33. hidden lies

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RM: hello alpha.. I'm kim namjoon..
SB: I've long ago lost my mind but right now you're meeting our new puppet
BH: huh?
SB: he's on our side now
RM: long live the alpha..
(Beakhyun laughed demonishly and clapped hard)
BH: oh for the first time I'm proud of you.. anything else?
SB: no they're keeping it really secretive
BH: USELESS.. I told you to stop shittin around and focus I'll let you go today since you brought such a wonderful surprise we'll hear it from him
SB: tell them your plan for war..
RM: I've been givin the task to protect the north and jung hoseok will guarding east with his army and min yoongi will be on west and kim taehyung and jeon jungkook will be with the pack
BH: why should I trust his words..??
SB: ik you don't trust me but for once trust my powers..
BH: You can betray me any second so you're right I don't trust you.. bring that maid's brother..
MJ: HYUNG..!!!
(Her brother was badly beaten up and was in very bad shape)
BH: tell me is he saying the truth..??
(baekhyun looked at her eyes)
BH: take him back..
MJ BROTHER: don't worry minji-ah I'm oky
BH: yuck-
(He faked vomit and laughed at them)
SB: you didn't have to do this..
BH: now you'll tell me what to do huh? You're just another person who's life is in my hands don't get too high or I'll cut rope..
SB: bastard..
(She muttered quietly and left)
JIN: where were you?
RM: just patrolling outside why?
JIN: nothing just wanted to ask..
RM: I have to train y/n may I leave Alpha?
JIN: you may..
(Namjoon left the room)
V: why didn't you tell him that you know he wasn't patrolling.. you saw him leave with your own eyes..!!
JIN: if he's lying there must be a reason he had never lied to me before let's wait..
(Someone outside the room heard it)
(She said right after closing the door)
MJ: you still won't trust them?
SB: I believe what I see with my own eyes and heard with my own ears..
MJ: Is that so? Did you saw your parents getting killed?
(She said triggering her soft spot)
SB: they told me themselves..
MJ: when? I was there with you the whole time..
SB: you weren't there..
MJ: subin I think you're under his spell..
SB: I'm not..
MJ: How can you be so sure?
SB: because his powers doesn't work on me
MJ: you were a child subin..
SB: I don't wanna talk about it anymore..
MJ: you know it's not the truth but now you're just doing all this in guilt..
SB: I'm not..!!
MJ: you're getting angry..
SB: I'm not getting angry
MJ: Stop denying subin and face the truth you can't fool yourself and regret what you'll do
(she shouted creating a huge shake and glowing red eyes filled with visible pain)
MJ: now you know..
(Subin left the room without saying anything)
RM: (I saw a figure pacing towards the moon lake it's subin she looks like she was crying so I followed her.. but why does it seem so familiar? Well I mean.. I do follow her.. not stalking but you know.. just to keep an eye on her she reached and sat there head hung low)
SB: (I don't know what's happening to me? I don't wanna do this anymore? Can't we just live in peace? I love this place it's so relaxing and mind freshening.. my legs were dipped slightly in cold warm water fishes swimming arounmy legs giving tingling sensation)
RM: Can I join?
SB: you expect a yes?
RM: then I'll just join uninvited..
SB: You are following me again.. stop obsessing over me..
RM: just keeping an eye over you.. don't get too ahead of yourself
SB: I don't wanna argue right now..
RM: wanna know something interesting?
SB: what?
RM: you know this lake contains beauty and power of moon goddess...
SB: indeed it's prestigious but power?
RM: they say if you sit by the lake and talk to it.. it will take your sorrows..
SB: you're lying..
RM: I'm not..!! I do that whenever I miss emmonie and abboji
SB: you call your parents emmonie and abboji?
RM: they always taught us that way.. and never minded that..
SB: were you close with them?
RM: kinda but they were more close to hyung.. dad always favoured hyung over me as he was next to the throne.. mom had the best cooking..
SB: your mom cooked?
RM: oh yes..!! She had natural delicious taste in her hands.. I loved when she cooked my favourite fried rice and black bean noodles I had the bigger portion on the table..
SB: you all ate together?
RM: umm.. yea my mother set a rule to eat dinner together no matter how busy dad were..
SB: I was never allowed to set a foot outside my room..
RM: why?
SB: they always told me the world outside was dangerous.. I always had only one wish.. I wish there was no war and no hatred in this world I wished people lived in peace and harmony.. but now I think that I'm the one who's the bad one..
RM: there are no such thing as bad people there are just some bad situations lead them to bad decisions..
(She looked at him with tearful eyes and then looked down infront looking at her reflection)
(Namjoon side hugged her and said)
RM: there is no point in keeping it insde let it out.. there is no one around.. I'll lend my shoulder if you want.. not like I want you know if you just-
(He stopped in between when subin dropped her head on his shoulders and let her tears out.. namjoon scooted closer and just sat there saying nothing)
SB: (I can't handle this anymore.. it's too much for me..)
SB: (I don't know when I fell asleep but the pillow was so comfy that I slept so peacefully I moved a little to be more comfortable but touched something hard like really hard I opened my eyes to see the most unexpected view)
RM: (I Don't know why it hurts to see her cry I didn't realize when her cries turned into those cute little snorings huh? What? Whatever she was literally looking like a little sleepy bear)
SB: (he was settled back on the stone eyes closed looking lavishing honestly he looked incredible before he opens his mouth oh shit his abs..!! They were so hard *you dirty minded people I was talking about his abs* his perfect 8 pack abs his perfect jawline that broad shoulders he was perfect I'm curious how does he look like when he wakes up in the morning not like I want to know but you know he's always neat and clean I even thought he had OCD.. I'm still in his lap)
(She immediately sat up straight in a hurry that made rm wake up too)
RM: what time is it?
(He said in a sleepy hoarse voice)
SB: (fuck-) I-I-idontknow let's go all night has passed
RM: yea thanks to you
SB: I didn't told you to stay here with me..
RM: oh really?
RM: (she was in such a uncomfortable position so I laid her on my lap and moved a little backwards but then she turned and hugged me)
SB: please don't go..
(A tear left her eye)
SB: what? Let's go now..
(She stood up and started to walk away when namjoon grabbed her hand)
SB: (why is this stupid beating this fast again)
(She looked back at him and then at him he immediately left her hand)
RM: it's late stay with me..
(He said walking ahead with her)
SB: why? you're scared?
RM: no I'm a responsible person I can't let you get hurt when you're with me in my pack..
SB: so you'll let me die if I'm outside?
RM: why do always ask such ridiculous questions?
SB: answer me..
RM: I can't answer such questions
(She look at him and walked away)
RM: hey wait for me..!!
SB: (what was I even expecting huh? All men all same..)
(She was walking back to her room but stopped in the middle)
Y/N: jagiya~ how are you? Sorry I've been too busy so I couldn't give you that much but you know I made a new friend she's extremely sweet and adorable.. literally so cute that I wanna make her my little sister you know when I met her it was just the instant connection between us but she's hiding alot of pain so I just you knoe wanna take all her pain and drain in the gutter but for that I'll need you jimin-ah give me your strength I'm tired now please come back..
(She was a mess standing outside the room she ran towards her room and cried her heart out in her bed while minji was gone for a while)
RM: (something doesn't feel right..)
(suddenly rain started pouring heavily
Even the sky was crying for the broken souls sometimes god gives alot then a human can take)
JIN: let's end all of this tonight without losing..
(He said people who made him who he was today his family his friends and his people)

LOVELIES..!! It's been so long but I love you all as much as I did yesterday and the all the coming tomorrows I'll be uploading some chapters together so look forward to it enjoyy <33

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