22. someone unknown

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A/N pov
(New lovely couples walking through the hallway catching everyone's eye some jealous and some in awe...lisa waved at y/n at a distance and ran dragging his new lovely boyfie with her)
V: babe slow down..
(He said as soon as they reached)
LISA: how are you guys..??
JENNIE: shouldn't this be our questions
(They laughed leaving two red tomato)
JENNIE: uhh I miss y/n let's go to her after school
LISA: yeah let's go bye I have a class to attend
JENNIE: byeee~~
Y/N pov
(I was sitting in the living room that jimin came)
Y/N: you didn't went to school
JIMIN: what will I do without you
(I laughed and again continued to read my book when I felt someone staring at me)
JIMIN: how can someone be this beautiful
(I laughed at his comment at just shook my head)
JIMIN: what?? I stated the truth
Y/N: oh c'mon I'm not that pretty
(he jolted up)
JIMIN: are you kidding me?? You're literally an angel I always think what have I done to have this beautiful mate
Y/N: that should be my line
(I smile)
JIMIN: ow...
(He said holding his chest)
Y/N:what happened!?!
JIMIN:my poor heart can't take it
(He said over reacting I hit him and laughed)
Y/N: such a drama
(He laid on my lap again closed his eyes)
JIMIN: it's so relaxing
(I put my book down and started playing with his hairs)
Y/N: jimin...
JIMIN: hmm
Y/N: what will you do if I would be gone
JIMIN: I'll die
Y/N: don't say such things
JIMIN: same goes for you
(He said still closed his eyes he hold my hand and said)
JIMIN: I'll never let you go away from me never ever
(He kissed it)
JIMIN: i love you
(I smiled)
Y/N: i know
Time skip
(I woke up and saw jimin sleeping on my lap I looked at the time it's been two hours since he's sleeping omo look at him he looks like a baby sleeping I kissed his forehead and smiled I was about to stand up holding his head when he turn around hugging my waist)
JIMIN: stay please
(He said in a sleepy voice I giggled and just caressed his hairs until he's again asleep I was smiling until I looked up in the window and saw a dark shadow outside it was so dark nothing can be seen in that when two red brick red shiny eyes came in my vision and then a face which can't be seen clearly just smiled at me and that's when I heard)
???: soon princess I'm coming I know your secret
(I freaked out and jimin sensed it and woke up and look at my face)
JIMIN: what happened baby!?!
(He looked outside where I was looking but the shadow disappeared in my sight and everything went black)
(I shaked her she just fainted I carried her to her room and contacted hyungs after some minutes all of them came running to her room)
JIN: what happened!?!
JIMIN: I don't know when I slept and when I woke up she was looking outside the window and when I looked at it she fainted
RM: it's him for sure
SUGA: the eclipse is gonna be soon he'll be more powerful than he already is
JIMIN: I will take care of him
RM: no you can't you know what he us capable of
JIN: we all know that scumbag will come for y/n we have to protect her at all cost
RM: but everyone will go to the lake for eclipse
SUGA: he'll take advantage of it
RM: we need to tighten the security and jimin...
(I looked at him he put his hand on my shoulder and he said)
RM: you can't defeat him alone he's been alot stronger than before
(He's right and he will be more powerful in the eclipse)
J-HOPE: moon will be covered so you we won't be that strong but I can train y'all so that you can fight till it's over
JIN:jimin and I will be with y/n all the time
RM: but you know she always doesn't want anyone near her during eclipse since the start
(hyung just hung his head low and caressed his forehead)
JIMIN: what if she allows me near her
RM: it's possible..
SUGA: if it can you will be with her and we will be near her we won't be that far
(We all nodded but then heard a voice)
Y/N: ugh!!
JIMIN: hey slowly..
(She woke up holding her head and sat down I looked at jin hyung he was so worried so I stood up and he immediately sat beside her and started checking her form top)
JIN: are you ok? What happened? Who was it? What did you saw? Did it hurt you? Wh-
RM: hyung!! Slow down she's fine
Y/N: oppa? What are you doing here? What hap-..UGHH!!
(She fainted again what is happening with her)
JIMIN: y/n!!
SUGA: she needs some rest..
RM: he's right but one has to stay for her
JIMIN: jin hyung you stay she needs you
JIN: No..you stay she needs you more
RM: inform us when she wake up..
(I nodded and all of them went out if the room leaving us I looked at her laying on the bed I hold her hand and said)
JIMIN: I have promised you to keep you safe but now look I can't even keep you safe even when you're by my side
(I kept my head low it's all because of me I shouldn't have fell asleep)
Y/N pov
(I woke up still having that headache but much better than before)
JIMIN: y/n you're awake!! How are you feeling?!
Y/N: I'm fine
JIMIN: do you need something? Water..do you need water?
(I nodded and he immediately gave me water like he was waiting for me to wake up and drink it...as I was drinking all oppas and jungkook-ie came in with a worried face)
JIN: are you okay now?
(I nodded and everyone asked questions together that I can't even hear anything so I looked at jimin and being the best mate he is he understood)
JIMIN: hyungs!!
(They all went silent)
JIMIN: one by one please..
RM: what happened? What did you saw there?
(I remembered before everything went black)
Y/N: there was someone standing there
RM:was that the same man whom you saw before?
Y/N: no..
(All of them frown but I am sure it was not him)
JIN: princess are you sure??
Y/N: I'm sure it was not him it was......a girl

Hello lovelies how are you all I hope you all are fine and doing absolutely brilliant I'm so sorry for updating this late and next chapter is just coming in a few days it's already half written I'm again sorry and I love you all keep supporting me please 💜✨💜✨💫

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