36. the final battle

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BH: let's go smw quiet should we

(He held her neck and pushed her hand making her disappear from the crowd and y/n constantly struggled to get out of his hold but his hold was quite unbreakable.. he reached the second end of the forest and left her abruptly pushing her back and stumble but she managed to stand still)

BH: I see you've improved.. 

Y/N: you want me.. let's end it between us and stop this war give mercy to innocent lives..!!

BH: I have a better offer princess.. marry me and we'll rule this world together

Y/N: I think you've misunderstood.. ending it between us means let's have one on one battle.. and no cowards are not my type..

(Baekhyun growled and ran towards her to attack but got pushed back by her)

Y/N: you've made a mistake by being along

(She closed her eyes and opened it turning into crystal purple eyes and picked up multi stones and threw at him but he dodged by his shield)

BH: who says I'm alone?

(She looked up and saw her surrounded by big large wolves more like rogues thirsty for blood lowly growling looking at her)

BH: didn't your brothers told you not to trust me? Remember princess wolves don't work alone.. you're alone not me..

(Three large wolves ran towards her and atracked her but she managed to stop them but again a wolf was about to attack her from the back but got slammed on the tree)

JIMIN: she's never alone.. I've always got your back..

(Y/n pushed those big ass wolves by the sudden burst of energy she had)

Y/N: you're back..

(She said tears in her eyes)

JM: let's talk later honey we've got fight to win right now.. 

BH: shut your crap..!!

JM: no one can take my princess from me you bastard..!!

(Jimin shifted to his wolf form and so did baekhyun)

TIMBER: oh it's refreshing..!!

(Baekhyun growled at him but timber growled louder making the rogues step back a little but when baekhyun attacked at jimin the rogues attacked y/n)

JM: *I would love it kill that bastard but it's your fight y/n*

(Timber attacked baekhyun and scratched his leg making him step back and switched towards y/n

(Y/n nodded and turned backyards looking at him)

Y/N: for my oppa..

(She raised upwards and a bright glow emitted from her and looked at him)

Y/N: you're dead

(She threw stones at him with full speed and then flew towards him and gave him huge blow of wind pushing him hard but he again stood up on his grounds and ran towards jimin making her lose hrr focus but shifted his way attacked her dropping her hand ok the ground)

BH: you've got alot of weaknesses..

(She got up and looked at jimin and then made a round circle of fire trapping her and baekhyun inside it)

JM: Y/N NO..!!

BH: you're really dying to be alone with me.. it's oky baby I understand 

Y/N: you really delusional do you know? I just want to end this quickly so I can spend time with my wonderful mate..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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