Chapter Seven

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Two weeks after my break up with Maxwell, I went to see Donald. Though  I  was  no  longer  in  a  relationship  with Maxwell, I  did  not  feel  like  moving  on.  I felt like I was being punished for cheating on him with Donald. I could not be with both so I decided to choose one.

It was pretty easy. I loved Maxwell more than I loved myself. It seemed crazy but that was how I felt. Staying away from Maxwell was heartbreaking.  Life had no meaning without him in it.

It was time to say goodbye to the man I was beginning to fall in love with. I  told  Donald  that  it  would  be  best  if  we  ended  our  relationship.   

He lashed out at me and I couldn't blame him.
“You’re  leaving  me  for  Max,  right?  You’re  choosing  him  over  me?  Did  I  ever  mean  anything  to  you?”  He  asked  furiously.
                                                                       “Don,  I-“
“You  don’t  care  about  me!  You  just  want  to  see  me  in  pain!”  He  accused. "You never really loved me!"
I   apologized  over  and  over  again,  but  Donald  dismissed  my  apologies.  He  did  not  care  to  listen  to  my  explanations.  I  left  before he did anything out of anger. I felt relieved the moment I left that place.

Finally, I could start over. I missed Maxwell and I  was  willing  to  do  everything  to  get  him  back.  I  had  to  win  him  back. I  believed  that  our  relationship  deserved  as  many  chances  as  it  could  get. 

Well,  I'm going  to  get  him  back  soon,  I  resolved. 
I was about to call Maxwell when William's call came through. I answered it immediately. Having missed him, I was eager to know whether he was coming back home anytime soon. He had been away for a week. 

On answering  the call,  he  informed  me  that  Maxwell  had  been  intimate  with  a  girl  on  the  bus  while  they  were  travelling  from  Nairobi  to  Mombasa  the  previous  day. 

I  told  myself  it  was  okay  for  him  to  be  with  another  woman  because  we  were  no  longer  together,  but   a  big  part  of  me  didn’t  think  it  was  okay. 

I  loved  him  and  I  wanted  him  to  fight  for  our  love,  especially  since  his  foster  father  had  accepted  our  relationship  when  we  were  done  with  high  school.  At  one  time,  he  had  told  me  he  was  glad  to  have  me  as  his  future  daughter-in-law  and  that  he   was  eagerly  waiting  for  Maxwell  and  I  to  get  married.
“I  can’t  wait  for  you  and  Maxwell  to  tie  the  knot,”  he  had  said  excitedly. ”You would be a wonderful daughter-in-law."
Maxwell  had  told  me  he  had  not  said  anything  to  Mr Jacob  about  us  so  maybe  his  foster  father  had  just  asked  around.  A  day  later  when  he  had  complained  of  a  stomachache,  his  foster father  had  laughed.
“It  must  be  the  pilau  you  ate  yesterday  at  Sofia's  place.  You  must  have  gobbled  several  plates,”  Mr  Jacob  had  said.
Since  his  foster  father  was  on  our  side,  I  thought  we  had  no  other  greater  challenge  to  face  except  my  mother’s  acceptance. We ought to be together. I had left  Donald  for  him. 

I  called  Maxwell  to  inquire  whether  what  I  had  been  told  was  true.  I  practically  confronted  him  despite  the  fact  that  we  were  enstranged. Maxwell  denied  having  being  intimate  with  any  girl.  I  felt  hope  rise  in  me.  If  he  was  not  dating  any  other  girl  then  the  two  of  us  had  a  chance. 

I  told  him  I  didn’t  want  to  lose  him,  but  I  was  tired  of  fighting  for  us  and  he  told  me  that  I  shouldn’t  give  up  on  us.  I  called  William  soon  afterwards  and  he  kept  insisting  that  what  he  had  told  me  was  true.  He  had  been  in  the  same  bus, sitting  two  seats  in front  of  Maxwell. 

I  was  confused. I  did  not  know  who  to  believe  between  the  two:  The  man  I  was  in  love  with  or  my  best friend. 

I  did  not  have  time  to  dwell  on  that  because  a  week  later,  my  stepfather  passed  away.  My mother  and  I  were  very  devastated.  We felt as if time had been put on hold. It was hard to get past that.
"Why is the container of grapes closed?" My mother asked. "I had left it open."
"Dad and I were having a hard time restraining ourselves from eating them that's why I closed the container," I replied.
"Wait, what?" My stepfather straightened up. "Why are you including me in that conversation? You're the one who kept eating them after your mother left for the kitchen."
My mother laughed, shifting her attention from my stepfather to me then back to my stepfather.
"Dad, why are you denying this?" I asked. "You wanted them as much as I did."
"But I didn't take any extra," my stepfather argued. "Honey, give me some right now."
"No, mom. Don't give any to him. He wasn't agreeing with what I was saying. Give them to me instead."
My mother gave the grapes to my stepfather.
I frowned. "Mom, why did you do that?"
My stepfather took some and gave me the rest.

"No more complains. You got more than me."
I smiled. "Thanks, dad. You're the best."
"Sofia," William's voice jerked me back to the present. "Your dad wouldn't want to see you like this. Please eat something. You need to be strong for your mom."
"I am not hungry," I said weakly.
"Please listen to me Sofia."
"Let me talk to her," said Anita, crouching beside me. Riziki joined her.
"Sofia, I already broke the news to Max," said Riziki.
"You didn't have to do it. I'm sure he's busy with other things," I said.
"I did it because I know how much he means to you. You need him right now."
"Thank you. Max always makes me feel better."
"Max won't be here anytime soon, but at least you have us," said William. "We would never leave you."
"That's right. You can always count on us," Anita said.
"You can count on me too," said Alicia joining us.
                                                                       "Thanks for coming, Alicia."

"Don't mention it," came Alicia's response.
"Eat this food I prepared," insisted Riziki giving me a place of rice and meat stew.
"How's my mom?" I asked.
"She's holding up," replied Riziki. "My mom has not left her side."
"I am so blessed to have you guys," I said faintly.
"We're also blessed to have you," said Anita.
"Now eat," Riziki ordered. "No more talking."

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