21.new couple

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(they both reached and went inside and everyone was looking at mark with judgemental look because he had his pack sent)
JIMIN: don't worry they won't do anything they're nice but just scared
(He looked around and looked at a pup standing with his mother he smiled at him and he smiled back but his mother hide him behind her so he peeked his head they both went inside the pack house)
V:jimin why are you so la- why is he here!?!?
(He said growling lowly and about to attack when mark hide behind jimin)
JIMIN calm down.... he's my guest
V:a blood moon pack member is our guest?!?!have you lost your mind jimin??
JIMIN:tae.. I'm still your alpha and yes he's our guest treat him like we treat a guest NO fight
(Tae just nodded and looked away)
JIMIN: maid...take him to guest room and tae come with me
(They went in jimin's office)
V:jimin tell me why is he here.?? He shouldn't be here
JIMIN: he's different tae he ran away from his pack
V:what if he is just acting and kill you when you're in your sleep you know we can't trust him they all are betrayers
(Jimin was about to say something when someone opened the door)
MARK:alpha I'm really thankful you offered me to stay but I don't think you're people will be comfortable by my presence but can I please just stay tonight I beg you
(He said begging on his knees)
JIMIN:what are doing mark stand up now
(He said making him stand up)
V:you should be an actor
(He scoffs)
JIMIN:i didn't expected this from you tae
V:me neither
(He said storming out)
JIMIN: Don't mind him he's over reacting
MARK: I'm sorry it's all because of me
JIMIN: it's not your fault go and rest in your room
(Jimin smiled and mark nodded)
Next day
At school
(V came came to school still angry on jimin he haven't talk to him since that fight he saw lisa and her friends with her friends)
LISA:good morning alien!!
(He just ignored her and went towards his locker and took his things and went to his class)
LISA:What's wrong with him?
(She said confused)
JENNIE:did you got ignored??
LISA:shut up..
(She said rolling her eyes but inside she was worried for him)
In cafeteria
(All were gathered around except tae)
(She said gaining everyone's attention)
LISA: have anyone of you seen tae..
JIMIN:he will around who cares
(He said scoffing)
JIN:did anything happened between you two
JIMIN:he over reacts on everything
LISA: I have to use washroom
(She went out to find tae Lisa looked for him in the garden classes he was nowhere to be seen at last she opened the door of rooftop and saw him sitting there while his head down)
V:why are you here??
LISA:what are you doing?
V: dancing
(He said making a poker face)
LISA: then I'll join you
(She said sitting beside him)
LISA:did something happened between you and jimin??
V:how did you know??
LISA: he's also been grumpy since morning but he greeted me back unlike someone else
V: I don't know what he's thinking
LISA:you should understand him he's your soulmate after all
LISA:now let's go I'm hungry
(She said dragging him with her)
while on the another side
(Lisa went away and y/n spoke)
JENNIE:guys it's Lisa's birthday next week
JIN:she will turn 18 right?
JENNIE:yes!!! And she will find her mate that day..eee I'm so excited
JENNIE:we have decided to give her a surprise birthday party
RM: that's great
JH:shush she's here
RM:why are guys coming together
LISA:he just met me on my way
JIN:the environment is peaceful are you guys in good terms
LISA:good terms with this alien...nah
V: definitely not you wild cat
(And there they again started fighting again)
LISA: I don't wanna argue with you I'm hungry
V: you're always hungry
LISA:likesd I care??
(She huffed and started eating her food but then lisa stepped on tae's feet and tae looked at her)
LISA: don't you have anything to say
(She eyed him towards jimin who was not even looking at him)
V: oh-
(He looked up at him with a straight face)
V: I wanted to say something
JIN:why does it look you're going to confess
(He said dramatically gasping)
V: hyung I just want to apologize don't think so further
LISA:you know he's not wrong
(all frowned and asked)
V: what do you mean??
LISA: I mean we don't what if your mate is a boy because your 20 and still couldn't find a girl so you know??
(All laughed except tae and Lisa sipped her drink teasingly)
V: and I think you're mate will reject you even before looking at you..
(And before they start their fight bell rang)
Y/N:thank god
LISA: just wait and watch my mate will be so handsome and intelligent unless like you
V: everyone knows here I'm the most handsome man in the world
(She said casually but someone was burning in jealousy)
JIN:but I'm still world wide handsome
V: I bet he won't be handsome than me
LISA: we'll see
V: I'm pitying on him for having a mate like you
(They said slamming their hands on table going their Ways)
RM: wasn't he supposed to apologize
JIMIN: I also think
(Y/n laughed at them and went to her class with jimin)
Next week
LISA pov
(I woke up feeling so excited because it's my birthday today I checked my phone to see if anyone wished me but got nothing did they forgot my birthday no they won't I'm sure they want to wish me on my face I excitedly ran to change my clothes and went to school I reached their and saw Jennie standing at her locker)
LISA:good morning!!
JENNIE:good morning...you look happy did something happened
LISA: don't you remember
(I felt bad that she didn't remember it)
LISA: nevermind
(I said and saw y/n coming)
Y/N:hey girls...
Y/N: I'm so excited for today
(She said so excitedly I knew it she will never forget my birthday)
Y/N: I'm going on a date with jimin
(She said jumping happily)
LISA: oh-
JENNIE: that's so exciting
LISA:are you sure you're not forgetting anything
Y/N: oh right how can we forget it
(She said and I smiled)
Y/N:we have a test today
JENNIE:oh shit I didn't prepare for it
Y/N: you're gone girl
JENNIE: let's go we have a class to attend
LISA:you guys go I'll come afterwards
(They nodded and I went to washroom I washed my face and hung my head low feeling really they really don't remember my birthday I again splashed water on my face)
LISA: I hope moon come faster I want to meet my mate
(I smiled a bit and went outside and went to classroom whole day went like this no one remember my birthday I was about to go when tae grabbed my hand and said)
V: oh I forgot to tell you
(He said making my hopes high that he remembers it)
V: jin hyung told me tell you to get ready at 5:00 he have arranged a party to announce his mate
(He forced a smile)
V:make sure to look pretty not a wild cat
(He said laughing going away)
LISA: let's go now somehow I'll find my mate there
(I got ready and went to the pack house and when I reached their it was all quiet am I too early now let's go inside I went inside and saw lights off and not a single creature and so silence)
LISA:hello.... anyone here..y/n oppa namjoon oppa anyone.
(I flinched when suddenly all lights shined and sound of confetti echoed and everyone shouted)
(that's when it clicked and tears started to form in my eyes after seeing everyone singing and clapping hands y/n and jennie came towards me and hugged me)
(i hugged them back and said)
LISA: I really thought you forgot
Y/N:how can we forget our Lisa's birthday huh?
(I chuckled)
JENNIE:ok now let's cut your cake the moon will rise
Y/N: excited for your mate?
LISA:more than that
(I said laughing and went with them I cut the cake and talked untill it the moon was as up)
Y/N: excuse me ladies and gentlemen can I get your attention please
(She said in mic)
Y/N:lisa please come here
(I went to her and she held my hand and said)
Y/N:today out little lisa will officially be a adult wolf a round of a clause for her
(Everyone smiled and clapped their hands)
Y/N:omo it's almost the time...good luck
(She said in my ear and I saw that the moon was up and it was shining brightly I closed my eyes felt something inside me it's happening I'm getting my wolf I opened my eyes and saw everyone looking at me I nodded and everyone started cheering that's when I smelt something it was just so sweet and calming I followed the smell and everyone started giving me way and it was getting stronger I stopped infront of someone I opened my eyes and )
V pov
( We all were waiting for her to come then cut the cake and it was almost the time the moon rise and the moonlight fell on her making her so pretty she closed her eyes and opened it nodded meaning she got her wolf but then something happened it was scent almost the most sweet smell I had smelled came towards it was calming but then I saw everyone giving her way and she slowly started coming towards me she stood infront of me and opened her eyes I looked at her and instantly understood the situation)
A/N pov
(Tae pulled lisa by her waist and kissed her and everyone started cheering)
Y/N&jimin:knew it!!!
(They looked at each other and laughed)

Hello lovelies how are you all hope you're doing great and happy late jimin day I'm sorry I couldn't post it on jimin day but happy jimin day everyone 💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜✨💜

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