Ch. 22

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~Lauren's P.O.V~
I was walking towards Camila's bunk when I felt my vibrating phone in the back pocket of my jeans. I pulled it out and pressed the answer button when I saw Simon's name come across the top of the phone. "Hey what's Simon!" He took a deep breath and as the words spilled out of his mouth my heart rate started to move at a faster pace. "Lauren why are all the fans going crazy over this whole "Camren" thing? I can't have people thinking I have lesbians in the group!" I was furious at the things he was saying. What's the matter with being lesbian? "I'm not sure, you know how all the fans are every group has people they like together. I'm sure they mean it as just friends." I tried to cover up but I knew that was totally incorrect. The fans shipped us way more than friends they luxury cruised that shit. "Well I can't have this getting out of hand. I need you to space yourself from Camila. I don't care what you do behind cameras but I cannot have people assuming things that are incorrect. That ruins my reputation, got it?" Water was forming in my eyes as the thought of not being able to be around Camila made my mind go crazy. "Yeah I got it." I said with rage in my voice. "Please don't be angry with me Lauren. I don't mean to come off as rude trust me. I'm the least homophobic person I just can't have rumors spreading it doesn't look good on either of our parts. Trust me I'm just looking out for you. But first of all are you and Camila actually together or is this just fans overreacting?" I froze as I wondered if I should tell him. I mean the girls know but that's different, what if he tells my parents? "Yes we are..." I finally admitted because I didn't want to lie to the man that was in control of basically our entire lives, and it just seemed like the right thing to do. "Well I'm happy for you, I only want the best for you girls and if she makes you happy I'm all for it. I just don't want this getting out without you having any control over it. If you want we can figure something out but I'm sorry as of right now please just be a little more careful." I took a deep breath as a million rocks just drifted off my shoulders. "Thank you she makes me incredibly happy and I understand were you're coming from and I'll let Camila know." "Okay have a great day. I have a huge surprise for you guys pretty soon!" With that he hung up and I was left wondering what our surprises were. Especially if it's as he said "huge". I continued my journey to Camilas bunk and climbed in when I saw her watching SpongeBob. "Hey Lo." She said in her cute little voice. "Hi, look I have something to tell you." She sat up and paused the movie as I got ready to explain the previous events. "What's up?" I got nervous as I prepared myself for what I was about to tell her. "Simon said that we have to distance ourselves a little bit in front of the cameras because of the whole Camren thing, but it's okay! He knows we're together and he's fine with it he just doesn't want anybody making rumors up about us. He just wants us to be in control of what happens without it getting out of hand." I couldn't read what she was thinking and as she sat there silently I was even more nervous than before. "So you're telling me you told Simon about us, without even asking me first!?" Anger fufilled her face and I didn't even know what to say. "I'm sorry it just sort of came out. I didn't want to lie to him." I got scared of what would happen. We just got back on good terms I don't want her to be mad at me. "Just please go. I need time to think." She lightly pushed me out of her bunk as the tears that I was trying to hide fell off of my cheeks. "But Camz I don't understand why are you upset?" She saw my tears and looked away as if she couldn't even stand to see my face. "I just...what if tells our parents. I'm not ready for that Lauren!" She screamed and I jumped back in shock that she had just yelled at me. "We can tell him not to I promise he'll understand, please don't be mad." She finally looked in my eyes and regret filled hers. "Oh my god I'm sorry, I just...please don't cry I didn't mean to yell. I'm just scared." She realized what she had done as I tried to wipe the tears out from my eyes. She gestured for me to come back in the bunk but I denied and made my way to the couch in the other room. I heard footsteps behind me as I buried my face deep into the couch cushion. I felt a hand wrap around my body and another one remove the hair that was draped in front of my face. "Im sorry Lauren I didn't mean to take my anger out on you I'm just worried. I'm not ready for my parents to find out." I didn't reply I just laid there looking into her soft eyes. They were warm and inviting now not cold like before. She kneeled down and placed a kiss on my cheek and climbed onto the couch next to me. "It's ok." I whispered almost inaudible as she was now laying next to me facing, our faces in front of each others. "No it's not I yelled and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset." I moved my mouth to hers to reassure her that I was ok. She kissed back and I felt more relaxed. "I love you princess." she mumbled into my cheek and I couldn't help but crack a smile. "I love you too." I said as I shut my eyes and fell asleep in complete bliss.
Update cuz HOLY SHIT 4.07K !!

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