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"My great-grandmother could walk faster than you and she's dead!"

Shuichi stopped directly in his tracks to shoot Kokichi a blood-chilling death glare. Oh if looks could kill.

Kokichi just grinned a little. He knew Shuichi couldn't respond because they were in public and people would think he was crazy. And with his high position, who knew whether someone could be watching him or recognize him.

Shuichi resumed walking, making a point to walk even slower.

"You kids always taking your dilly-dawdling time and blocking everyone nowadays!" A grouchy old woman's voice yelled at the high and mighty CEO, causing him to flinch aside to reveal a bent old lady wrapped in scarves and a coat.

"Ah! I'm so s-sorry," he gaped a tiny bit.

The little old lady resumed hobbling along her grouchy way in jerky movements, muttering curses under her breath.

There was a pause and then Kokichi doubled over in laughter. He didn't even stop when a great force shoved him into the grass next to the sidewalk as Shuichi shoved past him.

The image of the little granny yelling at Shuichi, who was at least three feet taller than her and packed with muscle, was just too priceless.

When Kokichi finally caught his breath his assignment was a solid ten feet away from him, hands shoved deep in his pockets as he continued his way to the rescue center.

By the time Kokichi caught up with him, he was standing in front of the rescue center that the supposed Bombay kitten was in. He was gazing quietly through the glass where his citrine eyes could get a glimpse of birds and rabbits in cages inside.

Before he could enter, though, some girl squeals resounded between the two as Shuichi turned just as a girl came up behind him.

She looked about their age, she had soft features and a gentle smile.  Kokichi swallowed hard as he watched her shoot Shuichi a shy smile.

"H-Hi, Mr. Saihara," she began in a soft, sweet voice.

Something inside Kokichi's twisted even more when Shuichi returned the smile a little.

"I...I was wondering if...I could get your number?" The girl managed to get out before exploding into a stream of words right after nervously. "Of course you don't have to because I know you're a very important man and I'm just a nobody you have no clue about and you probably think I'm really weird right now and I'm sorry and oh, god, I'm really babbling aren't I?"

Shuichi gave a low chuckle. "What's your name?" he inquired.

"Yuri," the girl blushed.

"Yuri," Shuichi shot a slightly amused grin. "Nice to meet you. You're very pretty...you remind me of myself a few years ago.." Yuri's face deepened in a blush. "...but I'm sorry to say I'm not interested."

"Oh," Yuri bowed her head, letting her long hair obscure part of her face. "I totally understand. But...I'm curious, why?" the last word was all but whispered.

'So much for totally understanding.'

Kokichi watched in curiosity as Shuichi squared his shoulders a little. "Because my heart's been taken by someone else."

Kokichi choked a little. 

Yuri nodded once quietly before slipping away.

"What kind of cheesy reply was that?" Kokichi demanded. "That was like straight from a rom-com! Besides, who the heck is this girl? And why haven't you ever told me about her? You know it's not nice to keep secrets from your guardian angel!!"

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