Ch. 10

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~Camila's P.O.V~
Today's the day. Today's the day I find my sign. If I don't find it that means I don't have feelings for her, but if I find it well....I still have no fucking clue what happens after that yet. We have an interview today and I'm really nervous and excited. I don't necessarily think it's because of the interview more so about the fact that today I'll have to make the biggest decision of my life. I hopped out of bed and went to put on my outfit for today. All the other girls got hair and make up done first and I'm usually always last because I take the longest to get ready. I looked over to Lauren sitting in the corner and found myself staring for quite a while. What can I say she's beautiful, nobody could deny that. She looked up and met my gaze but I soon found her eyes wandering elsewhere on my body but quickly snapped out of it and returned back to her book. I couldn't help but laugh a bit at the way Lauren looks at me. It's either like she wants to get in my pants or it's like I'm the only one she sees. That look right there was the get in your pants look. I made my way over to her and sat on her lap intertwining our fingers. She immediately froze and tried to ignore my presence but I knew when I took deep breathes on her neck she was all hot and bothered. I laughed at myself and just continued. I liked us like this. Being in Lauren's presence made me feel special. Everyone was done now and our manager said we had to make our way towards the interview room. Lauren sprung off me and I could tell she was waiting for our moment to end. She took a seat on the stool and I found myself sitting on the one next to her.
~The Interview~
"What's up ladies and gentlemen! Im here with the incredibly beautiful and talented Fifth Harmony. How are you doing today ladies?"
L~ Great besides the fact that it's 7am.
I~ Haha yeah waking up early always sucks. So you guys are now on the Neon Lights tour with Demi! How amazing is that?
C~ It's crazy. I remember sitting in my room listening her and watching like Camp Rock and now were here living our dream. It's amazing and I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else.
N~ Yeah what Mila said. It's amazing to do what I love with these girls, they're my sisters now and I love them.
I find myself staring at Lauren's eyes. They hold so much of mixed emotions. They're beautiful but express hurt and vulnerability. They have happiness filled in them but if you look close enough you'll see that as much as there is happiness one thing always seems to overpower it and that's sadness. This is it. This is my sign. Her eyes. One of the many things about her that I love but they have always been my favorite. I find safety in her eyes. They're excepting and I love the fact that as much time will go on and no matter how old we get, her eyes are the one thing that will never change.
I~ speaking of each other, name your favorite and least favorite characteristic about one another.
A~ I guess we could start with you Camila.
C~ Okay I'll start with Ally and make my way to Lauren. Ally, my favorite thing about you is your positivity and my least favorite thing about is that you're so much smarter than me. Normani, my favorite thing about you is that you're fierce and independent. My least favorite thing about you is that you dance better than me. Dinah, my favorite thing about you is that you can talk to people about anything and you won't judge them and my least favorite thing about you hahaha is that you have boobs and I don't. And finally Lauren, my favorite thing about you well I mean there's so many but probably your eyes and your smile and the fact that you can make me laugh even if I was bawling my eyes out. My least favorite thing about you is that sometimes you question your beauty and it gets me mad because you're like the most beautiful person inside and out and I know and sometimes you forget that.
L~ Thank you Camz, I love you so much!
She got off her stool and hugged me so tight. It was then that it really hit me that I was in love with my best friend. I loved her and I needed her to know that.
The interview ended and we were back in the bus. Mine and Lauren's hands were intertwined and the butterflies in my stomach won't stop. Ever since what I said in our interview Lo has been hesitant with me. When I touch her it takes her a second to relax but I know what I'm doing is wrong. I touch her and all she is probably thinking about is how this is just me being friendly and not because I have feelings for her. I need to tell her because seeing her fake smiles and act like she's happy when I know she's not causes me so much pain. I don't know how I'm gonna tell her but I need to and fast! She rests her hand on my thigh and I feel like my ovaries just exploded. I can't handle this anymore. "Lauren..can I um...can I see you in t-the back please?" I question what I'm about to do but know it's for the best. She nods and we close the now sealed shut door blocking us from the other girls. Leaving me to do what I've always wanted but never really admitted to till now. "What's up Ca-" I push her agains the couch and climb on top of her straddling her waste. Her eyes go wide and rest my now shaky hands on her blushed cheeks. "Just shut up and kiss me okay?" Is all that comes out of my mouth before our to lips collide. I don't wanna be stereotypical but I feel fireworks erupt everywhere on my body. She wasn't responding at first but eventually reciprocated, and when I say reciprocated this girl did exactly that. She let her hand fall on my waste an deepened our lustful kiss. When oxygen was beginning to become an issue we slowly parted. I looked into her eyes and realization came to me that I just did what I did. "Woah" was all that escaped the lips that were combined with mine just seconds ago. For some reason I couldn't break our eye contact and saw the beautiful green orbs that earlier were filled sadness, were now absorbed by complete passion. I was still straddling onto her when I let my lips linger on her forehead. "Lauren Michelle Jauregui you are the most beautiful girl I have ever had the pleasure of knowing." She pecked my lips once again and looked back into my eyes. "Karla Camila Cabello you have no idea how long Ive wanted to do that." I giggled and slid off of her lap and took her hand to pull her up. "You should do it again later when we have a sleepover in your bunk." "Please tell me I'm not dreaming." I laughed at her response and winked at her "You are definitely not dreaming." We left the room with our fingers connected and sat back down with the now confused band mates staring at the huge smile that took up our faces. Little did they know that baby Camzzi just got her first kiss.

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