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YlN pov
(I woke up by sunlight hitting my face then I turned around and snuggle in someone but then I realized someone was in my bed but then I instantly recognized the scent I looked up to see my baby chim sleeping peacefully he hugged me tightly I tried to get up but he is just so strong I was about to try again when...)
JIMIN: let's stay like this for little more while I'm tried...
(I chuckled and ran my fingers in his hair and he fell asleep in a second)
YlN:how can someone call this baby cold look at this cute little mochi I just wanna squish these cheeks of yours and hug you so tight that no one can steal you from me.... I wish I could but I can't......we can't be together
(I also went to sleep)
JIMIN:baby......wake up....jagiya......wakie wakie
YlN:5 minutes more pls
(I said and snuggled in him more he chuckled and said)
JIMIN: it's 10 already
(My eyes shot open and I looked at him)
YlN:did I slept that long!?!?!
JIMIN: exactly-
YlN:oh shit....we missed our school
JIMIN: it's weekend princess
YlN: oh-
(I said but then I realized our position and about to stand up but he pulled me again and said)
JIMIN: can't I get my morning kiss?
(He smirked and said)
JIMIN: if you won't I will....
(I quickly covered my mouth with my palm and he chuckled and said)
JIMIN:come on I'm waiting
(He said and leaned closer)
JIMIN:oh my god baby....why are you shouting
(I stand up and before I could run he quickly came and kissed me so deeply I melt in ut and started kissing him back I could feel his smile in Between he wrapped his arms around my waist and my hands snaked around his neck but then-)
IU: let's go gu-....oh sorry
(She said and quickly closed the door behind I looked at him he was so pissed I laughed and ran towards the  washroom)
JIMIN:hey we're not done yet!!!!!!
(I chuckled and started showering after I was done I realized that I didn't bring my clothes with me I peeked outside to see him and luckily he wasn't there I came out and went towards my closet I was picking my clothes when someone pinned Me on th wall)
JIMIN:what are you trying to do babes?
YlN: I-I was g-getting my clothes..
(Shit....why do I have to shutter)
JIMIN:You're perfect babe....
(I gulped and looked at him)
JIN:guys...come down for breakfast
(He shouted from outside)
YlN: coming!!!
(I said and ran away)
(I chuckled at her cuteness and shaked my head down
I came out of the room and was about to scream)
JIMIN: hyung!!!
(I said holding my chest)
JIN: Don't you dare to touch her...
JIMIN:h-hyung I-I think we should go
(I said and escaped)
JIMIN:unnie please take care of him someday he will kill me with that stare
(She laughed and said)
IU: you are really something else...
YlN pov
(I came downstairs for breakfast and saw everyone already sitting)
YlN:good morning everyone
JIN: good morning princess
IU: good morning come now sit down food is getting cold
(I sat beside jimin because it was only one left)
(I looked up at him and got nervous because he was kinda serious)
JIN:you won't go out of the pack starting today
YlN: HUH!?!?!
JIMIN: it's for your own safety
YlN:b-but my school
JIN:you can take classes at home
YlN:what about ny friends
JIN:call them here
JIN: enough y/n..... I said what I said you can't go out
(My eyes became teary so I ran towards my room)
(She left and I said)
JIMIN:you shouldn't be so strict
IU: He's right you were so rude
(Hyung sighed and went to his room...I went to y/n)
JIMIN:y/n....can I come in?
(She didn't replied so I slightly opened the door and saw her curled up on her bed I went towards her and sat beside her on bed)
JIMIN:he was saying for your own safety y/n
(Then I heard some sobbing)
JIMIN:look at me y/n
(She looked at me with her puffy eyes and sat)
(I said cupping her face wiping the tears)
YlN: I have never seen oppa to that angry...is it because of me?
JIMIN:no..of course not... he's just worried about you....and you also didn't listened to him that's he was a little bit angry
(I said and she looked at me and quickly wiped her tears and said)
YlN: I'm going to apologize..
(Before I can say anything she ran)
YlN pov
(I went towards oppa's room and waa about to knock when unnie came out)
IU:oh..y/n what are you doing here?
YlN:is he still so angry
IU: he's not angry he's stressed
(I nodded and smiled at her and went inside and saw him staring outside the window I knocked to get his attention)
JIN:y/n?...do you need anything?
YlN:no.... I'm sorry
JIN:huh? For what are you sorry princess
(I ran towards him and hugged him and suddenly tears started to form in my eyes)
YlN: I'm sorry oppa I didn't listened to you
JIN:hey.. it's okay why are you crying....you know it hurts me to see you crying right?
( I looked at him and he wiped my tears and said)
JIN: I'm sorry too... I talked to you so rudely
YlN: I'm not going to forgive you
YlN:you have make a cake for me then I'll forgive you
JIN:okay..then only for you
(I hugged him again)
RM: sorry for interrupting but can I also join
(We laughed and I extended my hand he came and hugged us)
(I was sitting on the sofa actually not sitting laying upside down bored)
JIMIN:what are you doing?
YlN: I'm so bored...
JIMIN:hmm.. I have an idea
(I said quickly sitting straight)
JIMIN: let's make something....

Hello lovelies how are you all thank you for reading my story hope you support me I'll upload soon bye ✨💜✨💜✨

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