26.the pretty wolf

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Author POV
Y/N: (One month left I'm pretty much stronger than before I've discovered many new powers of mine like air fire and earth I'm still learning water its pretty hard and exhausting jimin and namjoonie oppa have also been too tired and jin oppa also have a perfect plan and a back up plan too they aren't telling us about that just mark jin and namjoon oppa knows about it and yes taetae is still not satisfied of mark he still sees him as his enemy mark is really a good person he also helped me in studying my powers because he have seen my powers in books at red moon pack we all are pretty much ready but I'm still scared.... scared of losing I don't know how much power that baekhyun holds and I'm not totally prepared I want some fresh air)
Y/N: namjoonie oppa..??
RM: yes princess
Y/N: can I please go for a run in the forest..??
RM: but its dangerous outside
Y/N: I can protect myself from minor wolves plus they are guards everywhere around the border plus I won't even go near boundary
RM: you have to return in an hour or I'm going to consider you're in danger
Y/N: I'll be back in 59 minutes
RM: promise..!?
Y/N: love you bye oppa..!!
RM: please be safe princess
Y/N: I will ..!!
RM: *jimin..??*
JIMIN: *yes..hyung*
RM: *y/n just went out for a run*
JIMIN: *What..?!*
RM: *she was insisting *
JIMIN: *okay..I'll guard her*
RM: *don't show yourself to her she wants to be alone*
JIMIN: *copied*
(I immediately ran towards the forest and was in search when I felt someone in the bushes I froze but the something pushed me on the ground so hard and that thing was above me so ....beautiful)
Y/N pov
(I was running after a long time when I felt someone in distance so I hide myself and when I saw it I attacked but it was....jimin he shifted and looked at me)

jimin he shifted and looked at me)

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JIMIN: you're pretty

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JIMIN: you're pretty....
(How dare he say that to some unknown he's dead)
JIMIN:babe... I know it's you
(I was shook so I stepped backward but didn't shifted)
JIMIN:you're so beautiful babes... why have you never shown yourself..??
(He was admiring me until I realized something....)
(I ran and ran as fast as I could but didn't noticed someone following)
JIMIN: Y/N..!!
(He shouted and immediately ran after her)
(Jimin shifted and so did y/n)
Y/N: Why did you followed..?!
JIMIN: you think I'll leave you after you ran like that alone you dumbo
Y/N: you were not supposed to see me..!!
JIMIN: you kidding me... why..?!
Y/N: I promised her I won't show myself anyone.. until she tells me to
(She said with tears threatening her to come out)
JIMIN: Make me an exception..
(He said and pulled her by her waist and kissed her under the enormous sky shining with brightest stars and the most beautiful moon shining as bright as sun and as that being said they shared another golden moment of their lives)
(he said while fuming with anger)
RM: I was just about to report you guys missing...!!!
JIMIN: hyung-
Y/N: you told him to follow me..??
RM: I had to-
Y/N: I told you I want to take a run alone
JIMIN: y/n he was worried about you
Y/N: but still you should've informed and even you
(He pointed at jimin)
Y/N: you also didn't said anything
JIMIN: you didn't asked-
(Y/n raised her brows making 'you dare to say this?' Face)
JIMIN: 0_0
Y/N: I'm back and nothing happened oppa I'm in my room
RM: take care princess~
(He said while awkwardly smiling earning a glare from y/n before she left)
RM: thank you jimin for saving me
JIMIN: does jin hyung knows she was out?
RM: no.. you know how possessive he is.. and I wanted her clear her mind she's been really stressed and frustrated lately and I was sure hyung won't allow it
JIN: allow what?
(Jin said while entering the house)
RM: you're back..!!
JIMIN: you're back early..
JIN: what do you mean..?? I was just in the village
RM: so how was it..??
JIN: we really need to send our team to the village there are too many people in need... by the way where's y/n..??
Y/N: you called me..!!
(She ran and hugged him)
RM: hyung I need to talk to you and jimin..
Y/N: why am I never included in your 'talks'..?
JIN: y/n..
Y/N: jimin before going please tell me
(Jimin nodded and the rest two look at them in possessive glare)
JIMIN: so what were you saying..??
RM: why was she calling you..??
JIN: you better be careful or else..
JIMIN: why am I the only one always getting threats..?!
RM: so what was I saying..?
JIN: you have something important to say..
RM: yea right.. let's go
(Jimin looked at them in disbelief)
RM: you coming or not..??
JIN: so you're saying we need a battle
JIMIN: with me..?!
RM: only for training purpose and not only jimin we need more warriors
JIN: she's not that strong
RM: but we have shortage of time
JIMIN: but I can't attack her
RM: that's why I'll try to posses you and we'll go hard on her as much as possible we can't have mercy on her... for her own sake we only have one week
JIN: I won't allow it's too dangerous
JIMIN: I agree with jin hyung we can train her
RM: but she won't be ready to face that bastard he's back and more powerful than before and I'm sure he will possess black moon power he will be powerful than ever
JIN: hyung please...
Y/N: I agree with oppa
RM: y/n..
Y/N: I'm sorry oppa I can't help but be curious
RM: it's okay come here ....hyung don't scold her she has a right to know..
JIN: still I won't allow
Y/N: oppa please... I don't wanna be scared by that thing
(She went and hold jin's hand)
JIN: I've had enough of him I wanna finish him by my own hands
JIN: I don't want any scratch on you
Jimin tighten the security around the grounds
RM: thank you hyung
Y/N: I promise I'll give my best
JIN: I want more than that...
(Y/n nodded and hugged him)
JIN: now get to the training right now..!!

I'm back lovelies how are you all
I hope you're doing great and having a peaceful life unlike me btw
You guys watching fifa world cup 2022..??

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