28. silent cries

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(It's been three days and jimin was still unconscious no doctors can detect what's wrong with him)
JIN: y/n...
(He said softly)
JIN: eat something you haven't eaten anything and I'm seeing that you're not eating well these days you can't be weak.... for him, for you, for us... you can't afford to be weak
Y/N: I know oppa but I don't know what's wrong with me I can't move I can't think properly whenever I try to do something guilt rushes over me it's all my fault.. he's like this because of me
JIN: it's not because of you y/n..
Y/N: that's what I'm trying to make myself understand but it's just not happening what should I do oppa..?!
RM: turn your guilt into rage y/n..
(He said coming closer)
RM: I'm sorry I overheard your talks but it can't see you cry princess
(He hugged her and caressed her hair)
RM: everything's gonna be alright... he's not weak he can fight his own war with himself.. so let's focus on the upcoming eclipse night
JIN: we are always here for you y/n..
Y/N: You know that I love you right..
JIN: I know... I love you more
RM: let's go we don't have time
(Y/n nodded with a little smile and stroked jimin's hair before leaving the room)


RM: Y/N..!!
(He said running towards y/n and pulled her down as she was floating again)
RM: y/n you need to control your powers they're getting out of control
Y/N: I can't help but think jimin oppa
RM: you're losing your focus y/n don't let your emotions get the best of you
Y/N: let's try again
RM: no.. take a rest we'll practice again when you're ready to
Y/N: but oppa-
JENNIE: y/n..!!
Y/N: jen? What are you doing here??
JENNIE: I'm here for you let's take a walk we haven't hang out in a while lisa is also here
RM: go ahead..
(Both girls entered the living room)
LISA: y/n..!! Baby I missed you
Y/N: me or someone else
(She said while looking at the handsome guy sitting)
LISA: of course you dumbo
ROSÉ: I did some preparation for this hang out if you don't mind
Y/N: unnie..!!
(She hugged rosé and cried)
ROSÉ: everything's gonna be oky
(She said while stroking her hair)
LISA: let's go come on
(Tae was about to follow when a hand stopped him)
JENNIE: it's a girls night and we're just in the backyard
(All laughed looking at the sulking boy)
LISA: bye-bye
(She kissed his cheek and followed others)
Y/N: the moon just looks soo beautiful
LISA: I know right I was about to say the same thing
ROSÉ: what's bothering you y/n?? You know jimin will be alright
Y/N: i know but it just doesn't feel right because I'm sure i wasn't the one who attacked him there is someone else we don't know of
JENNIE: set aside your overthinking tonight let's talk about liz she's been quiet lately
Y/N: quiet or busy huhhh??
LISA: oh c'mon guys its nothing like that
JENNIE: having a mate really does change a person look our little liz is blushing
ROSÉ: how would you know?? You don't have mate yet
JENNIE: says the one who also don't have a mate yet
LISA: its a beautiful feeling makes me want more
JENNIE: I'm jealous
LISA: he's quite different from what I thought he was
JENNIE: Yes please..
LISA: he's caring and he's loving and very much possessive yk what happened one time
ROSÉ: what happened..?!
(All looked rosé and laughed)
ROSÉ: oh c'mon don't stop now
LISA: we were in school and a new guy came up to me just to ask direction and tried to flirt with me till now tae don't let that guy even look at me he hates him so much
All: CUTE...!!
LISA: how is that cute? That pitiful boy got his college life ruined
Y/N: his fault he tried to talk to THE mate of kim taehyung
LISA: oh you remember the time when jimin was almost about to killed the guy who bumped into you my mistake
Y/N: oh god that was horrible
ROSÉ: he was so angry that jealous little baby
JENNIE: uhh- I won't call him a baby he's a giant momster
ROSÉ: He's just a child inside don't you agree y/n..??
Y/N: he actually is.. and I love that little pout he makes when he gets upsets.. I hope he wake up soon
(Y/n looked down at her fingers)
LISA: these two best friends are too possessive just let a guy get near you and he'll immediately throw hands at him
JENNIE: not a bad idea
(All laughed and hugged)
Y/N: its good to talk to you all thank you girls
JENNIE: we're always here for you y/n
ROSÉ: don't think of me as your sister-in-law I'm your sister
JENNIE: I'm hungryyyyyy
ROSÉ: I made some cookies
LISA: unniiiie you're the best
Next morning
RM: go steadly and don't think too much
(Y/n nodded and stared at bucket infront of her)
(She closed her eyes and did some movements the water in bucket rose upwards)
RM: you're doing good y/n now try to freeze it
JK: y/n you're doing good
RM: keep calm and focus
(She did and the water rose upwards and made sharp arrows and froze it and attacked the target)
JK: WOAH..!!
RM: brilliant
(The target was ruined)
JIN: I'm proud of you princess..
Someone: alpha the princess is getting stronger day by day
BAEKHYUN: she still can't beat me
?!: she's stronger than you think and all other packs are with them
BH: they're unaware of our secret weapon
?!: they would never guess that
BH: let me see her beauty.. call her
??: you called me..
BH: oh my dear sister..

Hellooo lovelies...!! how are you all and please do let me know did you liked it? And if you have any questions feel free to ask. There might be many mistakes cause English is not my native language
And always remember I love you all and you guys are my support and inspiration for writing
I have uploaded some chapters together so enjoyyyy and let me know how was it?

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