Ch. 21

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~Camila's P.O.V~
Honestly I'm not sure how I feel. No I'm not mad but I couldn't take it when Lauren said she hated me. That is the worst thing that has ever happened to me hands down. I was relieved when she apologized but I'm still a little shaken up about it. I don't want to fight with her or ignore her but I'm just I don't know, nothing like this has never happened so I'm not sure how to deal with it or react. Did she really hate me? At least for those couple hours? Or was that the anger talking? I don't know. This is giving me a headache and sitting in this stupid restaurant with these stupid tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. I was holding back everything I could, I haven't said one word besides when I talked to Ellen for like 5 seconds. That was the best part of my day because she is so amazing and I'm in love with that show. As my thoughts raced around in my head I felt Lauren keep moving uneasily in the booth. She wouldn't stop moving so I grabbed her hand under the table and tried to calm her down by rubbing the pad of my thumb against the back of her hand. She stopped like a deer in headlights when our skin touched. There it was. The burning sensation I feel when I touch her skin. This was the only thing I needed. This is the only thing that made me stop and tell myself to get my shit together. This whole situation was getting to me and I haven't even let Lauren explain herself. I'm overreacting and I need to hear her out first. The rest of the girls were finishing their food while me and Lauren had already finished. I brought my mouth to her ear and gently whispered. "Follow me to the bathroom please." I got up and she slid out of the booth along side me. We made our way towards the back of the restaurant were the restrooms were located and I haven't turned around to look at her, I just kept my head forward and walked like if I looked back there would be a million people staring at me. I pushed open the door and leaned against the wall as Lauren followed. "Camz.." I kept my eyes stationed on the floor as I heard her heals walk in front of me. She took her hand and lifted my chin to have her eyes meet with mine. God those freaking eyes get to me every time. The subtle mix of green and what seemed to be a gold color. I could get lost in them for hours, but I mean who couldn't? She is literally perfection, well my version of perfection. "Hi." was the only word I could make out. "Listen, please let me explain myself before you jump to conclusions. I already feel like an asshole." She looked down and now it was my turn to lift her chin up to me. "You aren't an asshole, if anything I am for ignoring and completely avoiding you at all costs." We both giggled a little and she looked back into my eyes. "Yeah that was a little harsh but it doesn't matter now. What happened was I was walking past the room and heard a few things...consisting of you saying I meant nothing to you. I felt like someone literally dug their hand into my skin and ripped my heart out of my chest. I didn't know you were on the phone with your mom, well until Dinah came and found me sobbing in a utilities closet." Tears fell out of my eyes and I couldn't even begin to think that I was her reason for being upset. "Baby please don't cry, I don't want what I'm saying to make you feel like it's your fault. I promise you it's not." I wiped off her tears and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I know I just...I don't want to be the reason for your tears. I mean I made you fricken cry in a janitors closet. You have to know that I would never mean that, ever! I love you and you mean everything to me." More tears fell and as each one fell it was one more that she would wipe away. "I know and I love you to, more than anything. Will it make you feel better if I told you it wasn't that bad? I mean the closet smelt like old cheese but it wasn't the worst thing." I laughed and she rested her hand on my cheek and skidded her thumb across my skin. "There's the smile I love." God she makes me feel like I'm the only thing in this world. When I'm with her I feel like my feet aren't even on the ground, I'm floating and she's the only thing keeping me from falling. I wiped away the rest of the tears in my wet eyes and embraced her body into a hug. I squeezed so tight. I never wanted to not be able to hold her. I pulled my head back and pressed my lips on hers. They were so plump but subtle and they felt like the clouds. That probably doesn't make any sense at all but to explain myself better they felt like the way you feel when you're in the car and you're looking at the sky. When the clouds look like you could just cuddle up with them and they're so puffy. I loved our kisses. Her kisses. They were always the right amount of sensitivity and softness. She knew how much to put into it and our mouths fit perfectly together. I pulled her body closer and her hips rested against mine. Tingles spread like wild fire when one of your arms or legs falls asleep and when you move it, it turns into pins and needles. We parted and just pretty much stared at each other for a while, not letting time ruin our moment. It was just us. This old, run down bathroom with not the greatest smell but I loved every second of it. She placed another peck on me and grabbed my hand as we walked out of the bathroom. We made our way back to the table were 3 other girls with confusion all over there faces now took place. When they saw our hands intertwined they all took a deep breath. "Finally you guys made up." Dinah said as she took another sip of her sprite. "Shut up Dinah." Lauren said. "Dont sit down, we're leaving I already paid." We both nodded and made our way out of the restaurant. We made our way back to the car and got in. Ally was driving and turned up the radio. Beyoncé was playing and of course Dinah and Normani flipped shit and started twerking in their seats. Unfortunatley for them it was the end of the song and as the next song played we all noticed the first sounds to fill the car. We all froze and looked at each other with gigantic smiles plastered on our faces as we heard the intro to sledgehammer. We broke out and started sledgejammin. I was doing my famous dance called 'the sprinkler' while the rest of the girls were booty poppin. I had to admit Lauren looked really sexy dancing. She always gets me to stare at her when she dances, I don't know how many camren shippers have little gifs of me getting caught staring at her ass or just her in general. I watched her as I bit down on my lip. She noticed and did a body roll that took me by surprise and literally made me melt. "Damn Lo, that was hot." I heard Dinah say and I couldn't help but feel a pange of jealousy. Lauren laughed but I glared at Dinah when she met my eye contact. I slumped back into my seat and went on my Twitter to talk to a couple fans and pretend I was doing something when I was really just playing with buttons. We made our way back to the bus and got ready for our show. Everyone split up for hair and make-up and I was a little nervous about not being with Lauren for 2 hours. She's literally like my magnet. I don't want to ever be away from her.

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