Chapter Two

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The  teachers’  strike  happened  in  the  last  term  of  our  second  year.  It  was  a  sad  thing.  Nevertheless,  I  was  glad  it  happened  for  I  got  to  attend  classes  with  Maxwell. How  fun  could  learning  get?

Maxwell was studying at Hope High School which was not affected by the strike.  He  was  surprised  to  see  me,  but  all  the  same  happy  to  have  me  there.

My best friend, William, the brother to Alicia and Anita became my desk mate. He  informed  me  that  Maxwell  was  seeing  his  sister  Alicia.  I  felt  betrayed,  but  then  I  reminded  myself  that  Maxwell  had  not  made  any  promises  to  me.  Anyway,  I  was  determined  to  get  back  what  was  mine.
"May I sit with you?" I  asked  him three days later.
“Sure,”  he  said,  putting  on  the  spectacles  he  seldom  wore.
He  sounded  so  formal.  Not  like   someone  who  had  been  in  my  company  before.  It  was  as  if  we  hadn’t  shared  a  kiss.  

He’s  seeing  Alicia,  I reminded  myself. 

Well,  that  was  going  to  change.  I  liked  Maxwell  and  I  was  sure  he  still  liked  me.  Therefore,  he  had  no  business  dating  the  other  girl.  I  flashed  him  a  sexy  smile  and  he  smiled  back.
Within  no  time,  it  was   clear  that  Maxwell  and  I  were  a  couple.  We  spent  so  much  time  together;  we  discussed  school work  together,  ate  lunch  together  and played  games  together. I  had  an  advantage  over  Alicia -I  was  Maxwell’s  classmate  and  desk mate. William had agreed to change seats with him.

Our  relationship  bloomed.  One  day  when  we  were  seated  in  the   dining  hall,  that  is  Maxwell,  his  best  friend  Erick  and  I,  a  form  one  student  joined  us. 
Maxwell  patted  my  shoulder  and  said,  “Meet  my  high  school  son,  Joel  Mwandawiro.”
“Hi  Joel,”  I   greeted.  “My  name  is  Sofia Abubakar.” 
                                                                  “Hi  Sofia.”
We  shook  hands. 
“Is  she  my  mom?”  Joel asked  Maxwell  who  nodded  firmly,  a  smile  lighting  up  his  face .
“Good  to  finally  meet  you,  mom,”  said  Joel  delightedly. 
I  gave  him  a  hug  and  said,  “It’s  a  pleasure  to  have  you  as  my  son.”
“Can  I  join  in  the  hug?”  Maxwell  asked,  getting  to  his  feet.
“Of  course,  sweetheart. You  don’t  need  to  ask,”  I  told   him.
He  enveloped  us  in  a  long  embrace  then  took  my  hand  and  Joel’s  and  asked  us  to  sit  beside  him  on  the  bench.
“What a happy  family!”  exclaimed  Erick.  “I  wonder  if  I  should  get  myself  one.”
I  chuckled,  thinking  of  Anita.  If  only  she  could  join  us.
“Don’t   rush  things,”  I  advised  him.
When  I  got  home,  I  made  a  list  of  the  things  I  wanted.  My  bucket list:
                 Be  a  writer.
                 Be  a  doctor/teacher.
                 Be  an  actress. 
                 Be  a  journalist.
                 Be  a  judge.
                Be  Mrs  Maxwell.
On Monday the following week, I noticed that Maxwell was avoiding me. He exchanged his seat with William and didn't take lunch with me.
"He must have lost interest in you," William said.
"That's not true!" I exploded.
"Why is he ignoring you then?"
"I don't know. He must have a good reason," I said.
"I can't believe you are defending him right now."
"I am not... It's not like that." I sighed. "You don't understand."
"I understand perfectly well. It's you who doesn't want to accept the truth."
"He can't leave me. He loves me."
"Has he ever told you that?"
I bit my lip and looked away from William. That was when I saw Alicia walking towards me with a wide grin.
"Guess what?" She said. "Max and I are having lunch together. Forget about him. He was never interested in you in the first place."
I clenched my teeth and glared at her.
"See? I told you so," said William. "Max was with Alicia before you came and now he's gone back to her. He was just playing with your feelings."
"Alicia is lying," I said. "Max is mine."
"Keep lying to yourself. I have done my part," Alicia said and walked away.
"I am going to prove you wrong very soon," I shouted after her.
In the evening, I stopped Maxwell on his way home. He was with Alicia while I was with William. He frowned as I blocked his way.
"Max, we need to talk," I said crossing my hands over my chest.
“What about?" He asked, feigning ignorance.
                                                                       "Us," I replied.
"There's no us, Sofia. Just go home."
He tried to move past me, but I was quick enough. I stood in front of him.
"Didn't you hear what I just said?" He huffed.
"Max, please hear me out. I want to talk to you."
"Well, I don't want to talk to you so please let me be. Go."
"I won't go home until you talk to me," I declared as Maxwell walked past me.
"Don't mind her," said Alicia. "She's making empty threats."
I turned around and met Maxwell's gaze. I pretended I wasn't affected by his angry look.

"If you leave without talking to me then I would stay right here," I threatened. "I would even spend the night here."
"Don't be stupid and quit acting like a child," said Maxwell angrily.
Alicia snaked her hand around Maxwell's arm and said, "Let's go, Max. She can stay here if she wants to."
The two of them walked away. William moved closer to me.
"Are you convinced now?" He asked. "Do you believe what Alicia told you?"
"No," I said firmly. "I still think there's a reason behind this."
"Let's go home. We'll talk about this issue tomorrow."
"I am not going home right now. You go ahead."
"I can't leave you here. Stop being stubborn and come with me."
"Will, please go. Like I said, I am not leaving this place without talking to Max."
"What if he doesn't come back? Will you stay here until morning?"
"He will come."
"What makes you so sure?"
"I have faith in our love."
William shook his head in disbelief. He stood next to me for a while. He was about to give up on the wait when he he heard Maxwell's voice calling out my name in the dark. He quickly hid nearby and watched. I lay down and pretended to have fainted.

Maxwell rushed forward and crouched before me. He shook my body while calling out my name. When I didn't respond, he took a bottle of water from his bag and sprinkled some water on my face. He sighed with relief when I opened my eyes.
"Why didn't you leave?" He demanded. "I asked you to go home."
"I told you my condition but you totally ignored me."
"I am sorry I left you here. I don't know what I would have done if anything bad had happened to you."
"Tell me why you've been ignoring me." I sat up. "I deserve to know."
"I am sorry I hurt you. Your mom spoke to my mom two days ago."
                                                              "What did she say?"
"She wanted me to stay away from you. She said that I was a distraction."
"You know that's not true."
"I'm sorry. I had to do as she asked."
"It's okay. I knew you wouldn't hurt me intentionally. Next time, please tell me what's going on. Don't hide things from me."
"Okay." Maxwell pulled me into a hug. "Your mom is going to be angry if she finds out that I spoke with you."
"Don't worry about that." I snuggled closer. "Right now, am glad that you're here with me. You are my greatest strength. I can't live without you. I love you."
Maxwell planted a kiss on my forehead. "I love you more, sweetheart."
When  the  strike  was  over,  I  felt  sad.  I  was  going  to   miss  life  at  a  mixed day  school.  I  was  also  going  to  miss  Maxwell.

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