31. tingling feelings

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(Y/n was sitting in the garden when someone came)
SB: um.. can I sit?
Y/N: of course
SB: you know me?
Y/N: heard your intro subin right?
SB: yea- may I ask your name?
Y/N: I'm y/n..
SB: and you are?
Y/N: sister of kim namjoon and kim seokjin.. kim y/n
SB: oh so you're THE sister of alpha
Y/N: you didn't need to emphasis the
(She said lowly chuckling)
SB: sorry just heard alot about you..
Y/N: about me?
SB: yea- they say you're kind beautiful and very sweet
Y/N: that's too much but yea I like to help people
SB: wanna be friends? I feel very lonely here I know absolutely no one
Y/N: no need to explain.. friends
SB: if you don't mind can I ask you smt?
Y/N: yea go ahead
SB: Who's the person in the treatment room..??
(Y/n looked down a tear dropped from her eye)
Y/N: you see these flowers?
SB: yes..
Y/N: he's the owner of them..
(Subin looked at her)
Y/N: he's my mate
SB: what happened to him?
(Y/n got quiet)
SB: It's absolutely fine if you don't wanna talk about it
Y/N: he got unconscious in between a fight.. with me
(The tears y/n didn't know she was holding back came out)
Y/N: I'm sorry.. I made you uncomfortable
SB: no no its oky you can let it out
Y/N: he was moonlight in my dark nights.. he was always there for me whenever I was troubled he knew I was not oky even without me telling him.. he treated me like his own queen.. he was the strongest and most cold person infront of other but with me.. he was just a little kid hungry for love.. he called me his moon but this moon has too many scars those scars hurt him very bad I just wanna tell him how much I love him and I'm ready to give up on my life for him but just one time only one time I wanna see his stupid beautiful smile again
(Seeing y/n breaking made subin tear up she hugged her and consoled her)
SB: It's not your fault..
(Hearing that y/n cried more badly and hugged subin tighter)
SB: you can't be fooled subin c'mon get out of those stupid thoughts
RM: so you finally admitted that you're stupid and fool
SB: do you have a problem with me?
RM: no..
SB: then wh-
RM: you're the problem
(Subin looked at him with a done face)
SB: then please stay out of problem's way
RM: but I like problems
SB: WHAT..?!
RM: HUH..?! I didn't say that I mean yea I did but no i didn't like I didn't really meant it no like-
SB: stop..
RM: yea I better
SB: see you later
RM: alligator
SB: are you drunk?
RM: what..?! No..!!
(rm just walked away)
RM: what the hell is wrong with me?
SB: exactly..
(He turned around and glared at her but she just shrugged and kept going on her way)
RM: something is definitely wrong with me..
RM: hyung..
(He said knocking on his hyung's door)
JIN: oh joon-ah come in..
(He came in closed the door behind him)
JIN: did something happen? You wanna say something..
RM: no no.. nothing to worry its just my friend who's in trouble..
JIN: your friend? Is.. he.. oky..??
RM: yea yea he's absolutely fine but there something wrong with him so he wanted some advice on it so I- i mean my friend wanted some advice on it
JIN: ofc shoot..
RM: so yea there is this girl my friend met some time ago..
JIN: oky..
RM: and he like totally don't like her I mean he can't even bear sight of her but for some reason he keeps thinking and his heart just do some stupid movements
JIN: does he have any heart issues?
RM: NO..!! I mean no he's all healthy
JIN: does he miss her when he doesn't see her?
RM: not exactly miss her but yea just thinks of her
JIN: does he care about her?
RM: oh absolutely not but you know just to be on the safe side I- i mean my friend always keeps his eyes on her
JIN: does he notice her first in a group of people?
RM: uh..
JIN: he likes her..
(he said shouting and standing up)
JIN: hey..!! hey..!! Calm down
RM: how is this even possible? He doesn't even know her that well he just met her few days ago.
JIN: people fell in love at First sight.. look at me I fell at first sight.. oh my gawd the look on her face
RM: hyung.. hyung out of your thoughts we're of talking about my- my friend's problem and he doesn't even like her he's always irritated by her
JIN: could she be her mate?
(Rm fake a laughed)
RM: impossible I rather be inmated..
JIN: you said something?
RM: huh? Yea- no no and he just spits nonsense infront of her
JIN: It could be his wolf maybe his wolf likes her
RM: hilarious.. I didn't knew you had this bad taste
JIN: Is that all?
RM: oh yea thank you for your quality time
JIN: anytime..
(Namjoon went outside closing the door behind)
RM: nonsense it's not true get a grip namjoon-ah
(He said walking more like running and turn left but bumped into her)
RM: AGH..!!
(They both shouted at the same time subin at just an difference both standing parallel namjoon holding her forearms her hands on his chest both looking in each other's eyes intensely)
RM: (I never noticed how pretty she was under that annoying mask her long lashes light brown eyes with shades of red hidden.. button nose and red cheeks- wait is she blushing?)
SB: (him holding me was so intimating that masculine body.. he was so close that I could hear his hearbeat he heart was racing at dangerous speed)
RM: are you blushing?
SB: what?..NO..!!
(She said pushing him)
RM: then why are you so red?
SB: huh?- me.?? haha s-s-says the one who's heart is literally coming out of his chest..!!
RM: you're hallucinating.. not even in your dreams my heart will race for you
SB: if you appear in my dreams they would be nightmares
RM: excuse me miss girls die for me
SB: ofc they would.. anyone would chose death over you
JK: hyung.. everyone is calling you
RM: I'll see you later
SB: I'm good thank you alligator
(she said walking away from a red angry man)
SB: (what's wrong with me why is this stupid heart beating so fast I've never stuttered in my entire life and what is this feeling I'm having these are all his doing he wants to kill me)
JIN: y/n are you oky?
Y/N: I'm fine oppa
RM: she has improved drastically.. we're proud of you y/n.. no one could ever learn this much in such short time
Y/N: It's all because I have the best teachers
JH: I know I'm the best
Y/N: you are..
V: only 4 days left.. let's try to stall as much as time we can until the moon comes up
SG: the night will be long we can't stall that much time they will attack shortly after the eclipse
RM: that's why two of us will have to be here to protect the pack and the pack house and also third half of the warriors will be here
JIN: Taehyung and jungkook will be here
JK: but hyung-
JIN: It's your alpha's order
V&JK: yes alpha
HB: we'll be on guard by the west borders
SG: by the east
RM: I'll be on the north
JIN: I'll be by y/n's side and joon take the army with you.. you're good at leading army even more than me
HB: oo someone got compliments~
RM: it's an honor alpha but army is us and we're the army we're nothing without them
V: I'm not crying
JK: I am..
(They both fake cried hugging each other)
Y/N: c'mon take a break you dramaticass
JK: men can also cry ok..?!
Y/N: daekcho
(She rolled her eyes at him and sighed)
Y/N: oppa I'm still not ready..
JIN: it's oky you're more than enough and we're all also here for you
(She looked at her oppa and her two dork best friends and smiled and nodded)
HB: c'mon..
(He took his hand out and also took yoongi's over hand)
HB: let's chant..!!
Y/N: huh?
SG: keep your hand over ours
RM: bang bang bangtan..!!
(They all shouted)
SB: why do they also have to be this loud..?!
LISA: and why are you eavesdropping?
(Subin immediately looked back looking at lisa)

I guess that's for now but I'll make sure to write on time and you also know I'm lying but trust me I'm trying my very best guyss
Love you all so much and thank you guysss

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