Chapter Thirty

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I was having breakfast with Mubarak at the restaurant where Anita worked when Maxwell appeared.

"Sofia," he called. "I'm really sorry for realizing too late that you are the right woman for me."

I stood up, perplexed. Where was this coming from?

"I don't want to make the mistake of marrying Hannah. I would be yours if you'd accept me back." He knelt and took my right hand. "Will you be mine?"

My mouth was agape. Was this real? Mubarak took my other hand.

"Don't be swayed by his words. He is just playing with your mind and heart. I am the right man for you. Not him."

I looked to my right then left and back to my right and shook my head. I wanted a peace of mind. Better get out. I dropped their hands and walked away. I didn't get far. I slipped and when I was about to hit the floor, big hands grabbed me.

I looked up to see a pair of beautiful eyes that belonged to a beautiful and kind soul. My hero, Mubarak, was at it again. Saving me one more time. It hurt to think that I almost considered Maxwell's proposal. I shut my eyes and took in Mubarak's scent. Right then, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

My eyes popped open to find Jamila and Christine glueing at me. I sat up quickly. I was glad it was a dream, but it worried me nevertheless. When I told my friends about it, they told me not to worry saying that dreams were not reality. I tried to cheer up since it was a special day for the three of us and I did not want to worry Mubarak.

Anyway, it's been months since I last saw Maxwell. He and Hannah already had a church wedding and were probably still on their honeymoon. He had permanently relocated to Nairobi to work at his foster father's company. Actually, it also belonged to his late father, Mr Okusanya.

Benjamin, Maxwell's foster brother had told me that his father Mr Jacob and Maxwell's father had met at a university in Nairobi and years after graduation they had started a business together. Mr Okusanya had married a Kenyan and settled down.

Unfortunately, his wife had passed away soon after giving birth. Years later, Mr Okusanya died of lung cancer and left his son in the care of his business partner. With Benjamin gone, Maxwell was the only surviving heir.

Maxwell was now living his dream and sooner or later, he would be called father. My throat tightened at the thought and I wondered, would I ever be okay? I had a chance to be happy but here I was thinking about someone who didn't care about my existence.

I pushed the thoughts away and went to get ready. It was a special day for me and my friends and there was no way I was going to spoil that.

Jamila, Christine and I spent the day taking a lot of photos at different places. We stopped by William's working place and had pieces of cake then went to Anita's workplace for lunch. We even went to Riziki's place and my father's. Since my mother was on day shift, we visited the hospital during her lunch break. Edward joined in the photos we took.

The best part of the day was when we had dinner with our boyfriends at Anita's workplace. Mubarak even brought a chocolate cake. The evening was perfect. I was so full that I could barely walk. Mubarak carried me to the car once we were out of the building.

The following day, my friends and I spent time with the kids at the orphanage. We had classes with them in the morning then took them to the beach in the afternoon. It was the birthday of one of the kids so we let him cut the cake we had ordered and sang a birthday song for him. We ate, drank and danced. The kids were exhausted by the time we returned them home.

Since Mubarak had asked me to accompany him to his mother's place for dinner, I dropped at his office on my way home to check if he was done for the day. It was six by the time I reached there. I went to the lift, pressed the button for the highest floor and waited. The PA was not at her desk and the door to Mubarak's office was open so I let myself in.

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