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A huge weight jumping on and squashing Kokichi into the pillows was what woke him up.

Kokichi groaned under the weight, not even bothering to see what was happening. He already knew: Shuichi had jumped on him like a retriever in an effort to wake him up.

Ever since Kokichi finally became visible to everyone (which took a surprising amount of time to readjust to), Shuichi had been shameless in finding one way or another to sidle up next to Kokichi or touch him some way or another, especially in public.

A brush of fingers here, a nudge with the shoulder there.

The two hadn't actually kissed though since the night in the bathtub, and they hadn't really talked about where they stood with one another officially. But the growing need to be together was undeniable for both Kokichi and Shuichi, the increasing desire of each other at night, and the unavoidable glances exchanged with each other every day.

It sent thrills down Kokichi, but at the same time, it just made the knot of guilt in his stomach twist up more as he hadn't told Shuichi the truth of what he'd done.

Kokichi hadn't felt weird or felt himself weakening and it had been a week since the Keeper incident, which had begun to give him some sort of false hope that maybe...just maybe...the Keeper was lying the whole time. But deep in his gut, he knew that sooner or later something was going to go awry. The keeper had no tells, no way to know if he was telling the truth or a lie. It was unnerving. 

The body on top of him wriggled around a little and Kokichi jerked up his elbow, connecting with a hard bone.

"Ow! Hey! That was my jaw!!" Shuichi's indignant yell caused Kokichi to open his eyes.

Kokichi glanced at Shuichi, watching him rub a red mark on his chin ruefully in the corner of his purple eyes before closing them again. Kokichi was feeling more tired than usual that morning and was not in the mood to deal with Shuichi bothering him..odd. He was normally the one bothering. 

"Jeez, I think you're worse than Kaito when it comes to getting you up from sleep," Shuichi grumbled as he finally slid off the smaller.

Kokichi snuggled deeper into the covers of the small bed he slept in.

Shuichi huffed. "There's something genuinely important I need to talk to you about though," he practically whined.

Kokichi opened one eye.

The not-so-manly man was sitting crisscrossed in navy blue sweatpants and an oversized off-black T-shirt in front of Kokichi, shooting the angel his signature smile.

Kokichi closed his eye again. 

"You're so damn lazy, even a sloth would look energetic compared to you."

Kokichi flipped him off briefly before tucking it back in under the covers.

Kokichi heard Shuichi exhale in defeat before his footsteps padded away. A small tinge of guilt shot through his body. It's totally not like he was hiding something that could possibly be very dangerous and lif- Abruptly Kokichi felt a bag of freezing cold wetness land on his neck.

"MOTHERFU-" He jerked awake in a second and shot up out of bed so fast blood rushed too quickly from his head.

Shuichi had dropped a bag of ice on him.

He shot Kokichi an unapologetic grin. "Oops. But, Hey! You're up now, yeah?"

"Excuse me, I'm going to the kitchen and I might or might not look for a big butcher knife," Kokichi hissed in annoyance, beginning to stand up.

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