30. a spy

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SB: They can't be fooled easily.. security is very tight too but they are also too soft hearted specially the alpha but his brother is very smart a single mistake and we're ruined so I won't be here for 2 days I need to observe there
BAEKHYUN: don't waste your time roaming around and collect as much as information as you can and don't be fucking swayed by their kindness always remember they are our parent's murders
SB: I know and I'm also fucking playing on my life
BH: I don't care just die but after I conquer that pack
SB: You're fucking cruel
BH: SO ARE YOU..!! You're also fucking getting swayed by those murderers
SB: I'M NOT..!! And I'll destroy them to show you I'm not a betrayer
BH: good sister
RM: y/n rosé is here for you
Y/N: unnie..?!
(She ran downstairs)
Y/N: UNNIE..!!
ROSÉ: Oh my baby... how are you doing?
Y/N: I'm fine what about you?
ROSÉ: I'm also fine... umm y/n
Y/N: yes unnie?
ROSÉ: how is jimin?
(Y/n stepped back)
Y/N: he's the same unfortunately
ROSÉ: let's not loose hope.. everything will be okyy
(Y/n looked up at her unnie and hugged her crying)
ROSÉ: princesses don't cry
Y/N: I love you unnie
ROSÉ: love you more
RM: only a week left y/n let's step up our game
JIN: but still don't exhaust yourself your safety comes first
HOBI: he's right y/n
SUGA: and also be very cautious remember last time
V: don't scare her hyung
Y/N: i understand all of you but what if something goes wrong?
JK: do we have a plan B?
RM: Don't worry about that I'll take care of it
JIN: you have a plan B?
RM: we'll discuss about it later.. Hey..!! You..!! What are you doing here?
SB: just passing by..
RM: were you eavesdropping?
SB: I have no interest in your stupid meetings
JIN: respect your alpha
SB: sorry alpha... but am I really that suspicious that your brother have to follow me everywhere? or does your brother have bad intentions towards me? I'm really concerned about my safety
RM: what the hell are saying?
SB: don't you have anything else to say?
RM: I'll kill you
SB: alpha..
JIN: namjoon calm down
RM: hyung..?!
JK: wow..
V: namjoonie hyung can get mad?
SUGA: I like this girl
RM: yah..!! Yoongi-ah..!!
SB: thank you
HOBI: like to introduce yourself?
SB: subin..
HOBI: hello ms.subin nice to meet you
SB: please don't be formal with me your older than me
RM: she's an intruder
JK: this beautiful lady..??
JIN: she's not an intruder but an lost wolf that was being chased by rogues
SUGA: hello I'm yoongi..
HOBI: hoseok you can call me hobi
V: taehyung and I already have a mate
JK: jungkook and currently single
RM: You didn't need to say that
JK: hyung you still are my role model so I don't want to fight with you over some girl so you can have her
RM: shut up..
SB: He's your role mode?
JK: Since birth..
SB: I pity you..
(Subin kept eyeing on the only person sitting quietly among the chaos)
JIN: ms. Feel free to look around but you need to step out because we're having some important discussion
SB: yes alpha..
Y/N: a week and 3 days since you're unconscious... tae is handling the pack very well you don't need to worry about that and people are very much satisfied with him He's gonna be a great alpha but of course not as good as you your people are now asking about you they are worried about you... please wake up and give them hope that you're still with us please wake up..
(While y/n was talking and sitting beside him as usual someone was watching her from afar)
SB: the greatest warrior the alpha of red moon pack is still unconscious and they plan to attack on the eclipse night
BH: anything else?
SB: the princess is getting stronger day by day she has mastered fire and air and currently working on water and earth but-
BH: but what?
SB: nothing important
BH: I'll decide what's important or not..
SB: they're suspicious of me
BH: oky so what?
SB: that means I won't be coming here till day before the eclipse night
BH: remember one thing.. don't ever think of being on their side they killed our fucking parents
SB: stop reminding me I can never forget that
BH: good so don't be a fucking coward
SB: I will..

Hi lovelies I know too much drama but what's the meaning of life without drama huh?
You good keep going

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