34. allies

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Y/N: jimin-ah today's the day we've all been waiting for and worked hard for.. please give me your powers and strength I need you the most right now 

JIN: y/n let's go.

Y/N: even if I don't return always remember I love you..

JIN: Nothing will happen to you you'll be alright I'm always here for you

(They left)
RM: hyung will we be able to do it? 

JIN: let's trust each other.. 

JH: there's a saying trust can even move a mountain..

SG: shut up and let's go..

JK: but hyungs.. those idiots still haven't arrived..

V: how can they be on time when they are your friends.. 

JK: hey..!! They jimined today why are you blaming it on me?

??: WE'RE HERE..!!

JK: why the hell are you guys so late..!!

??2: I wasn't he was..

JIN: thank you for coming Mr. Kim and
Mr. Cha 

??: Please call me mingyu alpha..

??2: your older than us alpha you can call me eunwoo

(Said the two handsome man standing smiling whole heartedly)

MG: meet our alpha.. 

SC: hello alpha jin I'm choi seung cheol

JIN: nice to meet you alpha

V: he got a nice alpha vibe na?

Y/N: Agreed..

JIN: we're forever grateful for your help..

SC: no problem you know true friendships are not made by words but by blood

V: i got chills..

JK: me too..

SC: this is my team and my friends and My greatest warrior..

JG: I'm yoon jeonghan..

WW: jeon wonwoo..

JK: he's mingyu's sweetheart and also a friend of mine

MG: HEY..!!

WZ: hello I'm lee ji hoon also called woozi

DK: hi everyone lee seokmin as dokyeom here 

HS: hi I'm soon young but you can call me hoshi as a human tiger 

V: you're not a wolf..??

MH: he's neither of them he's just stupid by the way I'm xu minghao 

VN: nice to meet you I'm vernon

SK: boo seungkwan.. !!

Y/N: he's cute..

SK: Ik princess

DN: I'm the youngest of all lee chan..

JS: hello everyone I'm joshua

JUN: like the bright moon I'm junhui..

JIN: nice to meet you all and a very welcome to our pack..

V: should we introduce ourselves?

MG: no need I already did..

RM: then let me introduce you to our plan..


SB: go and tell alpha that they're going to defend rather than attack 

MJ: you sure you want to do this..

SB: We don't have any choice we have save your brother..

MJ: subin-ah thank you for everything even if the whole world will be against you I will always be by your side you're a true kind person..

SB: I can give my life to save my people now go hurry they'll be out any minute... and also don't pass the information without getting your brother 

(She nodded and ran away hurriedly)

SB: please forgive me moon goddess..


MINJI: (I was running towards the cave when I heard a voice)

SG: stop right there do not move an inch or I'll chop your head off without thinking twice..

(Minji stopped in the middle)

SG: turn around..

(She did)

SG: you..you were the one namjoon saved but why are you here?

MJ: Just wanted to have fresh air..

SG: in that get up? I don't think so you're here just for that..

(Minji panicked and started running but got pinned down by yoongi)

HS: what happened there?

SG: take her to dungeon..!!

(Yoongi released her)

MJ: NO PLEASE NO..!! i don't have much time..!!

SG: why are you in such a hurry? Where are you going?

MJ: please help me..



JIN: you trained hard just for this one day let's give our all..!!

(Y/n nodded and followed him)

(There was a big army in the middle of deep forest with red blood thirsty eyes and there one and only alpha on the front smirking devilishly)

BH: long time no see my friend..

JIN: what do you want? 

BH: well that was rude..

JIN: we can still stop all of this..

BH: why?! Isn't it fun?

JIN: playing with lives isn't funny baekhyun..

BH: Why? I thought that was your favourite game.. you even played that on your birthday..


BH: haven't your parents taught you to keep your mouth shut when elders are speaking.. oh my bad I guess they didn't had much time..

RM: it's enough hyung let's not wait any longer and break that neck..

JIN: calm down.. I gave you a chance but your greed always came in middle not my fault..

BH: I just want to protect your people from the alpha who couldn't even protect his own parents..

JIN: it's enough.. i trusted you

BH: and that's where you're always wrong.. subin-ah come on your brother is here no need to pretend anymore..

(Subin came infront and everyone looked at her with shocked faces)

JK: You were his sister?

(He looked at her with a broken face)

SB: I'm sorry..

(She walked towards his brother but stopped in the middle)

BH: why did you stopped? Get your fucking ass here..

SB: I'm sorry alpha I didn't believed at you sooner 

BH: its oky you can still join..

SB: you were never my alpha..

(She turned around and looked at jin)

SB: I'm sorry..

Hello lovelies how are you all hope you're fine and doing well.. All well wishes for you guys anyways enjoyyyy

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