Chapter Nineteen

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The following day, I passed by Jamila's working place at noon. I found her staring at the computer in front of her.

"Do you need some help?" I asked, getting in.

She looked up and smiled. "No, thanks. I just need your company."

"I can be distracting sometimes. Sure you can handle my presence?"

Jamila chuckled. "You haven't changed since I met you. You're so full of dramas."

"Where's your colleague? We would be late if we don't hurry."

"She stepped out to buy lunch, but don't worry, she would be back within ten minutes."

"Okay. I hope it would be ten minutes and not a second more."

Jamila laughed. "If there's one thing that you lack, it's patience."

I broke into a laugh then remembering how Maxwell had commented about the same, pursed my lips.

"You never stop teasing me," I told my best friend.

"While we're waiting for Sandra, you can tell me what happened in Docks."

"Sorry, sweetheart. Am not going to talk about that."


I kept mum.

"Come on," Jamila nudged me.

"I said no. You'll have to wait until we meet with Christine."

Jamila groaned. "And when is that?"

"When we get to campus. She'll be joining us for lunch."

"Okay. As you wish, ma'am." She gave me a mocking salute.

Sandra returned to the office at exactly ten minutes past noon. She greeted me then spoke to Jamila for a while. We left soon after they were done with their discussion. I called Christine when we reached the school gate.

"Is she at the hostel?" Jamila asked when I hang up.

"No. She is in the reading room," I replied leading the way to the canteen.

We found Abdulrahman waiting for his lunch. He smiled upon seeing us.

"Hi to the two adorable sisters," he greeted.

"Hi," Jamila answered.

"How's the going?" I asked him.

"Pretty good. I'm doing great."

"That's good." I placed our orders and let Jamila speak with her partner.

Christine came right on time to carry her own food. The three of us left through the main gate and headed to the recreation park just across the campus.

It was a venue for different kind of things. Many students went there to relax, some to study, others to have group discussions while a few went to practise dancing like what our class did sometime back when we had to present a traditional dance before our literature teacher.

"So what happened in Docks?" Jamila could not hold it any longer. "Did you guys kiss, make out or make love?"

"Jamila!" Christine's voice held a warning.

"I'm just curious," said Jamila in defense.

I took a spoonful of pilau, swallowed then addressed my best friend. "May I remind you that curiosity killed the cat?"

"That's just a saying, and anyway, am not taking in risks to satisfy my curiosity. The person with the answers to my questions is right before me. I haven't gone on an adventure or something like that."

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