Chapter Seventeen

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My arms wound around his neck as he took over my initiated kiss and made it his own. The kiss was so demanding, but very passionate. I felt his desire and yearning. My heart was filled with happiness.

That was surely going to be my favourite goodbye, assuming that I would be able to get him out of my system. In an instant I knew that even if it were a hundred years from now and he kissed me, it would still feel like that- sensual, powerful and soul shattering.

A half an hour later, Maxwell and I were lying on his bed reminiscing the past. He kissed my forehead before I lay my head on his chest. His arms wrapped me into a tight embrace. A smile spread across my lips as I recalled the three words he had let slip as he kissed me earlier.

"I love you, sweetheart," he had said  and my heart had been filled with joy.

He stood up and asked me to lie on my stomach. I knew he wanted to give me the other thing I had missed the most- a massage. I felt the tension leaving my body as Maxwell's hands worked their magic on my shoulder blades.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

I simply nodded. His hands moved lowered to ease the tightness between my shoulder blades. A moan escaped my lips. His hands slid further and I held my breath.

As he kept massaging my back, I realized that my brasserie was unclasped. I loved that moment and I did not wish for it to end, but then everything that has a beginning has an ending. I sat up when he was done with the massage.

"Thank you my darling masseur," I said pecking him on his cheeks.

"My pleasure, my sweet client," he told me with a wink.

I smiled. He asked me to lie down and I did, resting my head on his lap. I looked up at him and he gave me that cute smile of his. 



"When do you plan to settle down?"

"Four years from now."

"Oh." My chest ached. I looked away. The thought of Maxwell with his future wife was heartbreaking.

"That's wonderful," I choked out and blinked back the burning tears in my eyes.

Feigning a smile, I turned to look at him and said, "I hope I'll be able to witness your wedding. You'll make a great husband and dad."
I was being frank. It hurt me to know that he would not be the father of my children. My dream of starting a family with him was going to remain as a dream and nothing more.

A tiny smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Thanks for the drink," I said standing up.

"Are you leaving?" He asked.

I turned to face him, opening the door an inch.

"I'll just step outside. I have to make a call."

A glance at the clock on the wall told me that it was a quarter to eight. I always lost track of time whenever I was around Maxwell. I flashed him a weak smile before going out and shutting the door behind me. I walked past Nickson who was napping in the sitting room.

When I was out, I took in a deep breath and scolded myself. Maxwell was no longer mine so why did the thought of him marrying someone else burn through my stomach like a branding iron? After a few breaths, I pulled myself together.

Just because I still loved him didn't give me any hold over him, I reminded myself. Just because he once referred to me as the mother of his children did not imply that I was ever going to become one. And just because his relatives called me their inlaw did not mean I had to end up being one.

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