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Heavy, awkward silence blanketed the room as everyone looked at everywhere and anything but Kokichi while the other two- Shuichi and Rantaro- were preoccupied with staring directly at Kokichi.

Rantaro recovered first. "Everyone out!" he ordered, to which everyone else in the room gladly complied without a single complaint. He turned to the smaller, carefully making sure his soft green eyes stayed on Kokichi's face. "Now let's get you some proper attire on."

Next Shuichi seemed to shake out of his stupor and frowned at Rantaro. "I'll do that, Rantaro," he said, walking over to Kokichi. He pulled him off the couch and began to guide him towards the hallway.

"You are so possessive sometimes," Rantaro muttered. "Such a pain up the old-"

Shuichi pulled him into his bedroom and slammed the door shut.

"Holy fucking shit, holy shit, what the fuck," Kokichi gasped, panic beginning to settle in along with embarrassment.

Kokichi stalked over to Shuichi's bed and snatched a pillow before shoving his head into it and screaming at the top of his lungs.

Shuichi watched Kokichi quietly - choosing to not comment on Kokichi's language until he'd finally stopped deafening the pillow's non-existent ears. Kokichi collapsed on his bed, suddenly feeling exhausted.

"They all saw me pantless," Kokichi groaned, covering his eyes. "How the hell can they even see me? What happened? When did this happen??"

Kokichi looked up, chest heaving as he tried to calm his frayed nerves watching the young human approach him.

"I have no clue what happened either," He kneeled in front of the angel, resting his hands on his pale half-bare lap to intertwine with his own fingers. "But we'll get through this okay? First by putting on a proper outfit."

"Now you're glad I didn't take off my sweater, huh?" Kokichi growled at him. "Imagine everyone's reaction to my angelicness."

Shuichi shrugged, his eyes sparkling gold ever so slightly. "I'm glad they didn't see that.. it's my eyes only, please. Oh, and when I said change clothes, Kokichi, I meant including your sweater. So I guess you'll have to remove it when I'm around anyway." He finished with a slightly arrogant grin.


Kokichi's lips formed a thin line. 

Shuichi got up and walked over to his closet, pulling out a few oversized T-shirts, and a pair of sweatpants, before tossing them all at Kokichi.

"This is the first time anyone other than me and Rantaro could see you?" He asked slowly, going back to the serious topic at hand.

Kokichi nodded, pulling on the sweatpants that were far too big for his thin body and tugging the drawstrings as tight as they could around his waist. "Obviously,"

"Did you eat something you think?" He frowned. "Drink something weird?"

Kokichi shook his head, starting to peel off the damp sweater. "I don't know," He whimpered helplessly; half because he genuinely had no clue what was going on and half because the thick sweater was refusing to slide off and had twisted and trapped one of his arms at an awkward angle.

"Here," Shuichi began to make a move towards him, hands outstretched.

"Nope! I can't have your gross human hands on my pure angelic body!" Kokichi hopped away from him, desperately trying to free his damn limbs.

"Kokichi you naive, clumsy bag of chicken bones," Shuichi sighed.

Kokichi paused and narrowed his purple eyes at him. "The creative insults are mine, you dumb Duke of Limbs" He scolded him.

Unfortunately, Shuichi took that time to quickly cross the distance and began tugging free Kokichi's arms from the cursed sweater. "So childish," he mumbled under his breath.

Kokichi clenched his jaw in resignation. The moment the sweater was removed a powerful wave of dizziness hit Kokichi and he staggered, crashing into the wall for support.

"Crap, Kokichi, what's going on?" Shuichi began to reach out for him but stopped short of Kokichi's pale bare skin on his upper body.

Kokichi just shook his head, his vision seemed to be blurring in and out of focus for some reason. Drums began to pound in his head and it seemed harder to breathe all of a sudden.

"Oh dear, Kokichi," Shuichi now fully grabbed at him as his pale thin legs began to give out beneath him. The only thing preventing him from collapsing fully were the strong arms around him, burning into his bare skin.

'What the hell..'

A high pitch whine resounded in his ear, making him wince

"Rantaro!" Shuichi began shouting. "RANTARO!"

Black ants threatened to swarm Kokichi's vision as he struggled to stay conscious.

'Am I dying..? Wait, I am already dead, kinda...technically? Does this have something to do with Shuichi and I kissing? No.. that makes no sense..we've kissed before..' 


'Why was Rantaro's voice coming from some tunnel so far away?'

"What- oh shit dicks, what happened?!"

"I don't know, he just collapsed!"

The blank ants succeeded in obscuring Kokichi's vision for a few seconds before he managed to blink them away temporarily. Slightly hearing Rantaro's smooth comforting voice, Kokichi could make out a slight Rantaro-shaped silhouette. 

"What do we do?" The genuine fear in Shuichi's voice almost pulled Kokichi out of his stupor.


For a split second, Kokichi's hazy vision cleared practically all the way and he could see Rantaro fumbling for his phone. "Should I call 1-1-9?" He looked at Shuichi with green eyes as Shuichi clutched him tightly against his chest like a priceless treasure about to be stolen away.

"I don't know, just do something!" Shuichi begged, I, Kite repeat, begged.

Then the darkness yanked Kokichi back with such tremendous force it was as if he'd plunged into water.

The darkest depths of water with dead silence.

And then, 

"Hey! Hello! Hey! Can you hear me, grape?" 


I'm going to pretend I wasn't gone for a super long while...

 Anyways, Duke of Limbs is a Victorian-era insult, it's basically someone who is tall, awkward, and gangly

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