Ch. 14

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~Camila's P.O.V~
When I woke up I felt arms around my waste. I looked down at myself wearing my pink onesie and Lauren holding on to me. The thoughts of what happened last night came rushing back. Lauren was still asleep but I didn't want to move, I wanted to enjoy being in we arms as long as it lasted. Last night scared the shit out of me, I thought that was it. I thought we were over and that she would never love me or be my friend again. The reminder of how we left things last night calmed me until I felt Lauren start to wake up. I closed my eyes again and pretended to be asleep so I could avoid us talking at all costs. "I'm so sorry. I love you my pink princess." She said as she kissed my forehead and I knew that it was safe to wake up, well at least pretend to wake up. I stretched out a little bit making it seem as if I was just getting up and opened my eyes to find Lauren looking at me. We stared into each other's eyes. A mix of fear and love filled out eyes and it didn't take long for her to attach her lips to mine. God I missed this. The too short of a kiss ended and as we pulled apart I still had my eyes closed. I took a deep breathe and slowly opened them finding the green eyes once again. I pulled her into a hug and squeezed as hard as I could. "I love you Lolo, so much." "I love you to Camzzi don't ever forget that." She hugged back and we just kinda stayed there for a while letting each other's bodies soak into one anothers. "C'mon princess lets go breakfast." I smiled at her calling princess and I remembered the picture of me she posted on instagram. We made our way downstairs not caring that we both looked like mascara smeared wrecks with puffy red eyes. We got funny looks but laughed together about it instead of taking offense. We saw the other girls at a table and joined them once we got all of our food. They gave us looks and we could tell that now was the time we had to tell them our secret. "So I'm guessing this is the part were we tell you why we acted the way we did last night." Lauren started. They gave us sarcastic laughs but it wasn't in a mean way. "Lauren and I...Lolo is my girlfriend. We're together and we have been for a couple of days now. I ran into some guy last night and he knocked me over. It made I seem like we were kissing but really he almost broke my jaw." I laughed at the thought and how my mouth still hurt, but continued. "Lauren saw and thought that I was cheating but I wasn't." She grabbed my hand under the table knowing it was still a touchy subject. "We got into an argument and well you know the rest." The only one with wide eyes was Normani and I was wondering what was going through Ally's head that made her look so calm. Dinah already knows so I didn't even pay attention to her cause I knew she wasn't gonna be surprised or anything. I was confused when nobody answered until Lauren spoke up. "Dinah was the first one to know about the relationship and my feelings toward Camz. We didn't tell her the smart ass just figured it out on her own. And Camz I'm pretty sure Ally figured it out to since if it wasn't for her little speech to me last night I would've never came into your room. So now it's just you Mani, please say something." I chewed my nails as I watched the gears turn in Mani's head. "Obviously I love you both no matter what and will support you through anything. I don't like seeing you upset. Just know when I say this is goes for both of you. If either one of you ends up hurting each other I will personally beat the crap out of whoevers' fault I was because I love you both. Got it?" I began shaking and Lauren squeezed my hand under the table calming me down as she saw sweat drop from my head. Mani was very intimidating when she wants to be. We both nodded and went along with our day. Mostly the girls started arguing over who was the captain of 'Camren' until we both told them that Dinah had already claimed that place. We all laughed over it and took selfies before we got ready to go onstage and perform our hearts out. Now that, that whole mess is over I'm glad I can finally start fresh and go give this show my all. I was gonna say life is great but not trying to jinx that shit. It's so crazy that we go through so much struggle and sacrifice and all this bad stuff can happen to us but yet were so small. We're just a small dot in the universe, compared to all these gigantic planets and galaxies. We're nothing but specs that couldn't even be seen under a microscope. It's almost as if we're nothing but also in in a big way something. We're the little tiny specs that go through a great amount of pain and suffering just to make it in this world. This crazy, yet fantastic world.

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