rosé unnie was standing at the corner looking at us we got ready the packet was at the center and I was standing infront of jimin and lisa was standing infront of tae we were looking into each others eyes the game started and tae ran to catch Lisa from reaching the packet and jimin was about to steal the packet but I came infront I said)
Y/N: I won't let you take that
JIMIN:and I won't give you
(We took the packet at the same time and then we looked at each other)
Y/N: I had it first...
JIMIN:but now I'm having it
(I looked at the packet and then looked up and then winked at him he blushed and then his grip loosened and I took the packet)
(I started jumping around in joy)
(Didn't she just winked at me I looked at her she snatched the packet then I was about say)
JIMIN:hey....that was not fa-
(I stopped in my track when I saw her this happy she is just an angel but then something hit my mind her PAST.......)

Finally my exams are over but my boards are near that's why I'll upload a bit late plz love my ff lovelies 💜💜💜💜

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