Chapter Eighteen

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It was twenty minutes past eight when we finally left the house. Maxwell and Nickson were going to spend the night at Maxwell's home.

"Jamila loves you," said Maxwell on our way to the stage.

"I love her too," I told him. "She's my sweetheart."

"What about me?" He wanted to know.

I pretended not to understand. "What about you?" I asked.

"Am I not your number one sweetheart?"

I simply smiled and kept mum. Maxwell greeted their two Maasai friends on the way. They were seated outside their shop.

"Your guest, Max?" One of them asked.

I stepped forward and said, "Not really. I am Nick's guest."

Maxwell glared at me. I gave him a sly smile. I was done playing nice. As we walked away from the Maasai men, I moved to Maxwell's side but he went to Nickson's left-hand side so that I was left walking on Nickson's right-hand side.

"You said you were Nick's guest," Maxwell reminded me. "Then walk with him." He gave me a challenging look.

"Whatever," I muttered.

It was my way of ending any further arguments and he knew it. I started up a conversation with Nickson as Maxwell walked ahead of us and made a call.

"Hello, sweetheart," he said into the phone and turned to see my reaction.

I pretended not to be hurt and shifted my attention to Nickson. Nickson told me that his cousin loved his girlfriend very much. He said that he was aware of my past relationship with Maxwell and that he was hoping I would stop seeing his cousin since he had already moved on.

I looked ahead and saw Maxwell standing outside the University of Nairobi. Nickson came to a halt behind him and so did I.

"Why are we stopping here?" I asked, then remembering that it was Nickson's campus, turned to question him. "Do you want to pick up something you left?"

Maxwell answered instead. "Actually, I am the one who has left something," he mused.

"Oh." I told myself it was none of my business.

Maxwell often visited his cousin here so he must have made friends hence leaving behind an item or two.

"I am waiting for someone," he clarified.

"A lady?" I pried.

"Yeah," he confirmed.

I shot him a disgusted look.

How inconsiderate of him, I thought.

We had been intimate a while ago, but he stood here as if nothing had happened between us. He knew how to hurt me deeply. I swallowed past the sudden tightness in my throat.

It was a closure, I reminded myself. The purpose of my visit was to say goodbye to what Maxwell and I had. I should put everything behind me now. He can be with anyone he wants. His love life ceases to be my business.

I took in a deep breath and hoped that I had succeeded in convincing myself to keep off my ex's affairs.

"Sofia, this is Catherine."

I looked away from the spot my eyes had been fixed on. It was where Maxwell had been standing earlier. I had not realized that he had moved and I was staring into space.

A pretty fair girl of twenties stood beside Maxwell. Plastering a smile on my face, I stepped forward.

"Hi, Catherine." I held out my hand.

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