18.welcome back

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Y/N: please clean jin hyung's room briefly
Maid 1: we're doing it ma'am
Y/N:but still and did you prepare all the groceries
Maid2:i did bought it
Head maid:ms.y/n all things are prepared don't take stress
JIMIN: she's right now you also have to get ready so go and take a shower
(She gasped and said)
Y/N:I didn't prepare my clothes
JIMIN: I did that for you
Y/N: thank you I'm going to take shower
(She pecked his lips and ran he chuckled and said)
JIMIN: cute
(Jin hyung was coming home today and she was so stressed namjoon hyung has went to take him from hospital he will come after a whole week I was sitting on the sofa when y/n came running)
Y/N:am I looking okay??
(She said turning 360°)
JIMIN:you are looking beautiful
(I said and we heard the bell)
(She said excited and ran to open the door)
JIMIN:slow down or you'll fall
(She said hugging him)
JIMIN:y/n slowly he's not fully recovered
(All chuckled and went inside)
Y/N: I missed you so much oppa
JIN:me too princess
Y/N:go rest in your room I'll prepare the lunch
(He nodded and smiled and kissed her forehead and went in his room)
JIMIN:let me help you
Y/N:oh no no.... I still remember the last time you did that
JIMIN: it was a just a mistake
Y/N:shut up and go and sit with oppa and joonie oppa
(I nodded and pouted and went towards the room I knocked)
JIMIN: hyung can I come in?
JIN:come in
(I went inside and saw jin hyung and namjoon hyung sitting with unnie)
JIMIN:did I disturbed anyone
JIN:no no we were waiting for you to come and where is y/n
JIMIN: she's in the kitchen preparing dinner should I call her
JIN: that's good that she's not here....come I have to talk to you
IU: I'll go and help her
(They nodded and unnie went out and i sat on the chair near the bed)
RM: who did the attack??
(He said angrily and super serious I was not surprised that he was angry but he is the calmest person I know)
JIN:calm down don't let the anger take the best of you
JIMIN:how did this happen hyung and namjoon hyung you both went together right?
RM:yeah we did and we were just patrolling the area when I smelt a strange smell and I was sure it wasn't from our pack so I went behind and I didn't realized hyung wasn't with me and then I came back and saw hyung lying on the floor
JIN:when he ran I was about to follow it but I couldn't move at that time it was like someone freezed me at that spot and when I turned around it was that jerk standing and I looked under me it was wolfsbane it started burning like hell and I couldn't move my body that smell was burning my whole body that's why I couldn't attack him and but then a rogue came and attacked me like he was trying to make me weak and that worked I was so exhausted that I couldn't even stand up and then I shifted in my human form bcz my wolf couldn't take it anymore he fainted and I was also about to when he came closer to me and made me look in his eyes but I tried to avoid it but then he said that he will try to kill y/n I wanted to attack him but I couldn't and I tried to get up and fortunately I did but then I fainted and when I woke up I was in hospital...
JIMIN:he clearly didn't came for you
JIN: I know he would have killed me when I fainted but I just don't understand why couldn't I move
RM: it's like it was some kind of magic but only baekhyun has powers and the information I know he only have one power
JIN:it was definitely not him
JIMIN:it means there is someone who is with him all along and we didn't even noticed now we have to be more careful
(They both nodded and said)
JIN:we have to train our warriors more and increase men on the border line so that no one can come in
JIMIN: I'll try to make a barrier around the house
RM:but that will take your so much energy jimin are you sure you will do it?
JIMIN:her safety is more important right now....but the problem is that I had never used ny power that much so it will take some time
JIN:take your time but try to be quick we don't have much time
(I nodded feeling scared because it's been quite alot of time since I used my powers but I will try for her)
Y/N:guys dinner is ready
RM: coming..
JIN:we can't tell y/n about it now she het scared easily
(It's true last time this happened she couldn't sleep and cried all night we went downstairs and all sat on the table I sat beside her)
Y/N:oppa how did it happened
JIN: nothing I just crossed the border got attacked by rogues
Y/N:but you can fight back from rogues
JIN:they were many
RM:and that time I lost him and when I find him he was fighting with tons of rogues
(Wow that was a good story)
Y/N: O-Okay
(She is still suspicious we ate dinner and talked for a while)
JIMIN: I think I should go now since hyung is back home
Y/N: oh-
IU:he can come by everyday don't be sad
Y/N: I-I am n-not sad
RM: okay okay princess you should send him till the door at last he took care of you for a long time
JIMIN:that was not a big deal and I have to take care of her in future so you know just practicing
(They all laughed and I looked at her and she was blushing hard)
Y/N:okay now come I'll send you to door
Y/N pov
(I was kinda sad that he was going)
JIMIN: I'm sorry but I have to go I haven't went to my pack it will be alot of work now
(I just nodded looking down)
JIMIN:hey look at me
(I looked at him like a lost puppy)
JIMIN: I'll come by often to see my princess ok?
Y/N: promise?
JIMIN: promise
(He said and hugged me he was about to break it when I held him tightly burying my face in his chest he chuckled and hugged me back we broke the hug)
JIMIN: I love you... bye
(He went and I closed the door resting my forehead on the door still holding the handle I took a deep breath and turned around and was about to scream)
Y/N:what are you doing here?
JK: nothing just looking at love birds
(I was flustered and ran towards my room and closed the door and sat on the bed)
Y/N:why does this room looks empty
(I sighed and laid on the bed)
Y/N: I miss him already
(I lazily stood up and went to take a shower I came out and was about to take my pjs when I saw something)
Y/N:jimin's shirt...did he forget it
(Then I saw a little note)
Note: 'I didn't forget it I kept it for you in case you miss me just wear this shirt.    -your lovely boyfriend jimin
(I smiled and said)
Y/N: when did I agreed to be his girlfriend
(I wore it and it smelled just like jimin I got in my bed and instantly fell asleep)

Hello lovelies how are you all doing I hope you're fine doing great and I'm a little bit busy again because my exams are again here I'm really sorry but just remember I love you all 💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜

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