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Y/N: (I went to school and saw jennie and lisa waiting I waved at them and they gladly waved back I went towards them)
LISA:why are you late Today
Y/N:oh I just had a quarrel with jin hyung over waffles nothing else let's just go inside or we will be late
(We went inside going towards our locker I picked up all my things and waited for them to finish but my eyes were looking for a certain person and then suddenly)
JIMIN: looking for me princess
(He said as he Throwed himself on me and inhaled my scent by deepening his face in my neck)
Y/N:n-no I wasn't (i said trying to get rid of the scent that was attracting me too much)
JIMIN:you know that you can smell me whenever you want right? (He said and turned her around and hugged her tight)
Y/N:jimin everyone is watching us (I whispered)
JIMIN:let them enjoy ( he said tighten his grip)
Y/N: (as I inhaled his smell my wolf was calmed down)
JIMIN:told you just inhale my scent
LISA:stop now..... let's go Y/N we'll be late
JIMIN:see you in class princess
(He said and went away smiling after pecking me cheek and left me blushing)
(Every student standing there was shook because of jimin's behavior he was smiling and being clingy to someone)
Boy1: I told you someone will melt his cold heart
Girl 1: yeah-I'm happy but also kinda jealous because the handsome but cold boy of campus and the cheerful and beautiful girl of campus are mated they were meant to be
Girl 2: yeah you're right I always shipped them they look so cute together I wish I had a mate like jimin
Boy2: hey stop you're already mine
Girl 2:ok ok my jealous baby let's go
(You Chuckled hearing thier conversation you could hear them because of my powers)
LISA:what are you laughing at let's go
(We went to classroom and the whole time jimin was not leaving my side not for once and I liked it)
(I went inside the cafeteria and sat down at the table but then I noticed that someone was Missing and that someone was my bugaboo)
JIN: don't worry he has gone because mr.lee called him
Y/N: (Mr.lee was our math teacher and I didn't liked him he was strict)
(after few seconds jimin came inside wearing his usual cold face but then it changed into a small smile when he saw y/n laughing with all her friends)
JIMIN: (I am so in love with this girl ahh you're gonna make my heart blast someday y/n I smiled and went towards the table and went behind y/n and everyone saw but didn't said anything I crouched down and)
Y/N: (I was talking to my friends that I suddenly felt some sweet smell and I knew who was it when I turned around those plumpy lips landed on mine and HE KISSED ME it was just a peck but still HE KISSED ME AGAIN like it's not the first timw but still ge should stop stealing kisses)
JIMIN: I won't princess
YlN:(I widened my eyes) how can you?
JIMIN: I can hear your thoughts princess
JIN:hey stob it you both let us eat in peace
JIMIN:you have to understand now you have a mate now also
RM:he isn't wrong though
JIN:oh btw IU will be transferring here in a few days
JK:why....do you miss her that much huh?
YlN:(we all laughed and jimin sat beside me and started eating)
YlN: (I was about to go when I heard a honey like my voice and I knew who was it.......it was my bubs)
YlN:(I turned around and he stopped infront of me and said)
JIMIN: hey.... I just wanted to ask that.......a-are y-ou free tonight
JIMIN:can I ask you for dinner today
YlN:of course
JIMIN:ok then be ready at 7:00 I'll come to pick you up
Y/N:ok bye
JIMIN:bye take care
YlN: (he hugged me and went away I was not shooked because it was now my daily routine)
(It already 5:00 OH MY GOD I HAVE TO GET READY
I took a shower and went out to chose my clothes but I couldn't choose one I groaned in annoy and ruffled my hair)
IU:hey co-oh my what happened
YlN:h-hey heheh nothing by the way what are doing here
IU: I came to tell you that jin is calling you for dinner but looks like you have different plans
(She said and laughed)
IU:do you need help are you going somewhere
YlN:yeah I kinda need help.....my chim-I mean jimin is coming to pick me in a hour but I don't know what to wear...
IU:this is some serious issue....but why do you have all shirts and hoodies don't you have some skirts or like girly dresses
JIN:we never allow her to wear that type of clothes
(He came out of nowhere)
IU:now we have help her out
JIN:yeah we got to
IU:not you
JIN why!?!?
IU:you have really bad fashion sense
JIN: that isn't called it's called unique
Y/N:yeah VERY unique
JIN: whatever...
IU:wait here I'm going to get some of my clothes
(She came with some clothes not gonna lie those all were very pretty)
IU:here you go try some out
(I nodded and went inside)
First dress:

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