25.truth untold

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Author pov
(All were waiting impatiently for namjoon and jin to come out of the room)
JK: how did she did that?
JIMIN: ok ik you guys are totally not ready for this but it had to come out some day
JIMIN: yeah-
LISA: Since when?
JIMIN: since I started courting her....wait- how many of you know..!!
(Suga,jennie,rose,lisa,jisoo and jhope and IU rose their hand)
ALL except jhope:HOBI!!
JHOPE: well someone else also knew...
(Jin and namjoon came out of the room and said)
RM: she collapsed because of the sudden use of her magic..
JIN: this is what I was talking about..she is not ready!!
ALL: you guys knew!!!
JIN: we knew from the start I saw the moon birth mark on her shoulder when I found her but we decided to keep her hidden because she was just a child and it was too dangerous.... and we found her the next night mom and dad died we exactly knew whom we hide her from..
(the two remaining looked at them with question mark written on their faces so rm told them the whole story)
JK: so the daughter of the moon goddess is the girl I stole cookies from...
JHOPE:well...technically yes!!
V: so you'll knew except us...even lisa and jimin you both too..
(Taehyung was really upset and mad about what happened but he kept calm)
LISA: I'll explain it to you later now is not the best time..
V: I don't need any explanations now....I'm going home!
JIMIN:tae wait-
(He was gone)
JK:you guys were soo bad to do this....
JIN: I didn't knew you all knew that I'm sorry for hiding it kookie..
JK:it's okay hyung...
JIMIN: I'm gonna check on her..
(He went inside and saw the sleeping beauty AGAIN sleeping)
ROSÈ: does she even wakes up?
(rosè said as she came in)
JIMIN: just to remind you you're talking about my mate
ROSÈ: and I'm your sister
JIMIN: but I love her..
ROSÈ: so you don't love me!!
JIMIN: you're mate will you
ROSÈ: God knows where my mate is...
JIMIN: i think he ran away knowing you're his mate..
ROSÈ: can you please shut up..
(he just shrugged his shoulder and pulled the duvet over y/n)
ROSÈ: she's pretty isn't she?
JIMIN: pretty can't describe her beauty
ROSÈ: I'm outta here
(Rosè went out and jimin held y/n's hand)
JIMIN: why is the world soo cruel..?! I hope we don't end up like romeo and juliet...
Y/N: its funny that you know Romeo and juliet..
JIMIN: how are you feeling now..??
Y/N: actually jimin.... I have to tell you something...
JIMIN: I knew about that...
Y/N: how?!... did lisa and jennie told you..??
JIMIN: I knew from the day you saw my past...
Y/N: you knew about that too
JIMIN: you're powerful than me but I'm more experienced than you..
Y/N: do they all know?
JIMIN: yes...
Y/N: you told them?
JIMIN: many of them knew it by themselves..
Y/N: and oppa?
JIMIN: he knew it from the start..
Y/N: I'm such a bad sister
(She said with tears in her eyes but jimin hugged her and told her)
JIMIN: they hide for your safety... and you hide it for theirs
(She looked at him)
JIMIN:well... yk I'm still hanging you haven't answered my question
(Hearing this y/n was red tomato)
JIMIN: uhm... I'm waiting yk
Y/N: yes...I would love to be your girlfriend..
(jimin and y/n looked at Door saw them eavesdropping)
JIMIN: guys...
(and they all fell)
ALL: ouch..
(And they all laughed together)
JENNIE: get up you guys are heavy..!!
LISA:congratulations guys!! Lets have a party
(And that's how the night went)
Next day
RM: Now we have only two months to the eclipse night we have to train y/n as soon as possible and jimin you also have to practice hard moreover we all need to be ready cuz they will surely attack
MARK: he will send someone to spy on you guys to make his plan
V: why is he here..?! He has no rights to be here
JIN: we all have agreed to let him join..
V: and you didn't care to ask me....again?!
RM: tae... he's not like them
V: idc but he's one of them he killed my parents
JIN: tae I understand and thats why he wants to make up for his mistake he wants to help us
V: you guys are blinded by him but I won't be
RM:me and jimin will train y/n meanwhile suga and jhope will train the trainee team and v and jk please go to the village and annouce that whoever wishes to join us are welcome
And jin and mark will make a plan for our next move okay??
JK: we will go right now..!! C'mon taelien
V: how many times should I tell you stop calling me that..
JIN: mark come with me... I need to ask you some questions
(Mark nodded and went with him)
JHOPE: yoongi hyung we need more weapons
SUGA: we're werewolves hoseok
JHOPE: I just wanted to say this line I always wished to say this
SUGA: it would not be fair to use weapons and we need fair win
RM: great passion but guys send more people to the border and tell them to check every corner of the forest every day and every night
SUGA: on it!!
JIMIN: I will also order my warriors to come here..
RM: that will be a great help jimin.... let's move than we don't have much time
(All went outside the room when jimin was also about to go when he saw y/n sitting with her head down and quiet)
JIMIN: anything wrong babe
Y/N: I'm worried
JIMIN: about what
(He said sitting beside her holding her hand)
Y/N: I'm such a burden to you all and what if I mess up..?!
JIMIN: never in your life say you're a burden you're a blessing to all of us and you're going to do great I believe in you
(She hugged jimin and cried hard)
JIMIN: don't waste your precious tears on your silly thought c'mon we have training to attend
(She looked at him with puffy eyes and red nose)
JIMIN: omo so cute
(He kissed the tip of her nose and hugged her again and she giggled)

Hello lovelies how are you all I hope you're fine and doing great I'm so bad at keeping my words I don't know how many times have I apologized I think I have to apologise my whole life in this life....huh..??
Whatever take care of yourself and please share and vote
I'm never saying this again..

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