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A steady beep slowly drew Kokichi out of the darkness he'd been placed in.

  It felt like his eyelids were bricks and far too heavy.

Whispers reached his ears as he half-heartedly listened, too weary to try and decipher all the words.

What had happened?

"collapsed...four hours...doctors said."

"Okay...unknown cause...Shuichi?"

The name instantly sounded familiar and Kokichi began to listen closer. Why couldn't he remember anything?

"When...start...dating...Kumori broke up...bro."

The words kept fading in and out of his ears. Perhaps it wasn't important enough anyway.


Okay, that got Kokichi's attention, and abruptly memories began to flood into his head.

'Guardian angel... rich asshole...burned toast...walking perfume shop...'

"Seriously? You...talk...that...now?"

'Breaking up with Kumori...kissing...bathtub...keeper...choices and finally deciding to-'

"Just... curious...told.. by Kumori."

'Hold up, what?'

"He... never...sex...shut...up!"

'Were they talking about me?'

"...with...body- He.. virgin."

'Stupid horny men talking about me when I'm supposedly unconscious, hell no, this was so not happening.'

"You're..., and...talking...I'm..hit... now."



Another pause.


Kokichi groaned softly as he tried to force his eyes open.

Everything instantly became quiet as his stubborn eyes finally parted and he could see where he was.

Light yellow walls glowing with pale sunlight from a nearby window greeted him along with the smell of iodoform and cleaning chemicals stung his nose a little. Kokichi was flat on his back in a hospital bed and beside him stood- surprise!- Shuichi Saihara and Kaito Momota.

The moment the CEO's golden eyes landed on the boy they widened and he rushed over to the bedside. "Kokichi?" he breathed.

He'd been terrified.

Kokichi could tell by his eyes.

His insides melted a little at Shuichi's expression. It seemed so out of place, the kind expression filled with kindness and affection.

He loved it. 

Kokichi almost smiled a little at him as Shuichi exhaled in relief and his fingers brushed against Kokichi's pale cold ones.

Then his gaze glided to see Kaito looking slightly awkward behind Shuichi and his purple eyes narrowed and darted back to Shuichi's face in flinty anger.

"Uh..." Shuichi drew back a little, confusion written all over his face.

"The moment I get out of this bed I'm taking you straight to Church," He hissed at him. "And right after you confess your sins I'm gonna drown you in the nearest bathtub I find!!"

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