27. this wasn't supposed to happen

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(There was the girl standing infront of thousands of people the girl who thought will be never able to go outside the boundaries of her house is standing in the middle of the incredibly big ground getting ready for a battle)
RM: *y/n..*
Y/N: *I'm okay oppa have some faith in me*
RM: *whatever happens don't hurt yourself remember to defend first and then attack do not attack first*
Y/N: *I know oppa you've been training me for months for this*
RM: *take care princess or hyung won't let me live healthy*
(The nervousness was lessened but the girl had a pale face but it changed when she saw the man she loved by her whole heart entering with fierce face that she never in her dreams saw him like that thirsty for blood eager to kill and red blood eyes)
Y/N: oh God this was not a good idea
JIN: * DONOT have mercy cuz he won't*
(She looked at her brother and turned on her most fierce mood)
Y/N: you're not my chimmy today..
(As she said jimin shifted into a huge black wolf and that's when she knew it was started)
(The big black wolf was coming into her direction with great pace and she was standing not moving letting that thing come near and waiting for him to make a move but there was sudden change in plan when the wolf turned and circled her in a big circle of fire and then stepped into it)
MARK: oh no...
RM: what..?!
MARK: he's using the same trick that he used on me..
RM: what do you mean..?!
MARK: he's circling her so she won't be able to run or move he's empowering her..
(Y/n looked at the wolf and smirked)
Y/N: good move baby but it doesn't work for me..
(Her eyes turned red and the fire was increased and she was in air)
Y/N: come on wolfie
(She said and the big wolf ran and attacked her with a great force that she landed on the ground and the fire went off)
(The wolf growled and not letting breath and was about to attack but she dodged and pushed him away)
Y/N: it's my turn
(She said and turned and loud gasps were heard)
*"now the one talking will be dawn and
Timeber they're wolves"*
TIMBER: haven't had any blood on my hands for a long time
DAWN: I wanna try it too
(Jimin ran and attacked y/n but instead got attacked by her)
DAWN: you like it?.. it's called power of a woman
(The black wolf was furious and again attacked her with great force the fight was getting more and more intense)
RM: jimin is going wild y/n is having a hard time..
JIN: I know but we can't stop them she have to fight on her own
(The big black wolf was angrier than ever and was eager to shred every part of her body)
TIMBER: only one will be left today... mark my words
DAWN: I'll try to let u live because you're my mate after all
(He growled and came forward with great force and dawn tried to defend as hard as possible and pinned him on ground but didn't hurted him)
DAWN: it's your last chance back out
TIMBER: This was your biggest mistake
(He lit up fire and burned her hand causing her to trip and back out)
TIMBER: I give chances no one gives me chances
(Saying that he opened his sharp claws and attacked but luckily she dodged but her arm was covered in blood)
JIN: Y/N...!!!!!!
(jin was about to come down but)
YOONGI: hyung don't.... you'll make it harder for her
TIMBER: that's what I was longing for
(She was going down or that's what he thought)
DAWN: good move babe but now its my turn
(She turned in her human form and rose in the air like a fairy or a devil
As she rise the sky was getting darker and she opened her eyes.... her eyes were glowing like blue crystals)
RM: this wasn't suppose to happen... she'll overdo it
JHOPE: HYUNG..!! jimin is waking up..!!
V: HE CAN'T..!!
(The air was tensed and thick)
Y/N: this is your end..
(And many big pieces of rocks were thrown at jimin but he made a shield around him and protected himself but still he got hurt by some)
TIMBER: not so fast..
(He said and ran towards her trying to attack her but she threw thunderbolt at him causing him to go weak)
(He was lying on the ground and turned back)
(That was enough for y/n to gain consciousness)
Y/N: JIMIN..!!
(She immediately ran towards him and hold him in her arms while crying)
JIMIN: I'm okay...
(He rose his hand to wipe her tears but instead grab her neck choking her and digging his nails into her neck)
(The rest of them ran towards the both and yoongi hold jimin firmly from back and as he holds him jimin passes out..)

After a while
Y/N: (I woke up feeling extreme pain in every part of my body but there was only one thing that was in my mind)
JIN: princess..!!
Y/N: oppa...
JIN: yes princess..
Y/N: where's jimin..?? How is he..?? He's not that badly hurt is he?
(There was a silence)
Y/N: oppa??
JIN: he was hurt but now he's well
RM: don't lie hyung..
Y/N: what do you mean?? I wanna see him right now..
RM: he's unconscious.. you woke up but he hasn't.. after the fight we don't know what happened but he suddenly got really aggressive and out of control.. it was like he was possessed and in between that pack members attacked him and he's still not conscious..
(she looked at her brothers in pure disappointment)
RM: we had no choice.. he was out pf control
RM: you can't he's under observation
Y/N: I don't care..!!
JIN: let her....
(Rm just hesitated for a while but eventually gave in and took her to a room full of high security no one was allowed to enter)
Y/N: ( I went inside the room and saw rosè unnie crying and jennie comforting her as Lisa was comforting tae and jimin inside a glass room)
ROSE: y/n ah they won't let me even touch him... I'M his sister he won't do anything to me
RM: we're scared more people will get hurt
Y/N: that's ridiculous.. jimin will never do that
V: he was not jimin he was someone else... cuz I saw him he was totally a different person
Y/N: I'm going in..
RM: y/n no..!!!
(everyone went silent that was the first time she shouted... she was crying mess)
Y/N: don't stop me.. (opening the door with a heavy heart i stepped inside but instantly broke down looking at his pale body) babe....

Hello lovelies how are you all home you're doing good and well
if you're thinking how I am that ik you're not but still I'll say
Nice meeting you all
love you..!!

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