Chapter Twenty Four

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The following day, the director summoned me. When I went to see him, he told me that Binti, the lead actress, had had an emergency and would not be available for the following three months. My heart sank. Why were things going wrong? When I was done fixing one problem, another came up. The director asked me to take the lead actress's place. I must have worn an angry look for he looked disappointed.

"Will you do it?" He finally asked.

"Do I  have a choice?"

"Yes, you do. You can find someone to take up that role, but it's such a short notice the person might not master the script on time."

"That's right," agreed the producer. "We're going shooting tomorrow. You're a better choice since you're well informed about the movie."

"Besides, you'll be acting alongside your friend Maxwell and that's the most interesting part of it all. In fact, James and I think that you two look good together."

"I guess you have a point," I heard myself saying.

The producer and director were so persuasive.

"Is that a yes?" The director asked, grinning.

I nodded.

"Great!" The producer exclaimed.

The director went out and shouted, "Let's get to work, everybody!"

Maxwell was speaking with my colleagues when I got out. We began our rehearsals. The first to perform was Riziki and Maxwell. The latter acted so well, I could not stop smiling.

After the rehearsals, I called Jamila to tell her what was going on. She was sad that we could no longer push through with our plans. I later told her and Christine that they could come to the venue to watch me rehearse anytime. They came in the evening. I was in a scene with Riziki. We didn't talk until after I took a break.

"That was awesome." Jamila beamed at me.

"You were great," Christine told me.

"Thanks." I went to pour each of them a drink.

We chatted as they sipped on their drinks. Christine wanted to know whether I was going to perform the part or I was going to get someone to do it instead. When I told her that I was actually taking the part, she and Jamila frowned. I knew that they were both worried since Maxwell and I shared a history.

They were wondering how I could be so close to him and not get hurt. Or fall for him again. That is, if I wasn't still in love with him. I assured them that I would be okay. I could not let the producer and director down. They let me join their company and I would forever be grateful for that.

I apologized for the fact that I could not join my friends in the trip. Jamila and Christine said that they were cancelling the trip since I wasn't going to be present. Instead, they were going to stay back and watch my performance. I could tell their minds were made up. No need to try to convince them otherwise.

"Thanks," I told them. "I love you."

"We love you," they said.

Riziki came to join us. She asked my friends why they had not brought Victor with them. I gave her a reproachful look. She ignored it and said it was high time I moved on. She was right. I could not carry a torch for Maxwell forever even though I only had eyes for him.

The rest of the day passed by quickly. The director and producer were pleased by how smoothly things were going. In the movie, my role was that of Hellen, a Ugandan girl whose family relocates to Kenya. She gets enrolled in a new school where she meets with the popular students, Diana (Riziki) and Morgan (Maxwell).

The moment she and Morgan start to grow close, she becomes Diana's enemy. Diana, who has a crush on Morgan teams up with her brother Tom (William), who has a crush on Hellen, to stop Morgan and Hellen from getting any closer. However, destiny will keep them together.

"That's all for today," said the director a few hours later.

As I walked towards the place where my friends were seated, I heard a voice calling out my name from behind me. I cursed inwardly. Of all the people I had to see at the end of the day, why did it have to be Maxwell's fiancee? Her mere presence annoyed me. I stopped so that she could catch up with me.

"Hi," she greeted.

"Hi," I replied. "I can see that you made it." I had been hoping that she wouldn't come.

"Yes, I did," came the response. "There was no way I could miss such a special moment in my fiance's life."

"Oh, I see. That's good. If you'll excuse me, I have to be somewhere now."

"No, wait!"

"What is it?" I asked, my patience wearing thin.

"I just want to know why you changed your mind."

"Changed my mind? What do you mean?"

"You were not a part of this movie. How come you are now?"

"Oh, that. Well, am sure Max already told you what happened. No need to bore you with that story. In a nutshell, something came up and I had to take up somebody's role."



"Wasn't there someone else to take up that role? Did it really have to be you?"

I sighed. That was going to be a long talk, but I had no plans of letting it go on for long. I had other important things to do.

"Like I said earlier, circumstances forced me to take part in this movie."

"Why do I have this feeling that there's something more to this?"

"What! Do you think I like the fact that my trip got cancelled and I got stuck here?"

"Maybe. Here's what I think. You want to be close to my fiance. You're happy that you're now working close to him. I mean, isn't that the reason why you offered him the job in the first place?"

That was the last straw. I had endured enough.

"I don't care what you think, Hannah and I'd appreciate it if you never gave out your opinion to me in the near future. Goodbye!"

"Come back here, you husband snatcher! We're not done yet!" Hannah's voice rang.

I couldn't care less. I did not stop walking until I got to where my friends were waiting for me. They noticed my anger and questioned me about it. I asked to embrace me and they did. Then we walked to the stage. As we boarded a matatu, they asked me what had happened. I told them and they teased me about it.

"Can you believe she thinks that I am after her fiance?"

"Aren't you?" Jamila asked.

"What! Not you too!"

"Just kidding." Jamila laughed and Christine joined in the laughter.

"That wasn't funny," I grunted, then laughed as I recalled Hannah's worried looked.

My friends and I went home where we prepared some food and watched a movie as we ate. My mother was on night shift at the hospital where she worked. Anita joined us. She was spending the night at my home. She showed me a photo Hannah had posted on whatsapp. I frowned. The photo had been taken at the restaurant Maxwell and I used to frequent.

So he was now taking his girl to the places we used to hang out, I mused.

How annoying! I was so angry that I almost flamed him for showing off his girlfriend. Anita saw the expression on my face and apologized for showing me the picture. I assured her that it was okay. That I was okay. I excused myself and went to get ice cream for everyone.

It was a half past ten when Christine and I retired to bed. We left Jamila and Anita in the sitting room, eyes glued to the screen. I tried putting away thoughts of Maxwell as I climbed into bed. He had no right to occupy my mind and heart.

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