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"You're fucking with me right?" Kokichi gawked at the man, Shuichi Saihara...what he said was true, Kokichi didn't sense that he was lying. "This cannot be happening."

"It's not," the man, Shuichi, replied shortly. "Now out."

Kokichi would've walked out. Yet something kept him put. Like he couldn't leave Shuichi as he now realized he was his assignment. Kokichi just crossed his arms and stuck out his lip. "No. You can't make me."

"How annoying, I'll have you know I'm a very busy man and don't have time for this ," Shuichi growled in annoyance and began to stride up to the smaller male.

"Shi-" Kokichi began to backpedal but it was too late.

He was already upon Kokichi and before Kokich could react he'd wrapped his arms around his waist. The smell of cologne and cotton washed over Kokichi making him a little light headed as his body begin to buzz.

He leaned down until their noses were almost brushing.

"What...what the robot dicks are you doing?" Kokichi spoke.

"What's your name?" He questioned.

"Kokichi Ouma," he stammered, mind blanking at the proximity of Shuichi's face to his.

"Kokichi, are you one of those boys who saw me on TV and hopes to get in bed with me?" He whispered seductively, darkly.

"N-no," Kokichi quickly squirmed, unable to help but think briefly of how strong and solid Shuichi's arms around him were. "I told you, I was sent as your guardian angel! I swear- I'm not lying!"

"You're supposed to be my guardian angel?" His eyes raked Kokichi up and down. "You're weak, plus you really suck at this job you know."

"Well most people know better than to stick a metal fork in the toaster, dick-head!"

Just like that he released Kokichi and Kokichi staggered back, feeling light without Shuichi's arms around him.

"I was in a rush," he snapped back, his former irritated, stuck up façade back. "I am in a rush. And if I'm late to the meeting because of you, you're in big trouble."

"Stop talking to me like I'm a kid!" He yelled at the taller man who was already turning around back to the kitchen. "I told you! I'm twenty and that's not a lie!"

"And I told you to get out," was the sharp reply as he bent down at the toaster. "Great, and the toast are all burned. I'll need to put in a couple new ones." He picked up the fork again.

"Did your mother not teach you to not use metal ware in toasters!" Kokichi shouted as he threw his arms in the air.

Shuichi shot Kokichi a sidelong glance over his shoulder. "Oh no, guardian angel. Save me." Sarcasm dripped from his words just as the fork touched the top of the inside of the toaster. "Ow!"

Kokichi clapped a hand on his forehead. "Let me do it for you. Stupid cum eating fucker "

"Cum eating?? No," He flapped a hand at the smaller male. "I'm fine. Shoo. Go away." A prominent red mark marred his palm.

"No, let me help you, I mean you're clearly too stupid to" Kokichi insisted impatiently.

The last few words of the Keeper echoed in Kokichi's head: 'terrible things' would happen to him if his assignment died during his one-year contract (that he certainly didn't sign up for). Kokichi certainly wasn't going to let this dick-head asshole electrocute himself to death trying to get toast out of the toaster with a damn metal fork.

"Back off," He grumbled as Kokichi approached him and shouldered his way in front of the toaster

Indeed, two pieces of black sticky messes were in the toaster.

"How do you survive on your own? I'm genuinely surprised you're alive." Kokichi rolled his eyes.

He grabbed a thin wooden spatula from a nearby counter. "This is what you use, genius. Something that doesn't conduct electricity."

"I know that," Shuichi snorted as he watched Kokichi pull one blackened mess out one at a time

"Then why weren't you doing it, hm?" Kokichi shot him a side-glance.

He straightened his jacket. "Don't question things I do, especially when I don't question anything you've said, I mean robot dicks? Seriously? " he replied haughtily. "Now, I'm going off to work. I'm already going to be late as it is. And you, sir, will leave the apartment when I leave. For good. Understood?"

" The names Kokichi Ouma, and aren't you going to eat something?" He glanced at the toaster.

"No time," Shuichi strode out of the kitchen, and like instinct, Kokichi followed him. Kokichi caught glimpses of lavish rooms as they went down the hall of his penthouse.

He grabbed a professional bag that was propped by the door of his penthouse before swinging open the door and stepping out into a wide hall. He paused and looked at Kokichi expectantly.

Reluctantly Kokichi stepped out as well and he shut the door behind him securely. "Go home," his voice had softened a tiny bit. "You should have better things to do other than follow me around. I'll ensure the security guards usher you out if you still refuse to leave."

With that Shuichi Saihara turned and walked away.

Kokichi stood awkwardly in the hallway, twisting his hands together. What was he supposed to do now? It would've been great if he had some training in how to be a guardian angel. Everything had happened so fast.

'Did the asshole really not realize I was the one he killed? Did he really get off that easily from killing me? Did anyone even know I was gone...That I died..'

Kokichi exhaled slowly. Perhaps it was better to just leave Shuichi alone. He already had security guards and an expensive apartment. He didn't need Kokichi. Maybe Kokichi could check up on him maybe once a week or something. Besides, Kokichi should get in touch with his friends again if possible.

Just then Kokichi heard voices coming down the hall.

Before he could react, three men in security uniforms appeared down the hallway. They were talking with each other in low voices and all wore the classic shades over their eyes.

"Shit," He muttered as they approached. Shuichi really did send them to get Kokichi off their back. One of the guards' face seemed to shift on Kokichi. He wore shades so Kokichi couldn't see where he was looking exactly, but it seemed as if he was looking directly at Kokichi.

Kokichi's shoulders slumped in defeat and he walked towards them slowly, dragging hid feet a tiny bit. "Okay, I'm sorry," he began as they paused right in front of him.

"Looks like he left," one of the guards said.

Kokichi drew up short and stared at the one who'd spoken. "Bitch, excuse me?"

"Good," the second guard nodded. All three ignoring what Kokichi was saying. Ignoring him. "Mr. Saihara was probably right, it was just another crazy fan wanting to get close to him because of his looks."

"Hang on, hello?" Kokichi waved right at the guards' faces. "C-can you guys see me? Hear me?"

"We'll just have to buckle down a bit more with security," the first guard sighed. "I have no clue how the boy must have broke in."

The third guard jiggled the door handle. "It's sealed and locked. So he didn't break the door."

The three guards continued talking about how the "intruder" must have gotten in and how to better their system, but Kokichi had stopped listening.

'So I am invisible to other people. The only person who could see me would probably have to be Shuichi since he's my assignment.'

A plan began to unfold in his mind.

"Time for my revenge for killing me, Mr. Saihara," Kokichi chuckled evilly.


And so it starts

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