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He froze at Shuichi's lips upon his own. 

They were warm and soft, moving against Kokichi's and urging. One of his hands slid up the side of his small thin body, over his ribs and the curve of his shoulders and collarbones, before resting right under his jaw, and gently, but firmly guiding Kokichi to tilt his head a little so he could better envelope his mouth on his.

Every move he made on Kokichi's mouth, every wordless murmur breathing across his face, sent another knot into his abdomen, tightening, and fueling fire within him. Kokichi's mind raced, yet was rendered useless to form a single coherent thought.

A small sound, a cross between a sigh and moan, escaped Kokichi's throat as he closed his eyes and melted against him.

It was like a signal.

His gentle kisses became more demanding and aggressive.

A small gasp leapt to Kokichi's lips as he pressed harder on his mouth; his tongue came out now and slid across his lower lip, before he actually slipped at it. His hands began to roam down his jawline, trailing his neck to the dip in his collarbone, and sending shivers down Kokichi's spine as he traced the bone with gentleness despite the intensifying mouth-to-mouth action he was giving.


His eyes fluttered open as reality began to settle in.

Kokichi was kissing a man who technically had a girlfriend already. And Kokichi was letting him kiss him. It was hard to focus, to get his senses back on track as he continued to move against him and his hands glided and slid across his face, shoulders, and ribs.

But somehow, he managed to say his name.


And it was like a spell broken.

They both split apart and stared at each other, their breaths deep and heavy. Kokichi's whole body tingled and was on fire.

Kokichi don't know how long they were sitting like that.

Finally Shuichi blinked rapidly in succession before inhaling shakily. "Let's get you inside with some ice," he said quietly. His voice was steadier, but his chest rose and fell a little quicker than usual.

He got out of the car, leaving Kokichi a few precious seconds by himself to try and regain his surroundings.

Kokichi couldn't help but touch his lips ever so slightly. They were still warm from his mouth. 

 'Maybe my whole face is just warm in general....


What. Just. Happened?'

The passenger door popped open as Shuichi came around and, with surprising gentleness, he scooped Kokichi up into his arms taking care not to bump his injured ankle against the passenger side of the door.

"I can walk," He mumbled under his breath, feeling flushed against the other's hard chest.

'Curse him for muddling up my feelings like this.'

Shuichi didn't answer and continued to quietly carry him out of the parking garage, after locking his car behind him of course, and into the large penthouse building.

The security guards hardly batted an eye at their entrance, only dipping their heads slightly in respect at Shuichi despite probably the very awkward position his arms were probably looking like to them at the moment.

Once reaching the top floor finally, Shuichi allowed Kokichi to escape his arms so he could unlock his door.

The moment they stepped inside Kokichi hobbled over and collapsed on a nearby couch, feeling exhaustion and fatigue swelling up inside himself.  Shuichi ducked into the other rooms towards the kitchen and was soon back with an ice pack.

"Here," he held it out to him quietly before proceeding to sit down on a chair across from him and watch him with dark golden eyes.

Most of the rawness and storm of emotions had been wiped clean from his expression though there was still something there. Kokichi worried, his bottom lip a little as he pressed the cold pack to his swollen ankle, trying to pretend to look anywhere but his face.

"Kokichi," he began hesitantly before pausing.

Kokichi allowed himself to glance at him and held his breath to wait for what he'd say next.

"Let's just...pretend what happened just back there...didn't happen," Shuichi said quietly.

Something in his stomach dropped a little, for reasons he couldn't explain, but all the same he nodded. "I think it's for the best that we do that."

"But still, thanks for hearing me out," Shuichi took a deep breath. "Though I hope you won't turn what I told you against me?"

'Like Kumori did.'

'Like Kumori did.'

The unspoken words hovered in the air.

Kokichi's mouth felt a little dry as he gave a single nod. "Of course," his voice was all but a whisper.

"Thank you Kokichi." For some reason, the way his name came off Shuichi's tongue like silk seemed to make him shiver a little for reasons he couldn't explain. He'd said Kokichi's names plenty of times before. "And I'm sorry about your ankle again. I'll do all I can to not let something like that happen again."

He gave another single nod, unsure of what to say.

Clearly out of words, Shuichi stood up. "Okay, then. Well, good night Kokichi."

That jolted some words into Kokichi. "Good night!? Dude, it's literally three in the afternoon!"

Too late.

The serious atmosphere was broken and Shuichi only shrugged, shooting Kokichi a weak, yet infuriating grin in his direction as he exited the room. "There's more ice in the freezer for when you need more. Don't drip any water on the carpet or I'll-"

"You'll what?" He narrowed his purple eyes. His nerves were getting the better of him after what happened just a few moments ago, causing him to be extremely sarcastic in attempts to play his fraying nerves off cool. "Chuck me out the window right after you promised not to let 'something like that happen again.'"

"I was thinking along the lines of the hammer again," Shuichi pondered before completely leaving the room with a short laugh over his shoulder.

"I need to know where that man keeps that sledgehammer," Kokichi muttered under his breath.

But his thoughts quickly darkened.

'Shuichi and I had kissed.

Shuichi fucking Saihara

He fucking put his tongue on my mouth!'

Kokichi yanked at his hair with one hand, trying to shove the memory out of my mind. Yet, part of him wanted to curl up on the couch, close his eyes, and reimagine the entire scene again in his head. Remember the emotions and his touches all over again.

"Sleep," Kokichi told myself. "I need sleep. That's it."

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