Chapter Twenty Six

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Time is a thief, so they say. The day I had dreaded finally arrived. It was the day when Maxwell and I were going to act as lovebirds. William, who was Maxwell's close friend in the movie, told me he had to take me somewhere. When I asked where, he said that it was a secret that I had to find out. He tied a cloth around my head to cover my eyes and guided me towards our destination.

"We're here," Tom announced after what felt like eternity.

I heard the sound of a door being opened.

He ushered me in and instructed, "Walk straight ahead."

I did until he asked me to stop.
He untied the cloth and pointed towards his right. There was a banner on the wall written 'Happy birthday, Hellen!'. I realized we were in the school hall and the place was quite packed with our classmates. Everyone was dressed in home clothes and had a drink in their hands. Except us, of course.

"Happy birthday, Hellen!" Shouted several voices.

"Happy birthday to my amazing partner," said Maxwell walking towards me. I didn't realize when he'd joined us.

"This isn't real, is it?"

William and Maxwell smiled at me.

"Should I pinch you so that you may be convinced that this isn't a dream?" A familiar voice asked.

"Abby!" I exclaimed. "You're also here!"

"I couldn't miss your birthday party for the world," said Anita. "You're my best friend so how could I absent myself on such a special occasion?"

"You're my best friend so why did you hide such a thing from me?"

"It was meant to be a surprise, silly. Sorry. I made a promise to Morgan that I wouldn't let the cat out of the bag. Happy birthday, bestie!" Anita embraced me.

When we drew apart, she asked William to get me a drink then left to take care of something. Maxwell left too. Riziki and her friend Alicia chose that moment to appear.

"Hey, you!"

I sighed. Not again.

"What is it, Diana?" I asked, turning to face her.

She glared at me. "I just want you to know that your happiness won't last long. Morgan is mine. Remember that."

"Whatever," I said, gritting my teeth.

"The war has just started," she declared and left, her friend following behind her.

William brought my drink soon afterwards.

"Happy birthday," he said handing me the drink.

I thanked him and gulped it down quickly. Afterwards, Anita appeared to take me somewhere to dress up. Maxwell, or rather Morgan, had bought me a fancy dress. It was a pretty long blue dress. Anita helped me put on a light makeup then we returned to the hall. Maxwell was standing at the front holding a mike. William was beside him.

"Hello, everyone. I'd like to wish this special girl, who is very important in my life, a happy birthday. Hellen, may this day be as special as you are. Let's toast to that." He raised his glass and everyone did the same.

The word "cheers" rang out in the hall. I felt very special. Maxwell asked me to join him at the front. Anita squeezed my hand and beamed at me. I was with Maxwell in a jiffy. He hugged me then took me to the table that had the cake.

He asked me to close my eyes and make a wish. I did so then I blew out the candles, cut the cake and fed Maxwell and my close friends before allowing Anita to give each of the other guests a piece. I had so much fun and when I thought that the party was coming to an end, Maxwell took the mike again.

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