Ch. 25

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~Lauren's P.O.V~
These past couple weeks have been going fairly well, we haven't had any really good days since the whole Austin Mahone situation. It's been about 2 months since then and they finally "broke up". I'm glad it's finally over because for a second I thought that Camila might have been actually starting to like him. I know she loves me but it's still nerve racking to have to see your girlfriend be happy with someone else. I don't think she was happy that she was "dating" him so to say, I just think she was happier being able to express a relationship wether it was real or fake publicly. Management tried to make it seem like I was dating Brad from the Vamps but that ended quickly because we never saw each other and the fans already knew that whole thing was complete bullshit from day one. I'm just glad all this can finally settle down and we can go back to normal. Camz and I have been able to interact more in front of the camera again finally, and the fans are definitely happy about that. Things have just been going pretty smoothe lately and Reflection just came out so everyone's just been partying all the time. It was so funny watching Ally get drunk for the album release party, although technically I wasn't there. My grandma passed away and it hit me pretty hard, I'm still in Miami but I've been watching the girls on YouTube a lot. It sucks that I'm not with them this week because of the album but my family is way more important especially now. My flight leaves tomorrow afternoon so I'll be back with the girls soon. Everybody on Twitter was so sweet and that's really what got me through this entire thing. I've also been on tumblr a lot lately and the harmonizers have been going crazy over what I post. A lot of it is indirects to Camila and they've caught on to that because she replies to them sometimes but Camz got mad at me the other day because I reposted a picture that had a semi naked girl in it, but I mean cmon she was hot and the picture was really cool looking I couldn't help it. I just miss her. I haven't been in her arms in so long and I hate it. I just want to be able to show her off but I'm scared. Not even scared more like terrified. I don't know how people are going to react, most of management hates the idea of us coming out. I haven't even told my parents yet so I still have that on my shoulders. On the other hand Camila just wants to get it over with, she hasn't told her parents either but it's only because she wants to tell them in person. I just don't know what to do, I mean I have a perfectly good chance to tell them right now but I wouldn't be able to live if they hated me or disowned me or ugh I don't know I just feel like something terrible is going to happen. Maybe I should just get it over with, both my parents and siblings are downstairs I should just do it now.
I finally convince myself to tell them and I make my way downstairs. "Hey mija are you okay?" I stared directly into my dads eyes and I knew that I made a terrible mistake in doing so. His eyes are so innocent and happy and I hate that I might ruin them. "Yeah dad umm there's just something I have to tell you guys.." They pause uneasily and they all look unsure as to what I might say. "You can tell us anything baby." My mom says and I start relaxing a bit. "Mami, I don't really know how to tell you this but I need too so I'm just gonna say it." My dad starts gripping onto the recliner like he's grasping on for dear life and that's when my adrenaline kicks in and the blood in my veins starts rushing. Both Taylor and Chris are looking at me like I'm crazy. "Well cmon Laur spit it out." I glare at Chris and he looks down scared that he was trying to rush me. "Mom, dad...I like in I'm g-gay." My mom looks at my dad and my dad just looks down at the floor. Nobody is saying anything and I'm like starting to sweat over here. My mom was just about to open her mouth when my dad gets up and just walks away. Ugh I knew this would happen! I fucked up and I should've just kept my mouth shut. Now he hates me. Tears brim my eyelids and I sit back onto the couch as my mom just stares at me. "Mija don't worry about him, he loves you he just needs a little time. I love you very much and whatever sexuality you are doesn't change my love for you. Trust me Mija your dad will come around just give him a bit. I get up off of the couch and run into my mothers arms. She lets out a chuckle and I squeezed even tighter. "I love you mami." Tears fall from her eyes and I started smiling till I remembered that my dad was still not here. "I love you to mija, go talk to your father." I look down and she pats my shoulder. I already know where he is because whenever he's stressed or angry he goes into the garage and starts working on one of his cars. I walked on the creeking wood floor and opened the garage door to find none other than my dad sitting on the roof of his car. I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He jumped at my touch but was soon calm again. That's what I love about him, he was always so calm. He never yelled or was rude, he was just a calm and patient man. "Hey." was really all I could get to come out of my mouth from how nervous I was. "Hi mija. Look I'm sorry I stormed out, I'm just, this just caught me off gaurd." He look up at me with a small smile and pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you so much Lauren, nothing's going to change that. I was just nervous and didn't really know how to respond or react." I hugged him tighter then kissed his cheek, it was always so rough from his shaven beard. "I love you too dad. It's okay I understand it's a lot to take in all of the sudden." He smiled at me and I sat down against the hood of the car beside him. "So I mean, how do you know? Do you like have a girlfriend or something?" I look down at the floor in between my legs and wondered if it was best to tell him about me and Camila. I mean I've already gotten this far, I might as well just tell him and get it over with. "Yeah...about that. I do have a girlfriend and umm its...its Camz." He turned his head towards me with his eyes wide and his mouth hung open. "Is that okay dad? Are you okay?" He wasn't answering for a while until he finally said "Damnit mija now I owe your mother 20 bucks. Thanks a lot!" He ran inside before I could say anything and I followed quickly behind him to find both him and my mother in the kitchen jumping like excited 2 year olds that just won some lollipops. "Woah woah wait a second here! So you're telling me that you bet him 20 dollars that I was dating Camila?!" They both looked up at me and laughed. "Mom? Really?" She couldn't stop laughing and I was growing even more confused by the minute. "I'm sorry mija it's just so obvious. The way you two look at each other and are inseparable. I mean shit, even the fans caught on." by now she was like on the floor cackling. "Oh my god you guys are crazy." I started laughing as I walked back into the living room to see Taylor and Chris just staring at me. I sat down on the leather couch until I heard a voice speak up. "Wait so 1. You're gay and 2. You and Camila are a thing?" My 12 year old sister Taylor said and I nodded. "Ugh cmon really?!" I shuffled my eyebrows at Chris not understanding why he looked upset and rolling his eyes. "Don't worry about Chris he's just annoyed that he thought he had a chance with Camila." I started bursting out laughing at him. Oh my god this little idiot. "Sorry little bro that Cabello is mine but you're very much welcome to go after Sofi. I hear you two would be great tea party buddies and you'd get along great with her best friend mr. cuddles her stuffed bear." I said as tears were coming out of my eyes from laughing so hard. Oh wow I gotta call Camz and tell her this. I ran back upstairs and grabbed my phone quickly dialing her number. "Hi Lolo. What's up?" I smiled at my nickname and the sound of her voice that I missed way too much. "Hi baby girl guess what?" She asked what and I continued on telling her how everything went with my parents and about Chris. "Okay that's totally weird I definitely would never in a million years like Chris, I prefer a different Jauregui but shh don't tell her." I laughed at her stupidity and we ended up talking for about 10 minutes until her and the other girls had to go to a dress fitting for our outfits for tour. "Alright babe I gotta go, call me tomorrow when you land okay?" "Yeah baby love you." She said love you too and hung up. Its been a matter of seconds and I already miss her voice. When your with someone in person always take advantage of the time you have to talk to them because when they're not around it sucks and you just wanna be back with them and talk and cuddle for hours. That's just me though I don't know about you.
I went on Twitter for a while till it got late and I ended up falling asleep to my music. I just want to be on the plane already..

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