32. betrayal

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LISA: why are you eavesdropping..?
SB: I wasn't listening to anything I was just passing by and THEY were being too loud and why are YOU here?
LISA: I don't think so you can question me..
SB: then I'll be on my way..
(Subin walked away)
LISA: she's suspicious
SB: I need to get to alpha quick
RM: why are you standing outside y/n is in the room..
LISA: I was just coming in but oppa this new girl is very suspicious
RM: what made you think like that?
LISA: she was here when I was coming and I think she was trying to listen to your conversations
RM: she's nosy I know just relax and take care of y/n I'll take care of her
(He smiled at lisa and walked away)
RM: hyung I'll be patrolling at the borders today..
JIN: you feel threatened?
RM: no hyung just to be sure..
JIN: I understand..
RM: I'll be going then
JIN: be safe
RM: (I was patrolling outside when I smelled that faint scent again it was the same scent from the day y/n got unconscious so I started chasing the scent but then I saw a delicate figure covered in all black going towards the cave that's been closed for several years, I followed that person without anyone knowing)
SB: ( this was urgent I needed to get to the alpha so when everyone was sleeping I came out and successfully escaped through my usual path there was a cave that was made several years ago for people so that they can easily travel but it was closed because of the constant attacks and it was the nearest path to the pack)
RM: (this person looks familiar I've seen them somewhere)
SB: (I was walking as usual but then suddenly got stopped by someone)
RM: (I was about to catch that person when someone intrupted)
MINJI: subin-ah
RM: (subin? What is she doing here? And who is that?)
SB: minji..!! What are doing here..?!
MJ: I was sent by the alpha to keep an eye on you
RM: (keep an eye on her? But why?)
SB: he sent me as a spy but sent you to spy on me? Wow such trustable person
RM: (sh-she was.. a spy? I felt something breaking.. why do I feel betrayed when I never really trusted her? Why does it hurt? Why do I feel that way? I need to catch her before she gets away)
MJ: let's escape subin.. you know he'll kill you once he's done let's go to there alpha
SB: no.. I won't I need to get my revenge I'll kill alpha kim seokjin myself
RM: (she hit the spot)
(Namjoon went flying towards her and crashed her into the tree holding her neck)
(subin struggled in his hold and tried to free herself)
(minji tried push namjoon but failed miserable namjoon pushed her so hard that she crashed into the tree and fell unconscious)
SB: m-m-minji-ah..!!
(She said faintly in between her heavy breaths)
RM: tell me who you are and I'll let you live
(he said but subin kept struggling to free herself)
RM: it won't even take a second for me to crack you neck TELL ME WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE..?!
(he shouted but subin just closed her eyes and opened then turing into beautiful green eyes)
RM: what the hell are doing to me.?
(He was paralized.. she caught his hand and freed herself and fell coughing)
SB: I told you not to mess with me.. you wanna know who I am..?? I'm fucking daughter of one YOU murdered..??
RM: what the fuck are you talking about? Shut your crap and let me go..!!
SB: I'm byun subin..
RM: you're not who I'm thinking right?
SB: yes I am.. I'm the sister of byun baekhyun
SB: you still have a chance.. I have nothing to do with you just leave and don't speak a word
(Hearing that namjoon got angrier and ocer powered her and pin her down on the ground holding her neck again)
RM: he fucking trusted you...!!
RM: huh?
(He loosened his grip and at the same time subin attacked him)
(Rm went flying into the tree and hit his head hard blood falling on his face)
RM: what the hell are saying..?! MY parents were killed by yours..!! We didn't betrayer y-y-you did..
(Saying that he went unconscious)
MJ: what have done subin..?!
SB: mercy is not for them..
MJ: you were not like that.. I'm disappointed in you
SB: let's take him to alpha and erase his memories and keep him by our side he's important.. my life has only one reason and I'm definitely not going not deny that..
JIN: why is he still not here.. it's been whole night..
Y/N: oppa I can't even contact him
JIN: me neither..
Y/N: please be safe joon oppa..
SB: y/n..!! Alpha..!!
(Subin entered the house shouting)
Y/N: OPPA..!!
(She ran towards her badly injured brother and took him from subin and kept him on the sofa)
(jin roared in his alpha voice subin got scared and stepped a little back)
SB: I was walking around pack for somr fresh air when I found him unconscious with this girl.. I know her she also ran away with me
(She said pointing towards minji..)
MJ: Some rogues were behind me then I saw him so I ran towards him for help but the rogues attacked him before he can respond but he still defeated the rogues..
Y/N: oppa.. we need doctor
JIN: It's too late they won't make it in time..
Y/N: I haven't mastered my healing powers yet I'm scared to mess up..
(Subin grabbed her by her shoulders)
SB: trust in yourself.. you can do it.
(Y/n nodded and focused on her brother)
JIN: A little more y/n you can do it..
(She tried harder that's when her nose started to bleed subin noticed it and kept her hand on her shoulder)
Y/N: (I felt sudden increase in my power like I don't know how to explain)
(Y/n stopped and looked at her brother fully healed but still unconscious)
Y/N: oppa..
(She hung her head low and tears started to flow softly)
RM: yes princess..
(She immediately looked up and hugged her brother tight)
RM: y/n slowly..
JIN: what happened?
(Namjoon looked at subin)
RM: I was attacked.. by rogues
SB: (it worked)
JIN: I'm sure those were not rogues but baekhyun's little puppets
RM: I'm oky now hyung
JIN: he's going overboard now.. he's alive all thanks to our parents or he would've been dead by now judging by the amount of enemies he have..
SB: huh? Umm.. alpha whose baekhyun..
RM: none of your business..
JIN: It's oky joon-ah.. a very old friend of mine
SB: friend?
RM: hyung you still call him your friend?
JIN: I thought alot about it even if he betrayed me there would still be a moment when he thought of me as his friend..
JIN: kim namjoon calm down it's not necessary to take our hatred to our graves..
RM: if you want to you can.. but I won't and remember we still have a sister to protect and that bastard is thirsty for our only sister's blood
(Saying that he exited the room harshly)
JIN: I'm sorry that you had to witness all of this
SB: no.. its oky
Y/N: oppa.. don't worry about me I'm not the same weak little y/n yk.. I'm so proud to be your sister..
JIN: princess you'll always be my baby..
(Jin hugged y/n while subin and minji left the room)
SB: (minji was in the guest room so I came outside for some fresh air I'm so confused I don't know who's right and who's wrong but why does it matter all I know is that I need to take my revenge and I need HIM for my revenge)
SB: I brought you a surprise brother..
RM: hello alpha.. I'm kim namjoon..

hello lovelies.! how are you all hope you're fine doing well if you ask i'm very well i hope you'll tho it's a bit of too much drama but again what's life without drama I'm sorry again as a student it's hard for me update cus there's always something going on but I'll try not to let you guys be disappointed and will try to have a good end anyways enjoyyy

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