17.unexpected events

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(I was waiting for y/n that someone mind linked me)
JIMIN:*what happened hyung*
RM:*come to pack hospital right now*
JIMIN:*but why*
RM:*jin hyung is in a serious condition*
(He said makind my eyes widened I stood up)
RM:*bring y/n we can't let her be alone*
JIMIN:*I'm coming*
(I turned around and saw y/n bringing the cookies with a big smile on her face she saw me and sensed something was wrong I told her she was about to fall but I cought her in my arms and said)
JIMIN:y/n......you have to stay strong for hyung
YlN:take me to him
(I nodded and we came outside the house I shifted in my wolf form so that we can reach faster but I noticed y/n was not shifting that's when I realized I have never seen her wolf form maybe she's not comfortable so I just bent down for her to hop on me and gladly she did and we ran towards the hospital as we reached I shifted and without waiting for me y/n ran inside we were about to ask the counter that we saw jungkook coming inside in a hurry he saw us and came towards us)
JIMIN:what happened kook?
JK: I also don't know
YlN:I want to see him plz where is he
(He nodded and we went behind him and saw namjoon hyung sitting outside the operation theater holding his head I went towards him and kept my hand on his shoulder he looked at me and hugged me tightly and said)
RM: it's all my fault I shouldn't have left him alone
JIMIN:hold yourself hyung he will be alright
RM:where is y/n
(I stepped aside and he saw y/n..y/n ran towards him and hugged him and cried insanely)
YlN:oppa where is jin oppa.......I want to see him
RM:ssshh..my princess it's alright he is a strong man he will be okay
JIMIN: hyung where is unnie..??
RM:she doesn't know that yet.... I didn't had courage to tell her
JIMIN:you have to tell her hyung
(He looked at me and then nodded she was not home she went to her her friend's house in our pack)
JK: I don't think we should tell her she would have known till now because it's all over pack that alpha was attacked and she went to her friends who is in our pack
(I was about to say something when we saw unnie running towards us)
IU:w-what h-happ-happened
(We all looked at her she was in a very bad state y/n we all looked at her)
JIMIN:unnie please hold yourself hyung won't like to see you like this
(She went towards the chairs and sat on one of them cried)
IU:why didn't anyone tell me about this....
RM: I was about to..
(She didn't said anything and just sat their y/n went towards her and put her head on her shoulder and started to caressing it)
YlN: it's okay unnie everything will be alright
(It's been 1 hour and there's no news we all were waiting impatiently and then a doctor came out and I ran towards him and said)
JIMIN: how's he doctor
DR: he's out of danger
(We all sighed heavily in relief)
DR:the injury was really deep but our alpha is very strong his body managed to not harm anyone of his organ whoever did that it was so close to his heart he recovering right now he have to take complete bed for 2 weeks usually people take a month but as our alpha is strong he can recover in a week but still he have to rest for 1 week so that his his wound doesn't open again
(He explained I nodded and said)
JIMIN:when can we see him
DR: you can see him now but only one can go at a time
(We nodded and y/n said)
YlN: unnie you should go first
(She smiled at her and went inside I went towards
Y/n and said)
JIMIN: relax everything is okay now
(I said and and hugged her)
JIMIN: let me get you some coffee..
(I was about to get up but y/n held me tight)
YlN: don't leave me...
(She snuggled more into me and patted her hairs and said)
JIMIN: aren't you tired?
(She nodded in a cute way and that's when unnie came outside)
RM: how's he?
IU: he's fine.....he wants to meet y/n
(We all looked at her and she stood up and went inside without saying anything)
JIMIN: I hope she's fine
YlN pov
(I came inside and saw oppa laying there eyes closed)
(He immediately opened his eyes saw me he tried to get but I stopped him saying)
YlN: don't move doctors have strictly said
JIN:are you okay??....
YlN:oppw you're the one that is in the hospital bed lying lifeless and still saying I'm okay are you serious oppa...
(I scolded him for being careless and he chuckled)
JIN: I'm fine
( I sat on the chair and looked at him and my eyes filled up)
(As she said that she started crying)
JIN: don't cry princess it hurts more to see you cry
(I wiped my tears and said)
Y/n:who did this to you?.... I'm gonna kill him/her
(Jin Chuckled and said)
JIN:then I should worry about that person more than me
Y/N:How can you laugh in this situation
JIN: come here
(He said opening his arms and she immediately hugged him tight)
JIN: I can't breathe
(He said and she moved back understanding he was joking)
DR:let alpha rest now please
Y/N: we're waiting for you
JIN: Don't.....go home and rest and take jimin and namjoon with you tell them tor rest as well
Y/N: but-
JIN:no buts it's my order now go
(He caressed her hair and said)
JIN: I'm fine take care of yourself
(He said with a smile and I smiled back)

Oh my god lovelies thank you so much 1K I wasn't expecting it but thank you so so so so so so muchhh I love you 💜✨💜✨✨💜💜✨💜✨💜 keep supporting me please and sorry if I'm delaying the chapter my exams are again coming and thank you again see you next time byeeeee lovelies

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