19.new journey

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Y/N pov
(I woke up by the sound of knock I went towards the door to open the door)
IU: come have some break...fast ..... looks like you miss him too much
Y/N:huh? unnie what are you talking about?
( She eyed my clothes and I looked at it but I widened my eyes at the realization and looked at unnie and quickly closed the door and blushed hard hugging myself and went to wash up and came downstairs peeking around and came towards the table standing infront of it)
JIN:what are you doing there y/n come have breakfast
(He said and I went to take a seat and unnie looked at me and laughed and shaked her head indicating she haven't told them about it I released a big sigh and started my breakfast)
Y/N:oppa Lisa,jennie and others want to come over for you can they come?
JIN:why are you asking me? Of course they can come whenever they want
Y/N: thank you oppa I love you
Time skip
After one week
(I haven't seen my buga boo for a week in total I miss him so much his shirt is also no use now when will he come)
IU:y/n what are you doing?
Y/N: nothing....do you want something
IU: actually I needed your help.... can you please just water the plants in the backyard I have to go to my friend's house she is quite sick
Y/N:of course unnie you can go I will do it
IU: don't go out because your brothers are not home and jungkook is also not home please take care of yourself I'll come real quick
Y/N: nothing will happen unnie...you go she needs you
IU: I'll go now and again don't open the doors or window understand
Y/N:unnie I'm a big girl now I can take care of myself you go
(She nodded and went out)
Y/N: I really wish jimin was here well you can't do anything let's go beautiful flowers I'm coming
(I said and went to water the plants I was watering the plants when I sensed someone's presence in the house so I quickly went inside and saw no one then I just shrugged it off and again went to backyard watering the plants but then I smelled a very familiar scent I quickly turned around and saw the person I was longing for)
JIMIN: missed me?
(I nodded and said)
Y/N:more than much
(He chuckled and hugged me and we stayed like this for some time)
Y/N:you told me you will come frequently
JIMIN: I'm sorry it was just there was so much work in the pack because I was away for many days so I had to solve it by myself
(I nodded understanding)
JIMIN:why are you alone in the house? Where is unnie?
Y/N:she went to her friend's she was sick that's why and I insisted her to go also
(He nodded and hugged me tightly)
JIMIN: I missed you too..
Y/N:did you ate dinner?
JIMIN:no... I just thought of visiting you since hyung was not home
Y/N:then come I'll prepare it for you
JIMIN:no need princess I'll have it in my pack
Y/N:are you saying that I don't cook good huh?
(She said breaking the hug resting her hands hips)
JIMIN: I lose I'll eat
(He said chuckling and I went towards the kitchen I was preparing dinner when I felt pair of hands snaking around my waist)
Y/N:let me cook jimin
JIMIN: I'm just gonna be like this you cook
(She Just shaked her head and continued cooking)
Y/N:i wonder why unnie is not back
JIMIN: because I told her
(She frowned and turned around facing him and asked)
(He just scratched the back of his neck and laughed nervously)
Y/N:so it was all your plan
JIMIN:babe... I wanted some alone time with you
Y/N:you should have told me your coming
JIMIN: I wanted to surprise you
Y/N: I almost had heart attack because of you
(He just laughed and y/n shaked her head)
Y/N:now go and sit I'll serve
JIMIN:no..you go sit I'll serve
JIMIN: I'm not gonna listen to you
(I just sat down on the table watching him serve he's such a husband material)
JIMIN: I missed your cooking
(He said and dig in and made an dramatic face)
JIMIN:it takes like it's from heaven
Y/N:stop it you dramatic person
(He laughed and we ate and laid on my bed cuddling)
JIMIN: I have to go now princess
Y/N: why?
JIMIN: alpha duties and others are also here
Y/N:oppa doesn't know you're here?
(He just laughed nervously)
JIMIN: I just told unnie
Y/N:oh my god jimin hurry up you have to go
(I quickly stood up dragging him just as I was about to open my door I heard the main door clicked)
JIN: princess I'm home!!
(I widened my eyes and quickly dragged jimin inside and went outside closing the door I turned around and saw jin oppa standing infront of me)
Y/N:o-oh oppa you're back how was your journey
JIN:umm... I just went to solve some issue with the pack members but it was good
Y/N: that's great then
JIN:now come downstairs and eat
Y/N:i had my dinner you can eat
JIN:did jimin also ate?
(He said going but turned back and said)
JIN:he doesn't need to hide from me..
(I chuckled nervously and just slide inside leaning on the door and saw him standing there smiling nervously)
(I said started running after him hitting him with a pillow)
Y/N: can't you just tell anyone because of you I felt so embarrassed you sneaky little mochi wait I'm gonna kill you with my bare hands!!!!
JIMIN: sorry sorry babe I'm sorry jagiya
(He said still running around with me after him)
Y/N:you are so dead mr.park
(As I hit him last time and pillow exploded making his fur spreading all around)
JIMIN:not so soon mrs.park
(He said holding me from behind and I instantly blushed at his words)
JIMIN:now...where is that scary y/n huh?are you blushing??
Y/N:n-no I-I'm not
JIMIN: oh really...
(He turned me around still his hands on my waist)
JIMIN:then what's this pink tint on your cheeks
Y/N:why is it so hot in here??
(I said fanning myself changing the topic and he laughed at my stupidity)
JIMIN:ok ok mrs.park I have some work to do
Y/N:take care of yourself
(We both went outside and saw oppa and unnie sitting on the sofa)
Y/N:unnie you're back!!!
IU: sorry it took me so long
Y/N:no no that's okay...... better than okay I got to spend time with my chim
(I said mumbling the last sentence but then heard a giggle from behind)
Y/N:what are you laughing at??
JIMIN: nothing... hyung I'll start from today
JIN:okay.... good luck
JIMIN: thank you

Hello lovelies how are you all Hope you all fine and doing great well I don't know what time is it on your side but it's 5:18am here and I just wanted to upload it just remember I love you all stay safe and healthy 💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨

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