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"Hey Saihara," Kokichi hopped up from the spot where he'd been sitting all afternoon in front of the door.

'I think my butt my fell asleep during the whole time.'

Shuichi had just appeared in the hall. He had one hand shoved in a pocket with the other holding his bag. His suit still looked clean and sharp, but his hair seemed a bit ruffled and it looked absolutely sexy (In Kokichi and everyone's else's opinion).

He stopped when he saw Kokichi.

"I told the guards to get rid of you," his gaze slid over Kokichi slowly.

Kokichi skipped over to him, grinning. "Yup! You did."

"Go away will you? Please." He exhaled as if struggling for patience.

Kokichi squinted his eyes a little at Shuichi. He seemed almost genuinely pleading. His eyes were dark with exhaustion and an emotion Kokichi couldn't quite read glimmered in his eyes.

'Frustration? Maybe exasperation?'

"Rough day at work?" He inquired.

"Rough day in general," he snapped. And then, out of nowhere, he dropped the bag he'd been holding and, with now his two free hands, grasped Kokichi's wrists and shoved them both to the wall. Kokichi gave a small yelp of surprise as Shuichi pinned Kokichi's arms above his head, fingers crushing around Kokichi's wrists. "What do you want? Money? An autograph? Interview? Whatever it is I'll give it to you. Just please leave me alone." He hissed at the smaller boy through gritted teeth.

"Wow, aren't you eager." Was all Kokichi could say, he couldn't get any other words out as his mind blanked once again with Shuichi's body pressed against his own, trapping him to the wall.

Then, just as abruptly, he let go of Kokichi and stepped back away. "Security!" He yelled down the hall.

"Good luck dumbass," Kokichi told him, rubbing his wrists ruefully. "Remember, I told you that I'm your guardian angel." He said, as he tried to ignore how his heart beat furiously in his chest and the heat on his cheeks.

"You're crazy," Shuichi scoffed back at Kokichi, leaning down to pick up his bag again.

"Sir?" A security guard appeared, body snapped to attention. "What can I help you with?"

'Let the fun begin, Mr. Saihara'

Shuichi impatiently gestured towards Kokichi.

Kokichi just crossed his arms, smirking at both the security guard and Shuichi. The warm buzzing feeling of being so close to Shuichi was quickly fading as the cold look had returned to his face.

"Sir?" The security guard looked at Kokichi, or rather, through Kokichi, and then back at Shuichi. "Is there a problem?"

Shuichi paused. "I told you to remove the boy from my quarters didn't I?"

"Y-yes you did," the security guard stammered, clearly baffled. "But the boy wasn't here when we came. We've been keeping watch all day and he hasn't turned up."

"He's right there!" Shuichi now directly jabbed a finger at Kokichi.

While Kokichi simply stuck his tongue out at the guard.

"S-sir, no one is there," the guard's attention posture was beginning to shrivel up as fear crossed his face.

"What kind of prank is going on here?" Shuichi yelled now, glaring at the smaller.

Kokichi flounced over to the guard, aware of Shuichi's wide eyes on him. "Heyo Mr. Guard, dumpster, fuck face, you can't see me can you?" Kokichi jumped up and down right in front of the guard's face.

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