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(The ride was silent both were nervous as hell but then he broke it and said it)
JIMIN: you're looking beautiful princess
(I blushed and said thank you almost whispering he laughed and said)
JIMIN: cute...... would you like to tell me your hobbies
YlN:me.....umm... I like to cook and draw
JIMIN:so I already have a cook and painter
YlN:HEY!! (blushing)......tell me about you I would also like to hear from you
JIMIN: anything for you...... I like to basketball and guitar
YlN:you know how to play guitar
JIMIN: yeah-
YlN:so you also know how to sing
YlN: I wanna hear it
YlN: please please
JIMIN: but-
YlN:you can't say no
YlN:ok done you'll sing for me then
JIMIN:slow down babe.....let me speak
(He chuckled and said)
JIMIN: we're here
(I saw outside it was on hill)
JIMIN:you lik-
(Before he could complete it y/n ran outside and ran towards ahead)
JIMIN:hey!! Wait for me
(She turned around and shouted)
(he laughed and shaked his head and went outside just when y/n was about to go ahead jimin held her wrist and turned her around as she bumped in him)
JIMIN:slow down you'll fall
(He said holding her waist)
YlN pov
(I looked in his eyes filled with love and care)
YlN: I-I think we should sit down
JIMIN:of course babe but....close your eyes
(I closed my eyes and jimin held my hand)
JIMIN:do you trust me??
YlN:more than myself
(I don't know why I said that but I said without hesitating then I felt him smiling
(He guide me towards somewhere I don't know where)
YlN:can I open my eyes now?
JIMIN:just a little more
YlN: we've been walking for an hour now
JIMIN: it's not even 5 minutes
YlN: oh-
JIMIN:you can open your eyes now
(I slowly open my eyes and saw the most beautiful scene we were at the top of the hill and there was picnic setting with a candle in between)
JIMIN:do you like it?
YlN:did you do it all??
JIMIN: yeah-do you like it
YlN:no....... I LOVE IT
(I turned around and hugged him tight and said)
JIMIN:thank you...i love you
(I widened my eyes when I realized what I said I looked at him he was just looking at me like there is no tomorrow then I felt his heart beat it was beating as fast as mine)
JIMIN: hearing this from you is all I was born for
(I looked at him in eyes I didn't realize he was getting closer)
JIMIN:can you say it again plz
YlN: let's eat
(I turned around and quickly sat down and looked at the beautiful moon he sat beside me)
YlN: it's so beautiful
JIMIN:not more than you
YlN:stop it...(blushing)
JIMIN: I have something for you
(I looked at him and he said)
JIMIN:close your eyes
(I closed my eyes and I felt something on my neck)
JIMIN:open your eyes
(I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful necklace....there was moon made on it)
YlN: it's beautiful
(I looked at him)
YlN:thank you.....for everything
JIMIN: I can die for you
YlN: I always love moon because it always remind me of someone very close to my heart
(He smiled and pulled me and made me sit on his lap)
JIMIN:you know when a werewolf tells someone that they are there moon it means they are there everything they're life they're love just like...........your my moon
(I looked at him and my eyes blurred because of tears and I hugged him tightly not planning on letting go)
(She is so soft she hugged me and I hugged her back but then I felt my shoulder wet and sobbing sound I quickly broked the hug and looked at her she was crying)
JIMIN:oh my baby why are you crying
YlN:why do you love me so much?? What if I was not your mate will you leave?? What if your pack doesn't accept will you leave me alone?? What if-
(I cut her off by kissing her and broke the kiss and said)
JIMIN: if I have too fight the whole world for me I will
YlN: Don't love me that much.....You know nothing about me......
JIMIN:then I'm willing to know about you ..... tell me
YlN: I can't
YlN: because you will leave me you won't love me like you do
JIMIN:why you think I'll always love you like I have..... don't think too much
(She stopped when we heard some movement behind us)
YlN: there's something there
(She said standing up I stood up and looked at it and widened my eyes and quickly mind linked jin hyung)
JIN:*what happe-*
JIMIN: *he's here*
( I said and turned towards y/n and said)
JIMIN:we have to go now
YlN:but we just came here
JIMIN:try to understa-
(I was about to say when I heard some wolf's running
I immediately pulled y/n behind my back and protected her and looked everywhere because there was not one)
YlN:jimin what is happening I'm scared
(My heart softened and I said)
JIMIN: it's nothing I won't let anything happen to you
(In no time jin hyung and jungkook and namjoon hyung came running in there wolf form and gathered around y/n protecting her at all cost but then the movement stopped and I predicted they backed away but then)
???: I will come back for you y/n
(It was the voice of person I kill that time I growled louder than ever and then they went away)
YlN pov
(I was so scared but then I saw oppas came running towards me and gathered around me then I heard something)
??: I'll come for you y/n
(I didn't know who was he but he was so scary so I teared up a bit but then jin hyung shifted and hugged me so tight and kept asking)
JIN:are you okay?? Did they do anything??
(I couldn't say so I just nodded but then I hugged him and cried and said)
YlN:oppa he said he will come back he was so scary who was he
JIN:shh...shh calm down everything is fine we are here for you nothing will happen you trust me right?
(I nodded and then again hugged him)
JIMIN: let's go back it's not safe for her here
(They all nodded and went towards the car but then jimin hold my wrist and said)
JIMIN: everything is fine don't be so stressed okay
(He said and kissed my forehead and held me by waist and went towards our car and sat inside and hold her hand)
JIMIN:calm down baby everything is fine
YlN:who was he
JIMIN:he was.......

Hello lovelies how are you all thank you for reading ny story please vote and comment my friends is making fun of me for not having readers please share my story
I love you all 💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨

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