Chapter Twenty Two

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Two weeks later, Riziki and I attended a prize giving ceremony at Hope Academy. We took the back seats and engaged in a conversation. Those present were many since they were all eager to see the MP.

Riziki's boyfriend Mathew video called. Riziki spoke to him for a while then handed over the phone to me. We didn't speak much for we were interrupted by the ululations that announced the arrival of the MP.

We stood up as the guest of honour was being escorted to his seat by the director of the school. That was when I noticed a handsome young man walking ahead of the director.

My heart skipped a beat. Maxwell! I shouldn't have been surprised by his presence, but I was.

Two weeks had passed without us communicating. I had missed him. I watched him as he paused and turned to take photos of the director and his special guest with his phone. The photographer was beside him doing his job.

I smiled inwardly and told myself that I would have to move to the front so as to have a good look at him and so that he could take a photo of me alongside the MP. After all, the MP would be standing a few feet in front of me while delivering his speech if I happened to be on the front seats.

I asked my friend to go with me, but she refused saying that she was fine sitting at the back. I said goodbye to Mathew, handed the phone back to Riziki and moved to the front. Throughout the function, I was aware of Maxwell's gaze and the way my heart kept beating faster. I was glad when the event finally came to an end.

I spoke to some of the teachers then went to the photographer to take a look at the photos taken. I paid for mine as Riziki joined me. I gave the photo to her and went to talk to Maxwell who was then chatting with William. I greeted them both, but before I could say anything more, William excused himself and went to see the photographer.

"I'm hungry," said Maxwell. "Are you planning to cook anything at home?"

I looked at him, surprised. So he still missed my cooking, I mused. A smile formed across my lips. Some things never changed.

"Sorry. I don't have such plans. Food is provided here. Why haven't you eaten, anyway?"

"I haven't gotten the chance to."

"Oh. That's right. You've been very busy."

"Will you at least offer me some water?"

Gosh! Maxwell was really something. He could get water from the school, but no, he just wanted to go to my place. What did he have in mind? I wondered.

You know what he wants, a voice in my head told me.

"Okay. No problem. You can come for it."

"I'd be happy to get more than a glass of water," he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

There. He had finally revealed his real intention.

I feigned ignorance. "You mean a whole jug of water or maybe two jugs?" I asked.

"You know exactly what I mean." He flashed me a smile.

"We'll see," I told him. "I might as well give you a hug."

He smiled broadly. "Go ahead. I'll catch up with you soon."

"Okay. See you."

"Sofia, I'll come for a glass of water," said William joining us.

"Alright," I said then went to Riziki's side.

"Am glad you and Max are on talking terms," she said, squeezing my hand.

"Me too," I admitted. "He's told me that he'd come to see me at home in a while."

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