23.a new mystery

495 19 5

RM pov
(We all were so confused because of what y/n said a girl but how can a girl be here as far as I remember he never had a sister or a family and all of his army are men)
J-HOPE: darling did she say something?
Y/N: she didn't said something but she was trying to tell me about something but then a black shadow came across her and she.....
JIN: she what!?
Y/N: she hypnotized me
(We all were shock)
JIMIN:she hypnotized you?!
Y/N: but it was like she wasn't willing to....
RM:what did she look like?
Y/N: I didn't saw her face but her eyes it was same eyes I saw before... that man's eyes those were the same
JIN:how is this possible??.. princess you need to rest now rest for sometime okay??
J-HOPE:if you need anything just call me
(I nodded with a smile and all of them went out except jimin)
JIMIN: should I stay or go??
(He said in playful way)
JIMIN: I think I should go...
(He was about to go when)
Y/N: wait!?!
(He turned around smiling)
Y/N: stay... please
(He Chuckled and came sat on the bed holding my hand I smiled)
JIMIN: I'm so careless..
(I frown at what he said)
Y/N: who told you that!? I'm gonna break their bones!!
JIMIN:no one did.... I couldn't even protect you even when you're right by my side
Y/N: hey!! Look at me
(He was looking down)
Y/N: I said look at me!!
(I hold his face squishing making him look at me)
Y/N: look I'm all fine nothing happened and because of what?? Because of your protection layer you made so because of you I'm all fine and you're the best and you're the best mate I've ever got.... understand!!
(He nodded he look so cute his lips making a perfect pout making me want to kiss them so I quickly peck his lips but then I realized what I did and he was just looking at me I immediately hide myself in the duvet covering my whole face)
Y/N: I'm sorry i was just-
JIMIN:why are you sorry there's nothing you should be sorry of..
(He said and laid beside me wrapping his arms around me)
JIMIN:are you scared??
Y/N: a bit..
JIMIN: don't be I'm with you
Y/N: exactly that's why I'm not scared…
(I turned around hugging him and slept)
(As as i noticed she was sleeping I slipped from the bed and went to jin hyung)
(I knock on the door)
JIN:come in..
(I went inside and saw namjoon hyung and suga hyung sitting in the balcony with jim hyung)
JIN:did she woke up..
JIMIN:yeah...but slept again
RM:isn't she sleeping alot lately..
JIMIN:she don't have anything else to do-
JIN:come sit..
(I nodded and sat down)
JIN:came for any specific reason..??
JIMIN:actually hyung...
JIN:say it..
JIMIN:we can't keep her in forever moreover the shield is not that strong
RM:he got a point
JIN:i know..but what can we do.
SUGA: we can increase the security..
RM:no use the black night is coming he will be stronger than it already is..
JIMIN:we have to take an action
JIN:we can't start a war..
JIN:we're not that strong
RM:hyung....we know who can defeat him
(We all frowned looking at him that's when jin hyung stood up)
JIN:absolutely no!!!
RM:i know it's hard but we have to..
JIN:there are many other ways..
RM:there aren't...
JIN:no and never
SUGA:can we ask who...??
(Namjoonie hyung and jin hyung looked at each other and just sighed)

Hi lovelies how are you all finally after a long time I'm here again I love you all guys 3000 you guys are the only reason why I'm proud of myself thank you so much for 3k reads again i love you guys so so so so so so so much💜💜💜💜💜✨✨✨

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