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"No. I'm not going. Let me sleep in peace! Five more minutes!"

The persistent shaking of Kokichi's shoulder never ceased, no matter how deep he buried his nose into the pillow.

"Why are you so damn lazy?" A familiar deep voice complained.

"Go to work by yourself," Kokichi blindly flung his hand out to try and knock the hand shaking his shoulder away.

"I want you to come with me, though," the whine only increased in tone.

Kokichi gave an annoyed, incoherent grunt.

Something then slapped his butt.

Kokichi's eyes flew open and he shot upright as if he'd been shot in the ass.

"Holy-" Shuichi's eyes widened to two huge pools of fear as Kokichi lunged at him.

He backpedaled, but not fast enough. Kokichi tackled him and they both went tumbling to the ground. Kokichi grabbed a whole fistful of his shirt in the front right below his neck.

"You do not get to touch my ass without my permission you disgusting waste of space cum eating asshole" Kokichi said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, yes, okay sorry," Shuichi's eyes were still huge.

"Say 'yes guardian angel," Kokichi demanded.

He visibly swallowed, Adam's apple bobbing. "Y-yes guardian angel."

Kokichi released his shirt and crawled off him, trying to ignore the way his heart had very quickly sped up at the feeling of being atop him. Trying to ignore the urge to look at his lips that had caressed his own almost a week ago.

"Will you come though?"

"No!" Kokichi threw his hands in the air. "What does it take to get the message 'no' across to a guy?"

Shuichi slowly sat up, eyes dark and calculating. "I'll buy you ice cream afterwards."

That made Kokichi pause. He narrowed his eyes. "What kind?"

"Any kind you want, triple scoop, and I won't judge you at all or call you 'fat' or anything," Shuichi added with a triumphant grin as he saw the expression shift on Kokichi's face.

"Wait- I literally weigh less than you do" Kokichi accused. 

"Your point?" He asked smugly. "Deal or no deal?"

Ten minutes later Kokichi was in the car on the way towards his workplace with him.

"So explain to me why you were so adamant to me tagging along," Kokichi tried to distract himself from staring at Shuichi by pretending to examine his nails. "You've never wanted me to do this before."

"I have an important meeting with the very board that my company runs under," Shuichi informed him as he sped through a yellow light.

Kokichi jerked my head up in surprise. "You mean you and Maki and those guys really aren't the heads of Blue Moon and Blue Moonlight?"

"We're the heads of Blue Moon and Moonlight, but the companies aren't 100%  independent companies either," Shuichi explained. "The Blue Moon company is part of a series of chains and branches of companies similar to ours in clothing. We're just well known because we've been the most successful. Of course, it's because Blue Moon has an amazing CEO wouldn't you agree?" He proudly flaunted.

"Blue Moonlight investigations is my personal company but I still needed funding and help to start it. That's why I am under a larger company. I'm the only one who is certified to create a detective agency, though. However, my being an amazing CEO doesn't hurt." 

Kokichi rolled his eyes at Shuichi's ending arrogant note, as he was glancing at Kokichi with a smirk curving his mouth upwards. "You're such a rich pain in the a-"

"Why do you hate 'rich' people so much?" He abruptly asked.

Kokichi started a tiny bit. "What?"

"Don't think I've noticed," Shuichi's expression had sobered and was dead serious as his eyes darted between the road and Kokichi. "You're always calling me names and muttering things to yourself that more or less revolve around cursing rich and expensive things or people."

Kokichi pursed his mouth.

"And you can't do that. You never have. You never will."

"Mama don't go!"

"In the wild, the mothers eventually leave their offspring. Guess little Ouma will just need to learn that sooner than usual."


Kokichi surfaced from the barrage of memories that had flooded his mind, triggered by Shuichi's words.

"Why does it matter?" Kokichi's words came out more sharper and colder than he meant them to be. "I can't have my own opinions?"

Shuichi shut his mouth with a click of the jaw and they drove the rest of the way in an awkward, frigid silence.

When they arrived Kokichi was surprised to see Keebo and Kirumi both waiting and pacing in the parking garage. The two snapped to attention when Shuichi parked and got out.

"Shuichi!" Kirumi darted to his side. "Rantaro is here."

Shuichi immediately stopped and Kokichi scrambled out of the car to better hear what was taking place. Unfortunately, he momentarily forgot that Keebo was still there and he stared with huge eyes as, to him, the passenger car door opened and closed seemingly all by itself.

"Why?" Shuichi's eyes narrowed.

"The Board asked for him," Kirumi replied in a low voice.

Kokichi saw his shoulders stiffen. He still had no clue what was going on between the two, but it was obvious that putting the two in one room was not a good idea.

"Uhm...S-Shuichi?" Keebo squeaked. "Is it normal for your car door to open and close on its own?"

Shuichi looked over his shoulder to stare at Keebo before shifting his eyes on Kokichi. Realization dawned on him when he gave a sheepish grin. "Yeah, uhm, my car needs to go to the shop pretty soon...?"

Keebo didn't reply, only continued to stare wide-eyed at the door.

"What are you going to do, Shuichi?" Kirumi asked, completely undaunted by the fact that Shuichi's car was perhaps possessed.

Shuichi dragged his eyes from Keebo to Kirumi and exhaled slowly. "Really, there's only one thing to do: suck it up."

"Shuichi, maybe you should give Rantaro a chance," Kirumi began slowly. "What happened between you and him-"

"I don't want to talk about it," Shuichi interrupted sharply and began to walk towards the building.

"Your bag!" Kokichi exclaimed as he realized he'd left his bag in the car. Kokichi quickly jerked open the car door and pulled out his professional bag, which was surprisingly heavy.

"Shuichi!" Keebo's voice high pitched and shrill. "Y-your bag might need to go to the shop too, I think!! It's floating in midair!!!"

Kokichi dropped the bag instantly and his cheeks flamed up as Shuichi turned around. He needed to be more careful.

Kokichi half expected him to come storming over to him and glare at him warning glance. Instead, he merely crossed over, brushing their shoulders as he reached down and grabbed the bag still fallen at the feet.

"I got some new technology I'm testing out," Was all he told Keebo.

"You've got ten more minutes," Kirumi warned, glancing at her watch.

"Let's not keep the directors or Rantaro waiting, shall we?" Shuichi's lips curled up in a smirk that made Kokichi's innermost angelic self shudder a little.


My mom wanted me to tell you all that she has covid and that she's glad I have something to do T^T

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